Al Fazl, 15 January 1924 & The Moslem Sunrise, January 1924
Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra (1883-1948)
Murky atmosphere of London
The country [of England] is going through winter these days, and thick clouds with fog seem like a veil between the Earth and the sky. The Sun has lost its radiance and remains hidden most of the time. The people of the Earth have become accustomed to darkness.
Moreover, the people are no longer interested in religion. On the other hand, they are keener on politics, and a new election of parliament is also taking place. Very few people give ear to the words of the preacher. Hence, in such a situation, where London’s atmosphere is all murky and gloomy, we are putting forth every effort to show people the right path through the light [of the Promised Messiahas] and bring them out of the darkness.
Anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak
The Sikh Dharmsala, located in London, celebrated the birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak last Friday afternoon. This humble one was present there along with the Khalsa brothers, and I also delivered a short speech on the attributes of Baba Guru Nanak, reminding my Sikh friends that Baba Nanak was an admirer of Islam and that according to the Ahmadiyya viewpoint, he was a Muslim.
I also read out some shlokas [poetic verses] of Baba Nanak. In the end, I said, “This humble one, as the representative of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, congratulates my Sikh brothers residing in London and through them, I sincerely extend warm wishes to my beloved Khalsa Ji compatriots, [i.e., the Sikh community in India]. I earnestly hope for the establishment of peace and unity in the country.
Tabligh efforts
I am a member of the organising committee of the society, Western and Eastern Studio of Lectures. Last Friday, under the auspices of this society, a lecture was delivered by Mr Dimsdale Stocker, president of the Theist Society, Hampstead. I was the president of the assembly in this lecture, and Allah the Almighty blessed me with the opportunity to say such words before and after the speech of this worthy speaker that will attract people towards the establishment of Ahmadiyya Jamaat in London.
Lecture in Congregational Hall
The first meeting of its kind was held in London, organised by the Hammersmith branch of Universal Bond (at which I had already delivered six lectures). The meeting was proposed in Ahmadiyya Darut Tabligh [mission house], London, and implemented by the aforementioned society.
On Tuesday last, at the appointed time as advertised [in the newspapers], a large number of representatives from various faiths assembled in the Congregational Hall, Hammersmith, London, to hear each other’s opinions on the subject of Holy Union. The hall was filled. Despite the bad weather, the nighttime, and the considerable distance of the hall from most places, a fair number of men and women gathered there. The president of the gathering was Dr […]. After a Christian and a Jew, the representative of the Ahmadiyya Community got the opportunity to speak. It is the grace of Allah the Almighty that in London, where the mention of the chosen one of God, the Promised Messiahas, was considered a deadly poison, there his message was openly given to the representatives of various faiths. In fact, the message of the Promised Messiahas was presented as the practical basis of the “Holy Union”.
In Western countries, it is very difficult to gather in large numbers for religious speeches, especially during the days of parliamentary elections. Thus, I think this meeting was a success and was the first of its kind in London. […]
– Abdur Rahim Nayyar. 28 November 1923.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 15 January 1924 issue of Al Fazl)
New convert’s view on Islam Ahmadiyyat and press coverage of Hazrat MM Sadiq’s tabligh works
Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Dinra (1881-1983)
The worldly-minded
(A poem of the Promised Messiahas rendered into English by a new convert, Mrs E Maudling)
How lustfully ye covet the things of this life, so keen;
Nor care the hurts inflicted on those of nobler mien,
If but the meanest farthing ye can grab – retain.
Slave of gold, and only gold, “O ye wicked one,”
Ye have set thy heart upon it to obtain, so run
Ye, like the egg, demandeth warmth, yet giveth none.
Ye seek eagerly beauty lurking in sweethearts’ eyes:
“Taste ye fruit of the tree”; carnal passions rise;
If lose ye, how dost lament bitter thy cries.
Priding ever thyself on knowledge of mankind
But totally ignorant art thou of “mankind’s best Friend.”
For Whom no eyes are there nor ears nor time to spend.
Maybe, false are thy creeds and systems, deceptions,
And palpably false thine own beliefs, conceptions –
Too small thy nature for such big perceptions.
With eyes not eager to use the broader sight.
To such straits reduced by bias, such darkened light.
Oh; blessed “Allah” turn to day the weary night.
Ye seem assured to death ye art immune
That might is right and every other wrong
Who seek to guide with infinite in tune.
Know ye unawares but temporary this abode
All earthly treasures fade – only “Allah” is the way.
Sow as ye would reap – life will not last for aye.
New convert’s view on Islam
Islam [as presented by] the Ahmadiyya Movement, is the only religion for the uplift of humanity in both the Eastern and Western worlds. Why? It bears all the virtues of the many religions and none of their flaws. Its beauty and substantiality lies in its truth and simplicity, which transcends other religions and brings to humankind the ultimate in spiritual development.
