Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent

A refresher course for Canadian missionaries was held from 7 to 12 October 2019. Ataul Manan Sahib reports that the course took place at the Canadian headquarters of the Jamaat, located in Peace Village, Vaughan. 35 field missionaries participated in this refresher course.
The programme was designed as per the instructions received from the Markaz in London. Two of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa addresses delivered at the occasion of Jamia Ahmadiyya convocations were listened to. Similarly, Hazrat Amirul Momineen’saa Friday Sermon regarding the responsibilities of office-bearers and missionaries was played.
In total, 20 lectures were delivered; 7 by missionaries, 10 by national office-bearers and 3 by Jamaat scholars. A recent instruction of Huzooraa stated that missionaries should be well-versed in the constitution of the auxiliary organisations. As such, soft and hard copies of these constitutions were provided to the missionaries and lectures were arranged to discuss the constitution of each auxiliary organisation of the Jamaat.
The highlight of the programme was that missionaries were able to listen to the live addresses that Huzooraa delivered at UNESCO and at the inauguration of Mahdi Mosque in Strasbourg, France.
The refresher course was held for 6 days. Each day started with Tahajud prayers and ended at Isha. Lectures started at 9am until midday. After prayers, there was time for rest and sports. In the evening there were lectures and in-class study.
We are grateful to all the speakers and missionaries who delivered lectures and also those who assisted in any capacity. We are also grateful to respected national secretary ziafat (hospitality) and his team for arranging accommodation and hospitality.