Loyalty, hard work and prayer is the secret to success: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V addresses graduates at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK convocation 2024


Earlier today, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa graced the 9th convocation ceremony of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK held on its campus in Haslemere.

This year, seven classes in total received their Shahid degrees from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa; five from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada (academic years 2019-23), one from Jamia Ahmadiyya Germany (class of 2023) and one from Jamia UK (class of 2023).

Huzooraa arrived at approximately 12:30 BST and the session commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hafiz Khawaja Ehtesham Sahib, who recited verses 91-93 of Surah an-Nahl. Sarfraz Ahmad Sahib presented the Urdu translation. Abdul Haye Sarmad Sahib was then called to recite an Urdu poem written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra titled “Ehd shikni na karo” [Do not break your oath].

Representatives of the three jamias (Daud Hanif Sahib, Principal Jamia Canada; Shamshad Qamar Sahib, Principal Jamia Germany; and Zaheer Ahmad Khan Sahib, Academic Director Jamia UK) presented brief reports on the curricular and extra-curricular activities which took place throughout the year in the respective Jamias. 

Thereafter, Zaheer Sahib announced the names of all graduates and the classes came up one by one to receive their Shahid degrees from Huzooraa. Following this, the position holders from the academic year 2022-23 of Jamia UK also received their certificates. 

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then took to the podium to deliver his address to the graduates.

After reciting tashahhudta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Huzooraa reminded the graduates of the very intention with which they came to Jamia in the first place: to fulfil the mission of the Promised Messiahas in this age which is to spread the message of Islam to the corners of the earth. He said that we can only fulfil this intention if we reform our own conduct first, and fulfil the true meaning of the bai‘at we have taken.

Huzooraa mentioned that on one occasion, the Promised Messiahas gave a very important piece of advice to those people who preach – this can be taken as a fundamental advice. It consisted of three parts. 

The Promised Messiahas said that it is very important that our Jamaat prepares people who can preach, but if there is no distinction between our [Ahmadi] preachers and others, then it is futile. This distinction can be created through self-reformation, as setting an excellent moral example to others is the best form of preaching. Those who only preach and do not act upon it themselves cannot have a good impact on others; in fact, they may have an adverse impact on others instead. Therefore, setting a practical example through actions is the first thing that is needed for a preacher.

The second thing that is essential for preachers is that they have correct knowledge and understanding of our fundamental creed and beliefs. Whatever they present to the world should first have been understood properly by themselves. Incomplete or partial knowledge leads to embarrassment in front of opponents. When an allegation is raised, preachers must not become flustered about how to respond to it. In short, correct knowledge is necessary.

The third thing is that they should develop such strength and courage in standing up for, and speaking, the truth. They must never have any kind of fear of proclaiming the truth. Neither the wealth of a rich person, the bravery of a brave man, nor the rule of a ruler should have any effect on their hearts when it comes to the truth. 

The Promised Messiahas concluded that when these three things are attained, then the preachers of our Jamaat will be beneficial. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, commenting on this, said that these three things are fundamental principles, and each and every one of us ought to analyse ourselves in light of these principles. Setting such an example will not just be beneficial for those outside the Jamaat, but also for those within too.

The main thing every missionary must strive to do is establish a relationship with Allah the Almighty. Without this, there can be no true success in this life. We always give examples of pious people from the past, but we should also work on ourselves so that we too can become such examples. In order to build a relationship and connection with Allah the Almighty, Huzooraa mentioned that Tahajjud is vital and paramount. It is only through worship that a connection with Allah can be established. 

Huzooraa explained that it is important for every missionary to have courage and bravery. One must have the fortitude to listen to scrutiny and criticism from others and not make it a matter of ego. Also, one should be soft spoken, be soft in speech has the power to soften the hearts of others. 

One must also stay away from anything that is vain and immoral. Nowadays such immorality is right in front of us and is so easily accessible; on the internet, social media, and on TV. When a missionary stays away from all such things, it is only then that he can advise others to do the same, and it is only then that his words will carry weight and have an impact.

There should never be an incongruence between one’s speech and actions. If you stop others from something but yet do the same thing yourself, it will have an extremely negative impact on others.

It is paramount for missionaries to assess themselves every day for their own weaknesses instead of scrutinising others. When we lay eyes on our own spiritual, intellectual and other such weaknesses, and busy ourselves with this each day, we will no longer have the desire to criticise others. Instead, we will want to reform them, which will lead to praying for them and their reformation. 

The books of the Promised Messiahas must be read and studied very deeply. By doing so, most common questions which arise will be answered. Huzooraa mentioned that many missionaries write such questions to him, the answers of which they would have found themselves had they studied the books of the Promised Messiahas

Huzooraa mentioned an incident of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. In a question-and-answer session, a boy asked a question which was answered. He then asked another good question which was academic – Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra got the impression that he was a student. When asked, it turned out he was a Jamia student, to which Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that he would not answer his question and that he should look for and research the answer himself.


Huzooraa then expounded on the importance of wisdom in all affairs, including tabligh and tarbiyat. Instead of admonishing the mistakes of Jamaat members in public, missionaries must advise in private and continue to pray for their reformation. Reformation of the person must remain the goal.

“Prayer is our biggest weapon”, said Huzooraa. Loyalty to the institution of Khilafat is extremely important. It is impossible to become a sultan-e-naseer of Khilafat without utmost loyalty and obedience. Without practical action, there can be no loyalty or obedience. For this, prayer is absolutely necessary.

Missionaries should also strive to develop administration skills. Also, futile debates on social media must be avoided at all costs, as mentioned by Huzooraa recently in a virtual mulaqat with Canadian missionaries. Such debates resort to a battle of the egos – one must exit the debate, giving the reason that now there is no benefit of this. Social media usage is fine within the parameters, so long as there is benefit and it helps the progress of the Jamaat. 

Huzooraa reminded the missionaries to always remember that the success of the Jamaat is in unity. The Holy Quran must always be studied and pondered over, as well as the books [of tafsir] of the Promised Messiahas, the Khulafa, and the elders of the Jamaat.

Hazrat Amir-ul-Momineenaa advised missionaries to always explore new strategies and find ways make work for themselves. Those who carry out effective and commendable work do so in the tightest of circumstances and with limited means. Huzooraa gave the example of a missionary in Africa, who, despite having less means than others, would carry out more tabligh work than the rest of the people. He would go out with his leaflets into streets and preach the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat, always finding new ways and never letting anything hold him back.

In the end, Huzooraa told the missionaries to always remember that loyalty, hard work and prayer is the recipe and secret of success.

The address concluded with a silent prayer, after which photographs were taken with the graduates of all three Jamiat and the seven classes of Jamia UK. Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered, after which lunch was served. 

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

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