Ahmad Tabshir Choudhury, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Bangladesh

On 16-18 December 2021, Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh held its 42nd National Ijtema at the National Headquarters Complex of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, in Dhaka.
On 16 December Liwa-e-Ansar and the national flag of Bangladesh were hoisted and the national anthem of Bangladesh was presented.
After this, sadr majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh led everyone in the Ansar pledge, and silent prayer was led by Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, Abdul Awwal Khan Chowdhury Sahib.
Balloons were then released marking the inauguration of the Ijtema and the celebration of the 50th Independence Day of Bangladesh.
The formal inaugural session commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran and a poem, followed by a welcome speech by Nasiruddin Millat Sahib, Naib Sadr and Chairman Ijtema Committee.
Amir Sahib Jamaat Bangladesh delivered the inaugural address.
Next, Shah Muhammad Nurul Amin Sahib, a missionary, delivered a lecture on ‘Patriotism – According to the Teachings of Islam’.
On the evening of 16 December, a special session general meeting took place.
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Imam of the London Mosque, spoke through Zoom on the topic of “Al-khairu kulluhu fil Quran” – “All good is in the Holy Quran” – followed by the selected portion of the virtual mulaqat of the National Amila of Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.

A question and answer session was held on organisational matters of Majlis Ansarullah. Around 600 Ansar attended the session at the mosque.
On 17December, all Ijtema participants gathered at the central mosque of the national headquarters of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh and listened to the live Friday Sermon of Huzooraa.
The concluding session of the Ijtema was held on 18 December. Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh presided over the session, in which Principal Sahib Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh and Amir Sahib Jamaat Bangladesh delivered their lectures.
The annual report was presented by Qaid Umumi, Mohammad Fazal-e-Ilahi Sahib and the financial report by Qaid Maal, Muhammad Abdur Rashid Sahib.
Secretary Ijtema, Sarwar Morshed Sahib paid a vote of thanks, followed by a prize distribution ceremony.
The Ijtema concluded with the Ansar pledge led by Sadr Majlis and a silent prayer by Amir Sahib.
During the three days of the Ijtema, participants took part in various academic and sports competitions. A special Ijtema issue of the Al-Naser bulletin was also published.
The total attendance of the Ijtema was more than 800.
Excellent Gathering of Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh. I had the fortune to join there.