Al Hakam 21 June 1918

In the previous issue of Al Hakam, we wrote on the events until the latest and final telegram of 14 June 1918 concerning the return of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra]. As was obvious from the telegram, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, Hazrat Ummul Momineen [Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara], members of the family of the Promised Messiahas and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and some servants arrived at Batala station at midnight of 14 June. From Qadian, Mufti Fazl-ur-Rahman Sahib, Syed Asad Ali Shah Sahib, many others like Maulvi Abdul Mughni Sahib and Maulvi Neik Alam Sahib and I (Editor Al Hakam) were already present at the station.
The arrival of Huzoor and members of the Promised Messiah’sas family sent a wave of happiness among those present. Hazrat Ummul Momineen was in good health, although the fatigue and discomfort could be sensed due to the journey. Huzoor was extremely happy. Huzoor desired to go straight to Dalhousie, however I humbly suggested that Huzoor return to Qadian and respectfully attempted to convey the passion, sentiments and emotions of the residents of Qadian. This request was graciously accepted and Huzoor journeyed for Qadian Dar-ul-Aman [place of peace] on the morning of 15 June.
Huzoor started the journey from Batala on a horse and rode horseback. Initially we thought that perhaps after a short break Huzoor would board a tanga [horse-pulled vehicle], but having set off on a horse, the tanga was not able to keep up. Huzoor strode forth on horseback.
Syed Asad Ali Shah Sahib was on a horse alongside Huzoor. That sight was extremely impressive and moving where Huzoor marched forward as the chief of the caravan with the caravan following. People travelled on tangas, horse-carts and behlis [small ox-drawn two-wheeled vehicles], while some were on foot, and they all met at Qadian. The Qadian Jamaat, along with their Amir, Maulvi Sher Ali Sahib, welcomed their beloved Imam at the river [near Qadian]. Alongside his Jamaat, Huzoor walked from there to Qadian at his customary fast pace for approximately two miles. Due to Huzoor’s pace, many companions would have to run to keep up.
Huzoor got on the horse again on the path that leads to Qadian away from the main road and, at a slow pace, entered Qadian alongside his companions. All praise belongs to Allah!
Having left Qadian a month and twelve days ago in a state where he was extremely thin, frail and consequently carried in a palanquin, he entered as an expert horseman. Again, all praise belongs to Allah!
Insha-Allah I will try to gather all the information pertaining to this journey and other aspects into an interesting article for a future issue. Huzoor is determined to travel to Dalhousie.
On 15 June, the weather was extremely pleasant and Huzoor’s health is now much better Alhamdulillah.
I congratulate everyone on the recovery of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s health and Hazrat Ummul Momineen’s health and urge everyone to keep Huzoor in their prayers. Perhaps tomorrow, 22 June, Huzoor might depart for Dalhousie.
[Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfani]