20 September 1924: Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Musleh-e-Maudra graciously permitted to have an audience with two respected guests from Nigeria when he was touring London. Both of the guests were well educated and known in religious circles; one of them was an Ahmadi Muslim.
20 September 1947: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra initiated a series of meaningful articles about the nationwide situation to do with the partition. This sequence of articles continued to be published until 28 January 1948. Interestingly, this material did not carry Huzoor’sra name, but the author could be ascertained from the style and level of writing.
20 September 1947: Episodes of bloodshed, confrontation, uncertainty and violence were everywhere; the partition of India had many chapters, yet to be explored. But Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra farsightedness and wisdom protected people on an extraordinary scale. This man of God did not only plan to safeguard the lives of the masses, but their valuables were also protected. A separate desk was established to cater for this urgent need because for people, the situation on the ground was changing every hour. On this date, Sheikh Fazal Ahmad Batalvi Sahib reached Lahore with a wide range of valuables, which people had been deposited to the Jamaat officials.
20 September 1948: Rabwah, then the new markaz, was inaugurated.
21 September 1919: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra composed his book titled Future of Turkey and the Responsibilities of Muslims upon the request of the All India Muslim Conference.
21 September 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra met Colonel Montagu William Douglas during his England tour.
21 September 1957: Dr Muhammad Rashidi, Ambassador of Indonesia visited Rabwah and expressed his desire to meet Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, which was fulfilled. Before his return, on 23 September, he also attended a reception organised by the people of Rabwah.
22 September 1903: A baby boy was born in the house of Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra. The boy was named Abdul Quyyum, but he died in infancy.
22 September 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra graced the inaugural session of the Wembley Conference with his presence.
22 September 1946: During riots in Dhaka, the Jamaat’s centre was ransacked and then set on fire by miscreants. Jamaat officials temporarily had to relocate their centre to the Brahmanbaria area.
22 September 1946: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was engaged in his journey towards Delhi, where he had many meetings with national political leaders to discuss and resolve crucial issues that were causing distress amongst the people of the time. Huzoorra remained there until 14 October.
23 September 1924: Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Zafarulla Khanra read out an article written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra at the Wembley Conference. This essay was admired by many people who attended the event.

23 September 1947: Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra was called by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra from Qadian to Lahore as Hazrat Mirza Aziz Ahmadra was appointed amir-e-muqami back in Qadian after the partition.
24 September 1945: A delegation of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat met with Muhmmad Ali Jinnah in Quetta.
24 September 1946: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah met in Delhi to discuss topics of mutual interests.
24 September 1947: After the partition, the Jamaat commenced its immense operation to safely shift the staff of central offices along with records, archives, documents and stationery from Qadian to Lahore.
25 September 1955: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived back in Rabwah after his tour of Europe. Huzoorra covered the last leg of his journey from Karachi to Rabwah via Chenab Express. Residents of the town thronged at the railway station to receive their beloved Imam. The Jamaat’s central newspaper, Al Fazl published a special welcoming issue. From the train station, Huzoorra went straight to Masjid Mubarak and led the people in a long and emotional silent prayer, standing in the mihrab, facing qibla. The next day, people of the town arranged celebratory activities in connection to Huzoor’sra successful tour and safe return.
26 September 1912: Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra departed on his journey of Egypt and Arabia. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira sent him after silent prayer.
26 September 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered his address in the Dutch Hall in London.