No religion presents to the seeker a greater nobility, a deeper sympathy, a warmer charity or a sweeter forgiveness towards man and womankind than Islam, as taught by the blessed Prophet Ahmad[as].
It teaches man a truer sincerity in his vocational following; to feel a greater love and respect for the woman who is his wife and a more wholesome regard for his home and responsibilities in general.
To a woman, it is a source of deeper constancy, a natural, magnetic influence devoid of speculation and without dangerous digression from the laws governing her nature, to obtain and keep ever near to her the man, God chooses for her: It leads little children into a deeper reverence for their parents and elders.
As a guiding light for the world at large, it is unexcelled in brightness and through the constant perpetuity of the divine laws of Islam, it will mean for those who follow it, with even a degree of understanding, an easier road through life with its many entanglements.
The highest terms of praise are little enough to bestow on Dr Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, the blessed bearer of this divine message to America. None knows better than I, his absolute devotion to his religious duties here. His precept and example is a worthy criterion for all to follow, and, in his three years of noble, untiring efforts, we, of Islam, can see standing the foundation of a great reformation, the structure that will set the world right with its Creator. – Sadiqah
The Review of Religions
The only magazine of its kind published in India every month dealing with important religious questions, offering a fair and impartial review of the prominent religions of the world and removing misunderstandings about Islam. Subscription, $2 per annum; for sample copy write to the Manager, The Review of Religions, Qadian, Punjab, British India.
The Muslim
A monthly magazine in English to uphold and maintain the honour of Islam. It publishes articles on the message of the Quran, and the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad[sa], and boldly refutes all calumnies against Islam. It attempts to give a clearer idea of God and religion generally. Annual subscription post free $4 (foreign 10 shillings). Apply to the honourary secretary, Anjuman-i-Islam, No. 52, Kerban Road, Singapore.
A monthly journal devoted to Islam and Islamic Culture. Annual subscription, including postage, 1/4 rupees in India, and 3 shillings in foreign [lands].
The cheapest monthly in India, containing every month valuable articles from the pen of learned writers.
Subscription commences from August of every year.
Apply: The Manager, Peace, PΟ Ramna, Dacca, Bengal, British India.
The Moslem Sunrise
I confessed the Christian religion 13 years ago. I lived up to its teachings but I felt that there was something wrong somewhere. I did not know it until I began reading The Moslem Sunrise, and it has taught me the right way to serve God […]. I pray that Allah may bless the work and spread it throughout this great country. – JW Dupree
We are glad to learn that the provincial government has granted our friend Malik Muhammad Ismail (BSc) an annual stipend of £250 for four years to pursue his studies in England in the veterinary line.
Our brother is a very zealous worker in the cause of Islam and we hope that during his period of study, he will make the best of that opportunity to spread the truth among those whom he comes in contact with. That was the opportunity he has long been waiting and praying for and it has come. Let us hope that he will more than justify our hopes and expectations in him.
77 Royal Street, Port-Louis, Mauritius.
October, 1923
To the Editor of The Moslem Sunrise,
4448 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois, America.
Will you be good enough to publish the following through the medium of your most valuable magazine, The Moslem Sunrise. There is no necessity for me to say that I am a great admirer of your beautiful magazine, which contains so many interesting Muslim news and explanations concerning our living religion, “Islam.”
The map on its cover resembles a rose and its red rays are similar to those of its stems, which signify love. But whilst going through Volume II of Nos. 2 and 3 of April and July last, I noticed the following words:
“The new religion teaches us to have no religious war.”
May I be an apostate if I declare that Islam is the oldest religion and that it means the Unity of God? It has been the religion of Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and Ahmad, peace and blessings of God be upon them all.
But it is expounded by new Prophets, Unity of God is the first and foremost principle of Islam and the second fundamental of Islam is that Mohammad, peace be upon him, is a prophet.
I remarked also in The Review of Religions in its volume XV of March and April, 1916, Nos. 3 and 4, and in Volume XIII May, June and July, 1919, Nos. 5, 6 and 7, the following words:
“The Holy Prophet of Arabia.”
I am sorry to raise an objection here also. My objection is to establish that the Holy Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, is not the Holy Prophet[sa] of Arabia only, as Moses[as] and Jesus[as] who were prophets of the Jews or Israelites, i.e., of one nation only. But our Holy Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, has been a Messenger or Prophet to the whole world. In the cases of Mohammad and Ahmad, the spheres of activity have been: “The World” and therefore, they are greater than Moses[as] and Jesus[as], as both of the last named came to one people only, i.e., the Jews.
Thanking you for assigning space to it and wishing you happy health and ample success.
Yours truly, HK Naudeer.
Our columns are open to contributors and correspondents of all views: It should not therefore be understood that we wholly agree with their views.
