12-18 June


In this third year of Al Hakam, we will present a selection of incidents from the blessed life of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, this time, with some more details

12 June 1883: The Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, wrote a detailed letter to Mir Abbas Ali Sahib of Ludhiana educating him about trials and tribulations. After citing his latest revelations, Hazrat Ahmadas clearly instructed him to remain engaged in seeking God’s help to safeguard from temptations because for believers, steadfastness and real protection is amongst the bounties of God.

13 June 1889: The Promised Messiahas reminded Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira to provide more details about a printing facility in Amritsar as stated in his previous letter so that it could be pursued. Huzooras indicated that it seemed good if Hazrat Munshi Sahib’sra posting was shifted to a nearby post.

13 June 1897: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter of Hazrat Siddiqa Begum Sahibara, wife of Hazrat Qureshi Muhammad Usmanra, SDO who was a devout companion of the Promised Messiahas. She had the noble opportunity of writing to Huzooras and receiving replies. In a letter on this date, Huzooras advised her to remain punctual in her daily prayers and to keep him informed. Huzooras prayed that Allah would keep her in the company of her loved ones and grant her a son with a long life. Huzooras also recommended her to stay in Qadian for a brief period.

14 June 1899: Hazrat Mirza Mubarak Ahmad was born in the house of the Promised Messiahas. It was a Wednesday and the birth happened at 3pm. The Promised Messiahas wrote, “The time of delivery was near for my wife and on 14 June, with the first labour pains, my wife’s condition became serious. Her body temperature dropped and she suffered from extreme weakness. It seemed as though she would faint. I imagined at that time that perhaps she was about to depart this world. The children were all deeply overcome and the women and the mother were almost out of their senses for the trying time had arisen suddenly. Believing that she was at her last breaths and being certain of God’s power to perform wonders, I supplicated for her health and her condition changed immediately. Thereafter, I received the revelation, ‘Tahweel-ul-maut’, indicating that God had postponed death and moved it for another time. Her body temperature rose again and she regained her full senses and the boy was born, who has been named Mubarak Ahmad.”

14 June 1903: Lala Bhim Sin was a pleader by profession, who happened to be a class fellow of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, along with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain of Batala, when they were all pupils of Gul Ali Shah Sahib. On this date, Huzooras replied to the letter of Lala Bhim Sin clearing his misconceptions. Despite Huzooras being occupied in other undertakings, he spared some time for this old acquaintance to help him understand things in a better way.

14 June 1904: The Promised Messiahas wrote a detailed announcement about matters that arose with Maulvi Karam Din. In it, Huzooras gave details and mentioned the developments that occurred in and outside the court room. This person not only attacked the immensely elevated personality of the Promised Messiahas, but misguided the masses with his scheming craftiness. At the end of this announcement, Huzooras added, “Ra‘ees-e-Azam Qadian” (Chief Sovereign of Qadian) with his name.

14 June 1907: The Promised Messiahas informed one of his passionate companions, Hazrat Abdul Majeed Khanra that his letters were reaching him almost every day and Huzooras was praying for him. Huzooras prayed for his success and convenience regarding issues with the government. The compiler of these letters, Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira added a note that the initial part of this letter was written by Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra, who used to serve the Promised Messiahas as a personal assistant in correspondence during those days.

15 June 1883: The Promised Messiahas replied to letters of Mir Abbas Ali Sahib of Ludhiana, sharing details of his encounter with Pandit Diyanand, founder of the Arya Samaj sect within Hinduism. Hazrat Ahmadas wrote that he had openly reviewed the doctrines of this sect and fortified the supremacy of Quranic teachings upon all other religions, so instead of Huzooras, all other faith leaders were duty-bound to either answer the call of Islam or present replies to the arguments in Huzoor’sas literature. This letter also brings with it another example of Huzoor’sas humility and utmost gratitude towards God Almighty.

15 June 1886: The Promised Messiahas updated his sincere companion, Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira about the printing process of his two books, Surma Chasham-e-Arya and Siraj-e-Munir. Huzooras specified that copies of Surma Chasham-e-Arya were being sent to press on a daily basis for printing after checking. This letter did not carry any date on it. Taking a hint from the stamps on it of Qadian and Jalandhar, it is being mentioned under this date.

Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira

16 June 1894: The Promised Messiahas informed Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira that he was extremely occupied owing to the urgency and abundance of undertakings during those days, however, hopefully, things would become easier soon, as the printing of the books was completed and now their binding process was underway, which would be done in a week or so.

16 June 1897: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter of Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra directing him about the approaching Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, which was to celebrate her 60-year reign. Huzoor’sas wise words and straightforward approach for such matters can be observed in the letter.

17 June 1879: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter of Pandit Shiv Narayan Agnihotri on this date. Hazrat Ahmadas wrote that at that moment, he was about to leave for Amritsar to attend court hearings, thus he could not spare much time for him. But in this prompt reply, Huzooras suggested a suitable way to decide the validity of arguments of both sides in their debate. Huzooras suggested the idea of publishing arguments in newspapers with reviews of two independent umpires. Huzooras was so confident in the cogency and forcefulness of his points that he accepted the appointment of a Brahmo Samajist and an Englishman to review his logic and eventually had the arguments published for the general public.

17 June 1902: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter of a person who happened to be the son of a renowned scholar and proprietor of a religious school in Punjab. Huzooras guided this person on the true philosophy of dua (prayer) and love for God. Huzooras stated that he must engage in thorough research and get himself prepared to endure all kinds of hardships and in return, God would reward him abundantly.

18 June 1884: The Promised Messiahas informed his solemn friend Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira that printing of the fifth part of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya would commence after the required funds were made available. Huzooras stated, “I pray for your good end and that Allah may enhance your abilities regarding religion.”

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