9 February 1878: An article written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas on the subject of souls being eternal was published by the Arya Samaj in the newspapers of Wakeel, Hindustan etc. on 7 December 1877. The passion of the Promised Messiahas for serving Islam can easily be observed in his well-researched articles containing the refutation of the Arya Samaj’s allegations. These articles were published from 9 February to 9 March, in the Safir-e-Hind newspaper.
9 February 1885: The Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Hazrat Mian Abdullah Sanaurira instructing him to get two thousand copies of the English translation of The Important Announcement and to bring them from Lahore to Qadian immediately. The details of this announcement and the passion of the Promised Messiahas for the propagation of Islam will be discussed in upcoming issues.
10 February 1900: During the ongoing war in South Africa, English forces were in great difficulty against the local Boer commandos. Owing to the circumstances, the Promised Messiahas published an announcement in which he appealed for donations to aid the injured British soldiers in the war of Transvaal. Faithful members of the Jamaat contributed five hundred rupees to this cause, which were submitted to the government officials of that time and letters of appreciation were received. In this month, a book of the Promised Messiahas, Roedad Jalsa Dua, was composed as well.
10 February 1907: On this day, the Promised Messiahas received a letter sent by a manager of a gurukula (traditional Hindu educational institute) in Gujranwala. Malfuzat, volume five, page 145 indicates that on behalf of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra sent a reply to this letter on 17 February, in which there was an exchange of views regarding the schedule of a prearranged lecture that was to be delivered by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in an event.
10 February 1908: The Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Hazrat Mian Abdul Majeed Khanra saying that he was unwell for almost twenty days and was suffering from a severe cough.
11 February 1905: Maulvi Ahmad Saeed Ansari Sahib, a relative of Hazrat Pir Siraj-ul-Haq Numanira, arrived at Qadian and had the honour of meeting the Promised Messiahas.
12 February 1902: The Promised Messiahas conveyed a message to members of the Jamaat through Al Hakam that the written assessment that was recommended to take place at the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha be postponed due the outbreak of plague. Moreover, Huzooras blessed the residents of the cities that had succumbed to the plague, giving precious and elementary guidance.
12 February 1908: The Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra, which contained a message regarding the engagement of Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begumra.
13 February 1835: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, was born to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Murtaza and Hazrat Chiragh Bibi. It was a Friday and according to the Hijri Calendar, it was 14 Shawwal 1250 HA. According to the desi Punjabi year, or the Bikrami Calendar, it was first Phagan 1891. The Promised Messiahas was born at the break of dawn in Qadian Dar-ul-Aman.
13 February 1884: The Promised Messiahas journeyed to Amritsar.
13 February 1899: The Promised Messiahas departed for Pathankot for a court hearing regarding the maintenance of peace. Hazrat Ahmadas reached Batala from Qadian by dawn and left for Pathankot on train.
13 February 1903: A person of Baghdadi descent named Dr Muhammad Yusuf arrived at Qadian who was residing in Lucknow. He reached Qadian for research purposes and met with the Promised Messiahas.
13 February 1907: Alexander Russel Webb sent another letter from America to the Promised Messiahas. He was a priest of a church and editor of the newspaper Daily Gazette. He was once appointed as an ambassador of America to the Philippines. Mr Russel Webb was part of the team that revised the translation of the lecture, Islami Usul Ki Philosophy (The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam) delivered by the Promised Messiahas, which had been translated into English by Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib.
14 February 1899: The Promised Messiahas appeared in the governmental court of Pathankot owing to a court hearing on the maintenance of peace.