100 Years Ago… – London letter


Al Fazl, 1 November 1919

Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra

General conditions

The weather has changed and winter has started. I have to wear an overcoat on land while on the sky, the illumined city is acquiring a habit of putting on a coat of clouds. However, the veins of the freezing cold English citizens are full of warmth and their blood is full of fervour. An extraordinary change is visible in every branch of life.

The prime minister tells us the good news of making a new world. Dr Clifford gives glad tidings of an age of affection and peace to the world in the United Nations Congress. But these people do not understand that it is impossible. Certainly, it will not happen. Surely, it is not possible until the prince of peace does not gain a foothold with all his glory and unless the east and the west do not submit to Ahmadas, while singing the taranas [choral poems] of love. Indeed, this is the reason [behind the lack of peace]. This is the basis. Surely, this is the case. As right now, the following phenomenon is at work:

یک بیک اک زلزلہ سے سخت جنبش کھائیں گے

کیا بشر اور کیا شجر اور کیا حجر اور کیا بحار

[All of a sudden, through reoccurring earthquakes, they will shake vigorously; the people, trees, stones and seas.]

Earthquake in the world

There is a major uproar in Europe and England that in the battle of capital income and wages, the first one should be openly defeated. A series of strikes are being carried out by workers belonging to every field of life. Even the entertainers are not lagging behind in this regard. Clerks and teachers are endeavouring as well. In the current week, 50,000 engineers abandoned work and the Chairman of the Railway, Sir Thomas is threatening to drop a huge “bomb of strike.” Although, a truce has been made with Germany, but even now, the running waters in the hilly areas of the Caucasus Mountains (where it is said […] and some Turkish generals together with Tatars are engaged in a struggle against Armenia), and the plains of Russia, are turning red with the blood of dead men. A conflict has taken place between Italy and the Serbian Empire (which was established by the Coalition Emperors) on the dispute of Faiyum. The Turkey General, Mustafa Kamal and his accomplices are in rage against their government on the matter of handing over a part of Turkey to Greece. Amir Faisal has arrived in London. The fate of Syria is to be decided after the heated debate between France and England. The poor Cyrus is coming to London, whose places have been experiencing tumult for a long time. What more should I write! Everywhere, there is a state of an earthquake.

Peace message

In the middle of this earthquake, flood and turmoil, we are conveying the message of that truthful who says:

کوئی کشتی اب بچا سکتی نہیں اس سیل سے

حیلے سب جاتے رہے اک حضرتِ توّاب ہے

[Not a single ship will be able to save [us] from this flood. All the preventive measures went in vein, leaving only God, the Accepter of Repentance, as the last resort.]

So, in the current week, on Sunday, I delivered a lecture on the subject of “Children of God.” A number of Jews, Christians, seekers of truth and liberals were present. After the lecture, an opportunity for questions and answers was presented. Brother Qazi Abdullah Sahib and an English new convert took part in the discussion which was held for well over an hour. Mr Sagar Chand and Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sahib MA  are in Folkestone, while Mufti Sahib is in Southend-on-Sea and they are all engaged in the work of tabligh.

Muhammad Sagar Chand

Members of the Jamaat have already heard by means of newspapers that Mr Sagar Chand Barrister has accepted Islam and that another 40 Englishmen have expressed faith in the truth of the Promised Messiahas through him. Now, I have to convey some more information that brother Sagar Chand possesses an extreme passion for tabligh of Ahmadiyyat in his heart and out of strong emotions, I read out the poetry of the Promised Messiahas by exchanging the name “Nanak” with “Sagar,” then it would be an exact portrayal of the present state of brother Sagar Chand:

واہ رے زور صداقت خوب دکھلایا اثر

ہو گیا ساگر نثار دین احمد سر بسر

[How wonderful the fruit is that the power of truth has borne! Sagar has taken Ahmad’s faith completely to heart.]

After conveying the message of truth in Hastings (where people attested to the truth of the subject matter of his speeches and expressed compassion for Ahmadiyyat), he [Sagar Chand Sahib] is engaged in tabligh along with Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayal in Folkestone through lectures and individual meetings.

Good news, but we are heedful

Owing to the directions of Khilafat, and bearing in mind farsightedness and due care, neither do we declare the figure of that party which has accepted the truth in their hearts (which include very brilliant minds), nor do we call those people Ahmadis who attest to the truth, express compassion and are Ahmadis at heart and even call themselves Ahmadis by word of mouth, until they formally study the conditions of Bai‘at and place their signature on the request of Bai‘at.

However, congratulations are due to the members of Jamaat that in various places …, a number of people have actually accepted the truth at heart and express compassion in reality, but we are waiting for the right moment to make formal announcements. The members of the Jamaat are requested to pray.

An open good news

By the sheer blessings and only through the inspiration of Allah Almighty, we announce that a British scholar of Russian descent has entered the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. He has converted and has been named Muhammad Suleiman, originally coming from the Solomon faith. Alhamdolillah!

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