Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
The national amila of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Canada requested Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, for a virtual meeting in August 2020.
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the news of its approval was received on 13 September 2020 and a meeting date was set for 3 October 2020. 32 members of the national amila gathered in Aiwan-e-Tahir at the Baitul Islam Mosque complex for this blessed occasion. The meeting was scheduled for an hour (12:45pm to 1:45pm), but Huzooraa graciously gave an extra 15 minutes of his valuable time.

One by one, each member introduced themselves and presented brief updates regarding their respective department. Huzooraa offered each member treasured guidance. This was truly a very blessed and beneficial meeting for all members. We hope and pray that insha-Allah, a physical meeting becomes a reality in the near future. Amin.
Some feedback from members of the national amila regarding the meeting experience is presented below:
Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Canada, Lal Khan Malik Sahib, said:
“I was amazed to see how Huzooraa knows relatives of people he meets. It was also surprising that Huzooraa recognises every member of our amila. While figures are being presented, Huzooraa quickly calculates various outcomes in his mind with amazing speed. There were new angles of approach in Huzoor’saa comments and guidance about our work in various departments. We came out with more ideas on how we can work better in the service of Jamaat. A light touch of humour here and there kept us all at ease in a situation that was otherwise tense for us. Huzooraa was gracious and forgiving even when our responses were not to his expectations.”
Hadi Ali Chaudhry Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat Canada, said:
“My feelings of this meeting can be understood through the following couplets:
تیرے دیدار سے روح کو ٹھنڈک پہنچی
میری آنکھوں کو تجھے دیکھ کے تسکین ہوئی
تشنگی جتنی تھی کچھ اس کا مداوا بھی ہوا
دل بڑھا، اور میرے ایمان کی تمکین ہوئی
“‘Seeing you brought peace to my soul and calm to my eyes. My yearning was satisfied, my heart was comforted and my faith, strengthened.’”
Secretary wasaya and Naib Amir, Kaleem Ahmad Malik Sahib, said:
“I had been eagerly awaiting the meeting since the morning and was continuously praying. I was not satisfied in any way about my department because the work of Allah the Almighty always progresses and never stops. We were engaged in prayers and as soon as we saw Huzoor’saa radiant countenance, we felt comfort. The compassionate advice of Huzooraa on my department’s report turned the panic into peace and consolation and it established a newfound devotion within me for obedience to Khilafat and pursuit of my work. May Allah the Almighty grant us the opportunity to meet Huzooraa personally and may He always lead us, our families and children in obedience and love of Khilafat. Amin.”
Aslam Daud Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat Canada, said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, today we had a historic virtual meeting with Huzooraa. It was a very rejuvenating experience that charged us with new vigour. We were blessed with guidance that helped us to refocus on the most important matters. It was a true blessing to receive direct guidance from Huzooraa despite the pandemic and all the restrictions.”
Sheikh Mohammad Amir Mahmood Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat Canada, said:
“Overall, I feel that we have been spiritually uplifted as a result of this meeting. May Allah the Almighty enable us to serve in complete obedience to Khilafat and in a way that results in the pleasure of Allah. Amin.”
Abdul Bari Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat Canada, said:
“Alhamdolillah, we received guidance regarding our work and I hope these instructions will be implemented, insha-Allah.”
Mubashir Ahmad Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat Canada, said:
“Despite our shortcomings, we received immense guidance and were reminded of our responsibilities.”
Sabih Nasir Sahib, National General Secretary, said:
“Beloved Huzooraa perhaps sensed my nervousness and eased my tension by remarking that my Urdu was similar to English. As he enquired about the reporting and how we collect the reports from the jamaats, I was completely amazed that Huzooraa enquired as to how we know that the reports are not filled by a computer and are in-fact being filled by a person. No amount of preparation would have made me expect that question. I had no answer. But then, Huzooraa graciously provided me with guidance as well.”
