A series looking at the high standard of morals of the Promised Messiahas and his Khulafa when receiving visitors in Qadian
Awwab Saad Hayat, Al Hakam

Ghulam Yasin Abu Nasr Aah Sahib was born in 1882 in the house of Maulana Khairuddin, a well-known personality of the Indian subcontinent. He was the elder brother of the famous Congress leader, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (the first education minister of Independent India).
Ghulam Yasin Sahib did not live long and fell ill during his travels in Iraq and returned to India and died in 1907.
Ghulam Yasin Sahib, like his father Maulana Khairuddin, was aware and acquainted with the pirs (spiritual guides) of India and used to visit the famous YMS Preaching Hall in Bombay every week and would have in-depth discussions with non-Muslims. In these discussions, he gained great benefit from utilising the literature of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. Due to this, he had a great desire to go to Qadian and be privileged with meeting Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas.
On 2 May 1905, in accordance with a dream he had, Ghulam Yasin Sahib began this journey to Qadian. At the time, he was on his way to Lahore from Bombay to attend a meeting of the Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam, after which he went to Qadian. He arrived in Qadian in the afternoon and went straight to Hazrat Ahmad’sas garden, where he was staying with his family and some companions after the Kangra earthquake. Hazrat Ahmadas spoke with him and blessed him with valuable advice and guidance on matters.
After visiting Qadian and meeting with the Promised Messiahas, Ghulam Yasin Sahib published the following remarks in the Amritsar newspaper, Vakil. (His remarks have been recorded in Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, volume 2, pages 390 to 391):
“Where else did I visit [on my journey]? I visited Qadian, I met with Mirza Sahib [the Promised Messiahas], I remained [there in Qadian as] a guest. I should thank Mirza Sahib for his morals [he displayed towards me] and tawajjuh [a master’s focused spiritual attention on his disciple]. I had mouth sores due to [eating] hot [foods] and, for this reason, I could not eat salted curries. Mirza Sahib (immediately, whilst exiting the house) suggested [I have] milk and bread. Presently, Mirza Sahib is staying in a vast and suitable garden outside Qadian (which is his own property). The elders of the millat [Jamaat] were also residing there.
“[Though] the population of Qadian is around 3,000, it is very lively with [a lot of] hustle and bustle. The magnificent and lofty building of Nawab Sahib Malerkotla [Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra] is the only [firmly built] building in the entire settlement. The roads are rough and uneven, especially the road from Batala to Qadian; its poor condition is the worst of its kind. While travelling to Qadian, the journey made on the carriage caused me much difficulty; however, returning the cart of Nawab Sahib lessoned my hardships [faced whilst travelling]. Had the desire to meet Mirza Sahib not been in my heart, then never mind eight miles, I would not have been able to even [travel another] eight steps.
“[In Qadian] the attribute of honouring guests was not limited to special people. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone treated [me as] his brother. And Maulana Haji Hakim Nurruddin Sahib, whose name is known all over India, and Maulana Abdul Karim Sahib, whose speeches are very popular in Punjab, Maulvi Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib, Editor Badr, whose writings have converted many Europeans to Islam, respected Mir Nasir Nawab Sahib Dehlvi, who is the father-in-law of Mirza Sahib, Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib MA, LLB, Editor of [The] Review of Religions, Maulvi Yaqub Ali Sahib Turab, Editor Al Hakam, Respected Shah Siraj-ul-Haq Sahib etc., all showed great kindness and affection.

“Regretfully, I do not remember the names of the other people, otherwise I would have thanked them for their courteousness too. Mirza Sahib’s countenance is very majestic and it immidiaty leaves an impression on one’s mind. There is a special kind of radiance in his eyes and softness in his speech. [He is] humble but gripping; [he has] a calm temperament, but one that would invigorate hearts. The grandeur of his tolerance has infused balance into his humble disposition. He would speak with such gentleness that it seemed as if he was smiling. He is of white complexion, his hair dyed with mehndi, his body strong and robust. He wears a white Punjabi [style] turban on his head and wears a black or khaki long coat. He wears socks on his feet and desi [style] shoes. […]
“Among the disciples of Mirza Sahib, I saw great devotion and found them firm in their faith. Many distinguished guests were present on my visit who were very sincere and devoted.
“It is a simple example of Mirza Sahib’s extraordinary morals that at the end of continuous and generous hospitality during my stay, he gave me a chance to express my gratitude when he said the following words: ‘I will let you leave if you promise that you will come back and stay for at least two weeks.’ (His smiling face during that time is still before my very eyes). I had taken back with me the very desire that made me visit Qadian. And maybe that same desire shall make me return.
“Indeed, [the people of Qadian] have understood this sentence well:
حسن خلقك و لو مع الكفار
“[Exhibit good morals, even if it be with the disbelievers.]
“Where else did I visit? There is no time to pen this down. The time has come to go to the station. At another time, I shall narrate what I experienced.
“Writer: AH [Abu Nasr Aah]”.