Abdul Munim Khan Chowdhury, Bangladesh Correspondent
The national amila of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh had the blessed opportunity to have a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on 7February 2021.
This was, in every aspect, a revolutionary and historic moment for Khuddam of Bangladesh and will be remembered forever by the participants.

Sadr Sahib, upon watching Huzooraa graciously take out his time for various departments of some countries virtually, was inspired to request Huzooraa for a meeting on behalf of the amila of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh. So, he wrote to Huzooraa requesting a virtual mulaqat with the national amila.
Huzooraa graciously approved this mulaqat and 7 February 2021 was fixed for this meeting.
After this faith-inspiring meeting, the participants expressed their sentiments and impressions.
Mishkatul Haque Sahib, Additional Motamid, said:
“This day is nothing short of an Eid day for me, being able to meet Huzooraa. My exams were supposed to be held on the day of meeting, but I decided to meet with Huzooraa no matter what. By the grace of Allah, my exam was postponed at the last moment.”
Muhammad Mubasher Ali Sahib, Muhasib, said:
“This was my first ever mulaqat with Huzooraa. When we saw him on the screen, I felt as if I was meeting him in person. Alhamdulillah for this blessed opportunity. May Allah enable me and my family to stick to Khilafat till our last breath. Amin.”
Muhammad Ataur Rahman Sahib, Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq, said:
“Before the mulaqat, I was extremely anxious. But after seeing Huzooraa on the television screen, I felt truly enlightened. I feel completely at peace.”
Al-Ikraam Khan Sahib, Mohtamim Tarbiyat, said:
“I am truly blessed to have spoken to our Khalifa directly.”
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman Sahib, Naib Sadr, said:
“I had longed to meet Huzooraa for such a long time and alhamdulillah, today was that blessed day.”
Tareq Ahmed Sahib, Mohtamim Mal, said:
“I feel extremely fortunate to have met Huzooraa directly. The opportunity to meet Allah’s most loved person in this era brought a feeling that is impossible to express in words.”
Muhammad Solaimaan Sahib, Muavin Sadr, said:
“This virtual meeting with Huzooraa felt like it was in person. I felt such peace upon seeing his pure face. All the participants of this meeting fell down in Sajda-e-Shukr once Huzooraa concluded this meeting.”
Mahmud Ahmad Sumon, Mohtamim Ishaat, said:
“My heartfelt gratitude to Huzooraa for this incredible opportunity of meeting him directly. I could not hold back my tears upon seeing the holy face of Huzooraa.”
Muhammad Zahed Ali, Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, said:
“I have never had the opportunity to meet any emperor or head of state, but today, I had the opportunity to meet Huzooraa, the spiritual leader of the time and my insignificant soul was standing in front of him. My heartfelt gratitude and a million thanks to Huzooraa for making time from his extremely busy schedule for this meeting, alhamdulillah! May Allah forgive us all. Amin.”
May this faith-inspiring meeting with Huzooraa bring revolutionary changes among the Khuddam of Bangladesh. Amin.