100 Years Ago… – Letters of new converts to Nayyar Sahib, the Ahmadi missionary in Africa


Al Fazl, 30 June 1921

Below are some letters of newly converted Ahmadi Muslims which they wrote to the revered Maulvi Abdur Rahim Sahib, Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Africa. These letters show how much sincerity and love our Western new Muslim brothers and sisters have for Islam. Friends are requested to pray that may God Almighty help them progress in their faith and make them a source of guidance for others. 


Ms Hameedah Stroud writes:

“I pray that God may grant new life to those who are as heedless, as a dead person, to Islam and the teachings of Ahmadas. May He bring them back to the Holy Prophet’ssa tenets and may this come to fruition through you. Yes, through you, who have been honoured by Allah with the position of spreading the glad tidings of the Holy Prophetsa in West Africa.

“I will pray to Allah that I see you again. I am sure that a large number of people in Hyde Park who are taking interest in the teachings of Islam will surely miss you in your absence. May Allah the Almighty reward you tenfold for the goodness you have instilled in the English Ahmadis and other people.”

Ms Saleha Edison states:

“On Sunday mornings, you would [at times] seem anxious about the results of your works. However, even if people did not accept your message, they still cannot forget it. If I hadn’t stepped forward after listening to your speeches in the park, I would never have forgotten what I heard. Moreover, there are people in this country who are very reluctant to talk about their spiritual condition. Therefore, there are probably a lot of people like me who reckon and understand what good you have done to them, but do not consider them worthy of expressing their own goodness.”

Ms Gornell writes:

“O Indian brother! You have been doing spiritual work in London for me and many others. I pray that God may bless your work.

“Now, dear brother Nayyar, take good care of your health in Africa and come back to us in the [Hyde] Park. I will keep praying to God to help you and bless you.” 

The second officer of the SS Bruto ship, dear brother Ahmad Frank C Bowen, writes from the ship:

Abdur (an expression of love)! We stayed on the ship for only five days. I wish we had spent some more days together on the ship.

“I study my copy of the Holy Quran every day and the more I read, the more I like it. This is surely a wonderful divine book of God.

“God has been very kind to me. I observe that the Holy Quran is certainly a wonderful revelation and I am very happy that I met you, Abdur. Moreover, isn’t it strange how we met each other with the help of a hidden power?

Abdur! If I can ever be of any service, do not hesitate to tell me. Ever since you left, I have been feeling your absence.”

Mr A Zainuddin, Sierra Leone, states:

“You can’t even imagine how the Christians tried to find you after you left. The Christians I have met are eager to know when you will be back. Moreover, they have assured me that if you return, many of them will convert to the holy religion of Islam from Christianity.

“O brother Nayyar! Come back and save the people from impious beliefs.

“Would you believe! Owing to you, a gathering was held at Fourah Bay Christian College and many Christians regret that they could not see you.

“Brother Nayyar! Come back, I assure you that Muslims are sad being parted from you and many young people are ready to shed their blood for you.”

Brother Musa Garber from Freetown writes:

“How much longer should we wait for you? O Allah’s seedsman! If God Almighty will not guide us or if you will come late or do not come back to us, the plants here will rot. I pray that Allah may soon bring you here or someone like you.”

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu in the 30 June 1921 issue of Al Fazl)

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