A dream and its interpretation


A sign that was manifested to revive and strengthen our faith was that [one] afternoon [during the week ending on 10 July 1899], the aforementioned letter [addressed to the Promised Messiahas informing him of a shrine of Yuz Asaf] arrived unexpectedly, while on that same morning, the Promised Messiahas saw a dream. The Promised Messiahas saw that Her Majesty the Queen, Empress of India, may Allah preserve her, was seated in the home of the Promised Messiahas. In the dream, His Holinessas addressed my humble self (Abdul-Karim), as I was seated next to him, and said:

“Her Majesty the Queen has most graciously come to my house and has remained here for two days. Gratitude ought to be offered to her.”

The interpretation of this dream was that the Promised Messiahas would soon receive some form of divine help for the blessed name of Her Majesty the Queen is ‘Victoria’ which means, ‘one who is triumphant and supported with succour.’ At this time, since Her Majesty the Queen is the most successful and fortunate of all the sovereigns on the face of the earth, for this reason, her graciously visiting the home of the Promised Messiahas was a sign of immense blessing and success for the Promised Messiahas. Now observe the knowledge and power of God. In the afternoon (when the letter was received) the dream was fulfilled. Goodness gracious! What greater succour can there be than for such means to reveal themselves, which stand as a shining argument of God against all the Christians of the world?

(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 27)

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