Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira (1875-1957)
Tabligh in Syria and Egypt
Today [on 24 July 1924], Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] conducted a consultative assembly to propose a program for tabligh of Islam Ahmadiyyat in Egypt and Syria. After several hours of continuous deliberation and reflection, he proposed a scheme and a plan of action. The details of this plan are not to be disclosed at this time; they will be shared in future on an appropriate occasion, insha-Allah.
However, it is important to highlight one particular point Huzoor[ra] emphasised, which pertains to a psychological principle essential for tabligh that every missionary should keep in mind. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] stated that when meeting someone to convey the message [of Islam Ahmadiyyat], it should be done with the insight and conviction that the other person will certainly be persuaded. Emphasis should be placed on the fact that the truth has come and that they should accept it. When one speaks with a heartfelt conviction of faith and insight, it has a special impact [on the other person]. The method of debate should be avoided, reserved only for special circumstances; otherwise, the message should be conveyed with simplicity yet with the power of faith and conviction.
This method is consistent with the Holy Prophetssa way of tabligh, which is encapsulated in the phrase, اسلم تسلم (i.e., accept Islam and you will be safe). When one adopts the method of debate, the effect of simplicity and conviction is also lost.
Huzoor[ra] advised his followers that if they get an opportunity to propagate the message of Ahmadiyyat to someone, they should present the claims of the Promised Messiahas in very clear and straightforward terms and urge them to accept them for their own betterment and salvation.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] also expressed that we should stay for three days in Cairo and a week in Damascus. Regarding the stay in Cairo, Huzoor[ra] deemed it necessary to summon Mahmood Ahmad (Mujahid Misri) to Suez. Accordingly, a telegram has been sent to him, and he will have the honour and privilege of accompanying the journey up to Port Said, insha-Allah.
How to foster a spirit of unity among Muslims
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] is deeply concerned with fostering a spirit of unity among Muslims, recognising this as essential for the success of Islam. God Almighty has established this Jamaat to cultivate this spirit and has revealed to the Promised Messiahas to unite the world’s Muslims under one single faith. This grand objective of uniting the global Muslims on one faith always remains before Huzoor[ra].
To achieve this goal, it is necessary for the Muslims of every part of the world to be aware of each other’s circumstances. Currently, there is no such arrangement among Muslims. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] desires that the educated and wise class [of Muslims] be made aware of this contemporary need.
If societies are established everywhere, gathering people of all thoughts and beliefs on one platform regardless of doctrinal differences, and addressing Muslims’ educational, economic, political, and commercial needs that impact them as a nation, it could benefit all Muslims. Such societies would foster mutual love and sympathy among Muslims and encourage practical empathy for each other’s difficulties. Enmity and animosity would be eliminated, and scholars and intellectuals from one place could travel to another to share their thoughts.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih elaborated on this proposal for a long time, discussing its various aspects as a potent movement to create general unity in the Muslim world. This proposal should be supported by the Islamic press, regardless of who presented it, to ensure its success through practical unity.
Passing through the Red Sea
Today [on 25 July 1924], Huzoor[ra] intended to write an article for Egypt and thus retreated to his cabin. Unfortunately, the fan broke down, making the cabin unbearably hot, rendering it difficult to even sit there, let alone write. The heat in the Red Sea is quite intense. The Red Sea lies between the coasts of Africa and Arabia, and both places are very warm.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] remarked that it seems [writing for] Egypt will be postponed for now. Although he had intended to write, the extreme heat disrupted this plan. He then spent a long time in solitude, reflecting. Only God knows how many blessings He showered during this period of contemplation, which will become evident in the future, insha-Allah.
Prayer for entering the sacred region
On the night [of 25 July 1924], between 11 pm and 12 am, our ship was expected to pass in front of Jeddah and Mecca. For this occasion, Huzoor[ra] had decided to offer a special prayer. When the time arrived, he decided to pray at a spot where there was no barrier. Huzoor[ra] suggested moving forward so that nothing would come between us and the sea, getting as close as possible.
