Al Fazl 5-9 February, 1920
Maulvi Abdul Rahim Nayyar Sahibra
The death of Piggott on a moral basis
The members of our Jamaat remember that in the course of his religious encounters with the false Elijah Dowie of America, the Promised Messiahas also challenged Piggott – who claimed to be the Messiah and God – in England.
In response to this, the former expressed pride and the latter expressed silence. So, Allah annihilated the boastful with the miserable death of torment and sorrow, and the silent was crushed with the death of failure and humiliation.
Hence, Piggott lives in his so-called “Abode of love” as an immoral and helpless person, living a failed and dejected life. Just like Muhammed Hussain, he is a living example of the difference between a truthful one and one who is false. Recently, one of his lovers has run away from him along with her illegitimate children. As Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper reported in their first issue of the new year, this woman, Sister Ruth, with her two daughters – Glory and Strength, and a boy named Hope – bade farewell to Piggott’s “Abode of love” after a 15-year unlawful stay and ran away to live an anonymous life.
The newspaper writes that strange events of the “Abode of love” are about to take place. One of the major reasons for Sister Ruth’s escape is that she was removed from a “special spiritual” place and honour some time ago and her place was given to another bride. The translation of the newspaper article will be published in another issue, Insha-Allah.
At the moment, I once again congratulate the Ahmadiyya Community on the manifestation of yet another sign of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas that also appeared in the new year. Moreover, I humbly beseech and request [members of the Jamaat] to pray for me.
Plan for a new mission
By the grace of Allah, we are benefitting from the means of postal communication which is available for tabligh. This humble one and Chaudhry Sahib take advantage of the opportunity at hand.
In the recent mail, a letter has been received from Brother Hassan Simon, a former German councilman of Haito or Java (who had been imprisoned in Australia and has now returned to his motherland, Koln [Cologne], Germany). He has sent a scheme for carrying out tabligh in the East Indian Islands. He states:
“Do not think that I have been neglecting the service of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. I have been thinking of ways to spread the message of our Community.” The scheme, in which the proposals for establishing the Ahmadiyya Mission in Java and Sumatra Islands along with various other Dutch regions are mentioned, has been sent to Hazrat Khaliful Masih [IIra].”
Letters from the viceroy of Ireland and the prime minister of the United Kingdom
From the letters of greetings that were sent at the beginning of the new year, which also mentioned the specific teachings of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, responses of two letters have been received.
1. The secretary of Lord French Viceroy of Ireland (who was sent New Year’s greetings for showing courage and valour, similar to that of Lord Hardinge, the former Viceroy of India, and for justly treating the people of God), writes:
“Viceregal Lodge, Dublin, 2 January 1920
“Respected Sir! His Excellency has asked me to write you a letter and sincerely thank you for your kind letter and wish you a very happy New Year on his behalf.
“Sincerely yours, EM Counselor Assistant, Private Secretary”
2. His Excellency, the prime minister of the United Kingdom was sent greetings for the New Year along with a request to respect the views of the Eastern people on the issues to be resolved in the year ahead. It was also said that he be granted the strength to act justly towards the people of God, irrespective of their faith, nation, colour or ethnicity. The following response has been received:
“10 Downing Street, Whitehall S W, 2 January 1920
“Respected Sir! The prime minister expressed to me his desire to sincerely thank you for your letter of 30 December and a very happy New Year.
“Sincerely yours, F L Stevenson”