21 September 1903: The Promised Messiahas, received a revelation in Urdu:
رسول اللہ صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم پناہ گزین ہوئے قلعہ ہند میں
)The Messenger of Allah, on whom be the peace and blessings of Allah, has taken shelter in the fortress of India.)
22 September 1946: Hazrat Musleh Maudra travelled to the Indian subcontinent’s political capital, Delhi, so he could guide the political leadership in this troublesome time of history. Huzoorra remained there till 24 October.
22 September 1895: The Promised Messiahas endeavoured his utmost to revamp the style and class of religious debates being conducted in the Indian subcontinent. On this day, he drafted a meticulous announcement on the abovementioned topic. This was printed in Zia-ul-Islam Press Qadian, carrying supporting signatures of hundreds of honourable Muslim persons of influence.
23 September 1924: This was a golden day during the blessed trip of Hazrat Musleh Maudra to Europe. On this day, Huzoor’sra superlative treatise was read out at the Wembley Conference and it was a splendorous representation of Islam Ahmadiyyat and brought the message of Islam in the true sense to Europe. This was also a fabulous fulfilment of the vision of the Promised Messiahas about giving an address in London.
Hazrat Chaudhry Zafrulla Khanra read the treatise in a commanding tone, and although he had a bit of sore throat, but Divine succour was with him. He took one hour to read the treatise. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra once said, “Although Chaudhry Zafrulla Sahib read the treatise, it was my tongue [speaking].” The audience listened to the address in a trance. It appeared as if all the audience was Ahmadi and people sat with rapt attention till the end.

Entourage from Qadian that travelled for the Wembley conference
24 September 1884: Some Muslims founded Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam on this day. This was out of their desire to help Islam and its followers in those times of great dismay, but the Promised Messiahas highlighted their fallacy saying that it was the time of the Messiah, and rather than worldly maneuvers and organisational efforts, only Divine Help could see the success.
24 September 1946: Hazrat Musleh Maudra had a meeting with Muhammad Ali Jinnah to discuss contemporary political and communal issues.
25 September 1940: An industrial training school for ladies was set up in Qadian to help them in micro finance by Zakia Khanam Sahiba. Hazrat Musleh Maudra himself inaugurated the school.
25/27 September 1943: Professor Qazi Muhammad Aslam Sahib delivered lectures in Madras University on the topic of Islam.
25 September 1945: The first Talim-ul-Quran class was conducted in Qadian, with 73 attendees. It continued until 25 August. It was a joint venture of Nazarat-e-Talim and Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Markaziya.
26 September 1887: The Promised Messiahas was concerned about the deteriorating health of his daughter. On this day, he wrote a letter to one of his close friends, Munshi Rustam Ali Sahib who lived in a nearby city, asking him to send a pack of soft English biscuits. In those days, Qadian was a small village and didn’t have many basic food items.
27 September 1896: On this day, the Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to the same abovementioned close companion, saying that his health was very weak and a water-well was being constructed there for the guests. Huzooras carried on that a well was most needed, but money was running out. Huzooras had asked others for chanda, but asked Munshi Sahib that if he could send the chanda in advance, it would be very helpful in completing the well.
27 September 1946: Hazrat Musleh Maudra had a meeting with Mr Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in Delhi. Mr Gandhi was a political and communal activist, and he was amongst the founding fathers of India.