The Moslem Sunrise, October 1921
The illumined address presented to Dr MM Sadiq in London on the eve of his departure for America
Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem Nahmado-hu-wa-nusalli ala Rasuli hil-Kareem
Rev. Mufti Mohammad Sadiq
B Phil, FPC (London),
FC Chrom, ASP, MRAS, Ahmadi Missioner.
Our Respected and Dear Brother and Teacher:
Peace be with you and Mercy and Blessings of Allah the Almighty and Gracious. It is with mingled feelings of joy and sorrow that we Ahmadees of England have gathered today to bid you farewell. We are sorry to part from you because we all love you and you love us. We are glad because you now carry the Message of Islam to the farthest West, thus fulfilling prophecies of the Master-Prophet Muhammad and the Promised Messiah and Mehdi, the Prophet Ahmad, peace be upon both.
Those who live for God and His creatures, never die, so we hope that your benevolence and cheerful ways shall never be forgotten in this country.
The great number of converts to Islam secured by you in this land shall make a prominent page in the history of Great Britain.
The tender plant of Islam that has been strengthened so much through your incessant efforts of three years shall grow stronger and stronger every day until it will cover not only England for the whole continent of Europe.
Dear Brother, our parting request to you is not to forget us in your prayers.
May Allah bless you and bless all your undertakings and be with you wherever you be, and may create friends and helpers to you and make your days of sojourn in America a blessing to the Americans as well as the Ahmadia Brotherhood. Ameen.
With renewed prayers and wishing you a safe voyage and happy fortune, we remain.
Yours Fraternally,
(Sd.) President and Secretary
Farewell Committee. London, 21 January 1920.
(Transcribed by Al Hakam from the original in The Moslem Sunrise, October 1921)