Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Canada celebrated its National Tabligh Day on 23 August 2020. The theme of this Tabligh Day was “The Messiah Has Come”.
A plan was made to promote this message across Canada, reports the National Tabligh Department. The following two tabligh activities were chosen for the day:
Standing at busy intersections in towns and cities, while holding placards with a picture of the Promised Messiahas and the message “The Messiah Has Come”

This activity was undertaken by male members of the Jamaat. Each Jamaat was asked to identify busy intersections in their respective towns and cities. Teams then stood at the intersection, holding these placards for some hours.
Flyers titled “The Messiah Has Come” were also available to be given to those who were interested and asked for additional information. All local laws for social distancing were observed and everyone wore face masks.
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, this activity was undertaken across Canada. A total of 1,235 members took part in standing at busy intersections holding these placards.

The placards were displayed at 278 busy intersections in towns and cities across Canada. A total of 2,535 flyers were given to people who asked for information.
In some cases, people approached the Jamaat members and engaged in deep conversations. Others slowed down in their vehicles, to take pictures of the placards. The placards also had a Jamaat website listed for people to get further information.
A Twitter trend campaign to promote the phrase #MessiahHasCome across Canada
This campaign was originally organised by Majlis Ansarullah Canada and Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada. Lajna Imaillah Canada also joined. Details of the campaign were shared with secretary tabligh of each imarat and local jamaat with the request to promote it.
The hashtag #MessiahHasCome reached number one position in Canada within 15 minutes of the campaign starting; and remained number one for over an hour. Over 25,000 tweets and re-tweets containing the hashtag #MessiahHasCome were posted during the first two hours of this campaign.
Many non-Ahmadi people interacted with Jamaat members by asking questions based on the messages (tweets) sent by our Jamaat members. The message of Islam Ahmadiyyat was conveyed to thousands of people via this Twitter campaign as well, alhamdolillah.