Ahmadis in Kenya convey Islamic teachings in Mumias sub-county interfaith meeting


Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent

On 22February 2021, the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat reached many people who had congregated for an interfaith meeting hosted by ACK Church, Lubinu Parish in Mumias east sub-county, Kenya.

44 people attended and our Jamaat was represented by two members, Asman Akhonya Sahib, Sadr Jamaat Shianda and a muallim, Muhammad Maulid Sahib.

The meeting was sponsored by the charity, USAID, with the aim of formulating policies of childcare through religious teachings and finding out what religious leaders are doing in their part to protect children from sexual harassment, negligence and child labour. 

Sadr Jamaat Shianda appreciated the opportunity given to religious leaders to give direction to an ever-worsening situation of modern society and the treatment of children, the leaders of tomorrow. 

On his part, the muallim, Muhammad Maulid Sahib focused on the parents for negligence of their roles in proper up-bringing of their children by giving false excuses in the name of freedom and change in societal roles. He admonished church leaders who kept quiet while their own congregants did as they wished, putting on clothes with no decency, despite being in the churches. He informed all attendees that the solution they were yearning for was in accepting the Promised Messiahas, who was prophesied in their holy books to come. He said that Jesusas had already metaphorically come in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian and he had founded a community by the name of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, with one Imam that spreads love and a message of peace to the whole world.

In the end, all attendees were given the Jamaat’s literature including the book, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.

Some of the attendees were amazed and appreciated the message they received, saying they had never heard such a good message from Muslims before. 

May the message of the Promised Messiahas spread in this region and everywhere else and may the world come to accept the Imam of the age. Amin.

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