Initially, we were behind the safety barrier, and Huzoor[ra] intended to pray beyond that. So, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih crossed it and moved to a place closest to the sea [on the ship] to offer prayer.
Huzoor[ra] led a two raka‘at congregational prayer, reciting Surah an-Nazi‘aat in the first rak‘ah and Surah al-A‘la in the second. He made lengthy supplications during each part of the prayer – standing, bowing, sitting, and prostrating. His cries and raised voice could be heard, reflecting the deep emotion and intensity of the prayer, which is indescribable in words.
(I will never forget my regret that, despite eagerly awaiting this prayer for a day, I was asleep at the exact time of the prayer. Although I woke up later and prayed on my own, I missed participating in the group prayer. ‘Ah! Irfani, [you missed a blessed opportunity.’])
Significance of the journey
Today [on 26 July 1924], Huzoor[ra] was doing his writing work and briefly stepped out of his cabin in the afternoon. Since some people had eaten and were resting or sleeping, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih remarked that, considering the significance of this journey, we should focus on prayers and avoid laziness, starting our preparations now. Huzoor[ra] remained busy with his writing work throughout the day.
Passing near Medina
We were informed that we would pass in front of Medina at 10 pm. Therefore, preparations for the prayer were made, and Huzoor[ra] intended to offer the Isha prayer at that time. However, at the last moment, we learned that we had already passed by Medina at 5 pm. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih remarked that we would also pass closer to Bait-ul-Maqdas, so we would pray there, insha-Allah.
State of Christianity in Italy
The ship’s doctor often visits to see Huzoor[ra]. He has taken several photographs of him and his travel companions, both during and after prayers. Although he is not a religious person, he expresses great interest. Today [26 July 1924], Hazrat Khalifatul Masih shared with him the news of the second coming of the Messiah and the glad tidings of the Promised Messiahas. The doctor mentioned that in Italy, Catholicism is nominally practised, but in reality, most people do not adhere to it. He stated that mostly women attend church, and regarding himself, he mentioned that he is a doctor, but his father was a Catholic. This doctor founded a society called ‘Acti,’ which I translate as ‘Wave of Spring.’ I will provide detailed information about this in my travelogue.
Importance of responsibility
Today [on 27 July 1924], Huzoor[ra] had a slight fever, but despite this, he spent a long time with his companions. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih explained the concept of ‘Responsibility,’ discussing what it means to European nations and to us. There was a mention of General Townshend’s accounts. In this context, Huzoor[ra] explained that when these people are given responsibility and authority for a mission, they always understand it to mean that they must succeed. If they fail or if a flaw arises, they never say that they were just following orders and did their duty honestly; instead, they are even willing to accept punishment if a shortcoming is proven against them.
In contrast, if we give someone authority and the outcome is negative, they often say they acted to the best of their understanding. This is due to a lack of understanding of the true nature of responsibility.
In reality, we do not perceive our responsibilities as we should. Until this understanding develops in the heart of every individual, our goal will remain distant.
Graves of two brothers
Along the African coast, two hills were visible from the sea. People say these are the graves of two brothers. I have read in a travelogue that these are the graves of a brother and a sister. Huzoor[ra] also came to see them and observed through binoculars, clearly identifying them as hills. Tomorrow [on 28 July 1924], the ship is expected to reach Suez at 7 am.
Reaching Suez
The ship arrived at Suez right on time. Respected (Mahmood Ahmad) Mujahid Misri was present there. Huzoor[ra] looked at his khadim with kindness and affection. The ship departed from Suez at around 10 am.
Tonight [28 July 1924], we will disembark at Port Said and leave for Cairo tomorrow morning, insha-Allah.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih gave a note to the Doctor explaining why we cannot become ‘‘Acheo’’. I will provide details about the accounts of Suez in future, insha-Allah.
– Yaqub Ali Irfani. 28 July 1924.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 21 August 1924 issue of Al Fazl)