22 November 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was on his return to Qadian after a successful tour of Europe when he reached Delhi on this date. Prior to his arrival in the capital, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra also made a short stop at a place called Sandhan and inspected the headquarters of tabligh activities set out by the Jamaat in the midst of the Shuddhi Movement.
22 November 1931: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was in Delhi to attend an important session of the Kashmir Committee.
23 November 1924: Travelling back to Qadian from England, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra reached Batala at night by train.
23 November 1932: Hazrat Syeda Begum Sahibara, more commonly known as Nani Jan, passed away. She was the revered mother of Hazrat Amma Jan, Syeda Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara.
23 November 1934: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the details of Tahrik-e-Jadid. He elaborated the details during the course of his next two Friday Sermons (30 November and 7 December). During his Friday Sermon on 14 December, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the name of this global out-reach scheme as Tahrik-e-Jadid.
23 November 1944: A special celebration was held in the Masjid Aqsa, Qadian celebrating the successful first decade of Tahrik-e-Jadid.
24 November 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra reached Qadian after his tour of Europe. On this date, he initially arrived in Batala via train and then traveled by car to complete the final phase of this long journey to Qadian.
24 November 1934: Tahrik-e-Jadid received its first ever and full time devotee, Mirza Muhammad Yaqub Sahib. On this date, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra also appointed Chaudhry Barkat Ali Khan Sahib as the Financial Secretary of Tahrik-e-Jadid. Barkat Ali Sahib was later appointed Wakil-ul-Mal.
24 November 1938: Qadian saw 10,000 people, who had flocked to offer Eid-ul-Fitr prayers behind Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. To accommodate these unexpected numbers, the Jamaat organisers had to appoint some members of the Jamaat to verbally relay the voice of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra to the multitudes of people present. The following year, the Jamaat acquired loud speakers so that everyone could listen to the voice of their Imam.
24 November 1944: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the inception of the second phase of Tahrik-e-Jadid.
26 November 1932: Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian students travelled towards Saharanpur, 350 kilometres away. The group would participate in sports during the day and deliver speeches in the evenings. The speeches attracted huge crowds and covered a variety of religious topics. Their journey was completed on 9 December 1932.
26 November 1936: The Wachhowali chapter of Sanatan Dharam, a division within Hinduism, held a gathering in Lahore. Maulana Abul Ata Sahib, the Jamaat representative, attended this gathering and delivered a speech.
26 November 1936: After three years since its launch, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced that Tahrik-e-Jadid would continue for another seven years. The first ten years of Tahrik-e-Jadid were given the name “Daftar Awal”. This first era of extending to a decade was given the name of “Register Awal” (the first register).
26 November 1948: The Jamaat’s missionary appointed in France, Malik Ataur Rahman Sahib arranged a short tour of Belgium. During the course of this trip, local print media in Brussels covered some of the tabligh activities of the Jamaat. In this way, the Jamaat was introduced to the populace of Belgium.
26 November 1948: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra narrated the faith-inspiring sentiments of missionaries in foreign missions across Europe, like that of France and Spain. Due to the financial burden caused by the partition, the Jamaat was forced to stop the funding of some foreign missions. However, the missionaries responded by saying that they would carry the missions on and make ends meet themselves, without the help of the Markaz.
27 November 1914: During his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra emphasised that Minaratul-Masih’s construction should be completed quickly. It had not been completed for a number of years due to lack of funds. After Jumuah prayer, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra relaunched its construction with prayers and also placed a brick at the construction site.
27 November 1934: Hazrat Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad, a missionary sent to Africa, established an organised Jamaat chapter in Nairobi, Nigeria.
27 November 1942: While delivering his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra highlighted the harmful impact of music which was played on radio.
27 November 1953: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the beginning of the second term of Tahrik-e-Jadid.
28 November 1947: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra published various articles to raise awareness about the plight of the Palestinians.
28 November 1953: Jamaat members in Aden held their Jasla Seerat-un-Nabi, which was attended by around 138 people.
28 November 1955: Russian Prime Minister, Nikolai Bulganin visited India. He was accompanied by Nikita Khrushchev, who was serving as the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. A Jamaat delegate from India presented a copy of the English translation of the Holy Quran to them.
28 November 1957: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra established a publishing house and named it Idaratul-Musannifeen, appointing Qazi Muhammad Aslam Sahib as its president. Almost a month later, its registration process was completed with the government. This remarkable institute’s opening budget was a humble 11 thousand rupees, yet it managed to publish the Jamaat’s literature, including the commentary of the Holy Quran by the Promised Messiahas, Tafsir-e-Saghir and Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat.
28 November 1957: A local newspaper from Rawalpindi, Pak Kashmir published a fake letter, falsely ascribing it to Hazrat Hafiz Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh. This shameless episode had to be brought to the notice of authorities. A defamation lawsuit was registered. On this date, the court issued its verdict and this newspaper was fined by the court.
28 November 1964: Bombay, India convened an international Eucharistic Conference, which was attended by Pope Paul VI. Jamaat members spread the message there and distributed literature.