Ahmadi women hold 17 interfaith symposia across Canada


Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent

In March and April 2021, Lajna Imaillah Canada held 17 “Annual Regional Interfaith Symposia” across the country, reports Lajna Imaillah Canada.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions on in-person gatherings, 16 regional interfaith symposia were held virtually.  Alhamdulillah, one region was able to hold their interfaith symposium in-person while observing social distancing guidelines. 

Topics presented included “Women’s rights”, “Justice in an unjust world” and “Does a creator exist?” There were also topics related to Covid-19, including “Responsibilities of the faithful during and after the pandemic” and “Maintaining spirituality in isolation”.

Lajna members took advantage of the online platform to include new features which were different from traditional symposia. For example, interactive aspects were included such as virtual mosque tours, Holy Quran exhibitions, introduction to The Review of Religions and kahoot quizzes.

Lajna Imaillah Canada’s social media department promoted the events by using the hashtags #AhmadiyyaWomenInterfaith and #InternationalWomensDay.

Each event showcased video clips of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, delivered in the past, that addressed the topics of these symposia.

A number of distinguished guests, including ministers, members of parliament, mayors, councillors, police officers, professors and doctors, attended the event.

67 speakers presented the teachings of their respective faiths with reference to different topics. Islam Ahmadiyyat was represented by 17 speakers, while 10 other faiths were represented by 50 speakers.

With the grace of Allah the Exalted, 4,850 Lajna and Nasirat members attended the symposia. Another 1,313 guests attended the events, bringing the total attendance to 6,163.

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