Shahid Mansoor Sahib, Secretary Tarbiyat, said:
“By the grace of Allah, I had the opportunity to join this blessed meeting today and because of this blessed meeting, I had the chance to quench my spiritual thirst. At the same time, my courage increased and I also realised how Allah the Almighty has created new ways for the progress of Ahmadiyyat through these new inventions. Observation has shown that whenever the voice of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa is obeyed by saying labbaik, there is always an opportunity to observe the manifestations of Allah the Almighty in a new way.”
Mirza Hameed Sahib, Secretary Talim, said:
“We are very happy that we were blessed through a meeting with Huzooraa virtually.”
Sheikh Abdul Wadood Sahib, Secretary Ishaat, said:
“I was pleasantly surprised about the cost and sales details Huzooraa knew regarding books in Canada. I am grateful to Huzooraa for his guidance about translations of the Holy Quran.”
Farhan Basharat Sahib, Secretary Sami-o-Basri, said:
“It was mesmerising to see beloved Huzooraa. I was so amazed that he directed us in simple words and instructions. It has motivated me and created more love for Allah the Almighty and His Khalifa. May Allah continue to shower His incessant blessings upon him and his family, Amin.”

Shafqat Mahmood Sahib, Secretary umur-e-ama, said:
“It was a very pleasant meeting. Huzooraa was very relaxed and spoke comfortably with amila members. He very joyfully guided us and we all enjoyed these moments.”
Naseer Ahmad Khan Sahib, Secretary Ziafat, said:
“Alhamdolillah, we met Huzooraa and were blessed with his valuable guidance.”
Khalid Mahmood Naeem Sahib, Secretary Mal, said:
“We are blessed to have Khilafat among us. We feel highly motivated, energised and guided. This meeting reminded me of my duties and how to discharge them. It was indeed a great honour and blessing to be a part of this meeting. Long live Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Amin.”
Rahman Masood Mahar Sahib, Additional Secretary Mal, said:
“By the grace of Allah, I was able to join the meeting with Huzooraa today. It is the sheer grace of Allah, that we had the opportunity to receive the instructions of Huzooraa directly. May Allah the Almighty help us to follow the instructions of Huzooraa. The truth of Khilafat was manifested to everyone through his deep understanding and love for Jamaat members.”
Sheikh Abdul Hadi Sahib, Secretary Talim-ul-Quran and Waqf-e-Arzi, said:
“Masha-Allah, the meeting was very good and well organised and we were able to speak to Huzooraa.”
Mian Rizwan Masood Sahib, Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid, said:
“Huzoor’saa memory is extraordinary. Aside from providing administrative guidance, Huzooraa still enquired about the health of my maternal uncle and my maternal cousin.”
Muhammad Ahsan Gardezi Sahib, Secretary Tarbiyat and Waqf-e-Jadid Nau Mubai‘een, said:
“The meeting with Huzooraa was very fruitful. We will try our utmost to follow the instructions received from Huzooraa. We have received a lot of advice and guidance. May Allah the Almighty help us to follow it. Amin.”
Zahid Masud Sahib, Secretary Waqf-e-Nau, said:
“This was my first meeting with Huzooraa as a member of the national amila. This virtual meeting was no less nerve-racking than a physical meeting. Nonetheless, I enjoyed every single moment. I will try my best to implement the instructions given by Huzooraa. I am thankful to Allah the Almighty that Huzooraa granted us some time from his busy schedule.”
Mamoon Rashid Sahib, Secretary Sanat-o-Tijarat, said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, this was an excellent meeting, full of guidance. Prayers are requested to be able to follow these guidelines.”
Farhatullah Shad Sahib, Muhasib, said:
“This was my first meeting and I was speechless. Huzooraa had up to date records of accounting.”
Mahmood Ashraf Sahib, Internal Auditor, said:
“The meeting was very blessed. Huzoor’saa eye for detail on each aspect of every department was amazing. We received immense guidance through this meeting.”