Our correspondent here perhaps is right so far in pointing out that by the words “New Religion” and “The Holy Prophet[sa] of Arabia” it should not be understood that Islam is an altogether new religion, for its fundamentals are the same as those of the previous heaven-inspired religions, nor are we to be taken to mean that the Holy Prophet Muhammad[sa] was a prophet for the Arabians only.
But we beg to draw the attention of our correspondent to the fact that, in one respect, Islam is a new religion, as it is the only perfect and complete religion given to the world. No other religion was either perfect or free from local associations. Some of their features had to be remoulded or recast to be incorporated into the perfect system of Islam, while some of the characters of those old systems had to be abolished, trimmed, curtailed, recast, or even abrogated. Hence, we are justified in holding that, in this respect, Islam is not only the new but the newest religion.
Moreover, our designating the Prophet[sa] by the words of Arabia does not necessarily mean that we are restricting the extent of his influence. It is only a descriptive title, meaning that he came from Arabia, much the same way as we would say Jesus[as] of Nazareth or Moses[as] of Egypt or Ahmad[as] of India. All these adjective phrases mean no more than their places of birth and they have nothing to do with their spheres of ministries. That is only an abbreviated expression adopted for the sake of exhibiting the land of his birth, and we find no better name than this. A Persian poet has well expressed the idea when he said:
“Muhammad[sa] of Arabia is like the bright name of both the worlds; he who is not the dust of his door, may the dust be on his head.” – Editor, The Moslem Sunrise
Mufti Muhammad Sadiq
Dr Sadiq is already in India, as he was to land there on 23 November last, which we hope and pray he did safely and soundly.
He left America towards the end of September last, stayed a few weeks in Paris, where he lectured to various societies and academies, and made a few converts to his faith.
Before leaving America, he made an extended tour of the Eastern States, where he lectured and preached to thousands. Among other papers, the following issued long notices of him, together with his photo in his long flowing Eastern garbs and a green turban:
1. The Philadelphia Record.
2. The Washington Post.
3. Salem Evening News.
4. Philadelphia Inquirer.
5. Public Ledger, Philadelphia.
In Peabody, Massachusetts, through the courtesy of Rev. Brakeman, he delivered a lecture in the Congregational Church and another in the Peabody city hall. Both of these lectures were eminently successful. Our thanks are due to Rev. Brakeman and Mrs Frank Ashton, an admirer of Bahaullah.
In France, some of the papers made eulogistic references to him, while others published long columns on his work and faith, La Petit Marseillais being the most notable. The Chicago Tribune’s Paris edition published a fairly good-sized article about him and his work which we reproduce below:
“Moslem Priest in Chicago Wins 700 to his Faith
“Says Mohammedanism [i.e., Islam] is cure for race problem.
“‘Mohammedism is the solution to America’s race problem,’ says Dr Sadiq, now in Paris on his way back to Bombay after converting seven hundred Chicagoans to the Moslem faith. Mixed congregations of white and colored converts mingle without prejudice at the mosque, 4448 S Wabash Avenue, but the Moslem missionary foresees a hot scrap between his people and the Ku Klux Klan.
“In the bright green gown and tunic of his order, Dr Sadiq is thoroughly oriental. His American converts become slightly orientalized as soon as they join the faith. They get a Mohammedan name to replace their ordinary title. Thus, Simon Buford of Chicago is now Abdus Sattar. His brother Willie Buford is Abdul Jabbar. Evalina Johnson now calls herself Hadya, her sister Louella is changed to Aleema, while Mrs Wilhelmina Ulzhoefer of Dayton, Ohio, is known as Saleema. Abe becomes Azezullah. “Bill Kelly of Chicago has added Muhammad Wali to his good old Irish moniker and Mr Abe Lincoln of Detroit is called Azezullah by the faithful.
“There are nearly a thousand more names and addresses in Dr Sadiq’s book of converts. Missions have been established in Detroit, New Orleans, and other cities in Florida, South Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia and New York.
“The movement is going strongest in Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis, declares the leader, but with other priests carrying on the work, he is assured the number of converts will swell rapidly. He has already made several priests among his colored converts in America, but so far none have arisen from the white brethren.
“Veils like those of Turkey’s harem women are worn by many of the ladies who now answer the muezzin’s call at the Chicago mosque.
“‘It is easier for the ordinary man or woman of today to be a Mohammedan than to be a Christian,’ explains the learned Dr Sadiq, stroking his venerable gray whiskers. ‘Divorce is not frowned on by us. The Koran says a man’s house should be like paradise. How can it be like paradise if he cannot get on with his wife?’
“Dr Sadiq leaves Paris today for Marseilles to sail for India. He has found Paris in need of a Moslem mission and will recommend the sending of Mohammedan priests in large numbers to America.
“We wish Dr Sadiq a happy recess at home before he is called upon to take up some greater and higher work and we hope that his life will be one continuous and progressive roll of useful work in the service of humanity. God bless him.”
(Transcribed and edited by Al Hakam from the original in The Moslem Sunrise, January 1924)