Muhammad Golam Rabbi, Muhtamim Talim, MKA Bangladesh

An eight-day long National Talim and Tarbiyat class of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh came to a successful end on 19 July 2019.
The class started on 12 July with an opening session after Friday prayers. National Amir, Abdul Awwal Khan Sahib was present at the opening session along with Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, Munadil Fahad Sahib and Nazim-e-Ala of the National Talim and Tarbiyat class committee, Mahmood Ahmad Sahib.
Various basic and advanced level classes were taken on Yassarnal Quran, correct reading of the Holy Quran, nazm (Urdu and Bengali), books of the Promised Messiahas, various Ahmadiyya doctrines, Salat with meaning etc. along with various sports competition as well.
Those who attended the class were taught about the administrative structure of Jamaat and auxiliary organisations, while also being taught the correct manner of writing letters to Huzooraa. During the session, a total of 69 letters were written by students.
The students had the chance to visit the MTA Bangladesh studio and meet the director and other staff members of MTA Bangladesh.
In total, there were four tarbiyat sessions on topics related to tarbiyat. National Amir Sahib, Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Secretary Tarbiyat and Secretary Waqf-e-Nau spoke on those topics.
We arrange this class every year in our central mosque. Khuddam and Atfal from accross the country join the class. This year 102 Atfal and 77 Khuddam from 41 Majalis participated in this class.
May Almighty Allah enable us to serve more and grant our sincere efforts. Amen.
Munadil Fahad
Serving as Sadr
MKA Bangladesh
Nice Report