Dissemination of Literature in Querétaro, Mexico


Amen Aqeel Haider

Mexico Correspondent

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Mexico was blessed with the opportunity to take part in a book fair held in downtown of Querétaro on 14-19 November. During the book fair, five books were displayed, all in the Spanish language. The books displayed were as follows: 

1) The Holy Quran with translation and commentary

2) Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam 

3) Jesus in India

4) An Elementary study of Islam 

5) Islam: Un jardín de sabiduría (Islam: A Garden of Wisdom). 

More than 300 books and more than 1,000 “Muslims for peace” flyers were distributed. Adnan Haider Sahib, (missionary in Querétaro) was present at the stall along with 15 other members of the Jamaat who volunteered during the book fair. All of these 15 members of the Jamaat are new converts of Mexico. In addition, a few tabligh contacts of Querétaro Jamaat dedicated their time to volunteer. Many people showed interest at our stall and many prominent contacts were made, among whom were authors, educators and catholic church representatives. 

Among the hundreds of people that came to the stall, one of them was a nun of the catholic church. She stopped by at the stall, looked over the books and it was apparent that she was hesitant to ask any questions, but she seemed very curious. Once a conversation began, she asked many questions to clear her misunderstandings. During the discussion, topics such as Christians in the Holy Quran, the status of Maryas, mother of Jesusas in the Holy Quran, and many other peaceful teachings of Islam were discussed. She was awestruck and wanted to continue the conversation and share with her other nun sisters as well, thus she bought all of the books and invited our missionary to her church for a lecture on Islam, Alhamdolillah. 

It is estimated that more than 3,500 people came to the stall and viewed the books of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. 

The Querétaro chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in México was blessed with the opportunity to place the aforementioned five books in all public libraries of the state of Querétaro, Alhamdolillah.

There are 67 public libraries in the state of Querétaro, so 67 copies of each book were taken to the main library of the state and will be delivered to all the libraries from there. Adnan Haider Sahib led this task. 

A meeting was held with the government representatives responsible for libraries in the ministry of culture of the state of Querétaro. This was followed by sending an official letter requesting for Jamaat’s books to be placed in all public libraries of the state. This request was accepted and the Jamaat was able to proceed with the process of making these books accessible to the general public.

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