22-28 February


23 February 1901: Ijaz-ul-Masih (Miracles of the Messiah), a book of the Promised Messiahas, was published by Zia-ul-Islam Press, Qadian. It is a remarkable work in Arabic by the Promised Messiahas which was prompted by the devious tricks of Pir Meher Ali Shah. This masterpiece was penned by the Promised Messiahas in a very short period of time. 

24 February 1887: Alexander Russell Webb sent a letter to the Promised Messiahas. This American writer, publisher and the United States Consul to the Philippines sent his first letter to the Promised Messiahas from America on 17 December 1886. 

24 February 1898: The Promised Messiahas sent a report to Lieutenant Governor Nawab Bahadur which contained details regarding the condition of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and some basic information about its founder. At the end of this 16-page announcement, there was a list of 317 respected members of the Jamaat. 

24 February 1899: Owing to a court hearing, the Promised Messiahas departed to Gurdaspur from Qadian. The judge, Mr JM Dowie, gave his verdict and acquitted him of all charges.

26 February 1899: The Promised Messiahas published an announcement to convey to his followers in which he mentioned the details of the decision regarding the criminal case under section 107. Seven hundred copies of this announcement were published from Zia-ul-Islam Press, Qadian.

27 February 1905: The Promised Messiahas published a one-page announcement containinggeneral guidance for members of the Jamaat. At the end, he stated that the book Nusratul-Haq was being printed in Qadian and had been handed over to Pir Manzoor Muhammad Sahib so that he may print and publish it. An indication that the Promised Messiahas began writing this book in the month of February is given in Mujmu‘a Ishtiharat (Vol. 2, p. 628). 

27 February 1907: An earthquake struck India for the second time in accordance with a prophecy of the Promised Messiahas

28 February 1898: The incident of Maulvi Muhammad Hussein Batalvi’s humiliation and admonishment which he faced in the governmental court for demanding a chair that resulted from his enmity against the Promised Messiahas is well-known in our history. On this day, Maulvi Muhammad Hussein Batalvi sent a letter to the Promised Messiahas in which he strongly denied the occurrence of this incident.

28 February 1903: The Promised Messiah’sas Urdu book, Naseem-e-Dawat was published on this day. In the month of February 1903, some new Muslim friends, out of sympathy and goodwill and without consulting the Promised Messiahas, issued a poster, Arya Samaj aur Qadian, in which they very politely invited the Arya Hindus and Sikhs to have a prayer duel with the Promised Messiahas or hold a religious conference to seek the truth about their religion. (Al Hakam, 21 February 1903) 

These Muslim friends never expected a vile provocation in response to it. On 8 February 1903, the Promised Messiahas received a revelation from God: 

حَرْبٌ مُهَيَّجَةٌ

“A furious battle.” It was thought to indicate that the poster issued by the Muslim friends would evoke a violent response with vile and filthy abuse. 

The revelation came true when the same evening a highly vituperative poster of the Arya Hindus reached the Promised Messiahas. It was dated 7 February 1903. It bore the heading in Urdu, A Response to the Tall Claims of the Disciples of the Qadiani Pope. It was followed by a similar vile writing in an English newspaper of the Arya Samaj. Another abusive poster was issued by one Tooti Ram. 

This book of the Promised Messiahas dealt with the dire situation in a most suitable manner. 

28 February 1906: A Muslim from Bans Bareli, being upset because of a book Yanabiul Islam by a Christian author, sent a painful letter to the Promised Messiahas in the last days of February. In response to it, the Promised Messiahas penned a detailed letter in March 1906 which was published by Magazine Press, Qadian in the form of a book named Chashma-e-Masihi (The Fountain of Christianity). The Christian author argued in his book that Islam had brought no new teachings, and the Holy Quran was based mostly on tales of the past – some true, some wrong, some plagiarised – and this act was attributed to the Holy Prophetsa. This charge against the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophetsa was enough to prompt the Promised Messiahas to write a convincing rebuttal with reasons and arguments.

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