M Adam Ahmad, Al Hakam

God still grants the blessing of His communion to whomsoever He pleases. In the Holy Quran, Allah says:
وَمَاکَانَ لِبَشَرٍ اَنْ يُّکَلِّمَہُ اللّٰہُ اِلَّا وَحْيًا اَوْ مِنْ وَّرَآءِ حِجَابٍ اَوْيُرْسِلَ رَسُوْلًا فَيُوْحِيَ بِاِذْنِہٖ مَايَشَآء
“And it is not for a man that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil or by sending a messenger to reveal by His command what He pleases.” (Surah ash-Shura, Ch.42: V.52)
Like every other prophet, Allah opened the treasures of divine insights, visions, revelations, and hidden truths in abundance to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. These revelations and visions were not bringing a new law, rather they supported Islam and revived the original teachings of the Quran and sunnah.
The Companions and followers of the Promised Messiahas were also blessed with this favour of communion with Allah the Almighty, and they continue to witness these blessings of God Almighty even after the passing of Prophet Ahmadas.
The Promised Messiahas appeared at a time when belief in Tawhid (Oneness of God) was on the decline and people were forsaking Islam for Christianity; a religion that openly advocated the concepts of trinity, the divinity of Jesus and atonement. Consequently, God sent the Promised Messiahas to make it manifest upon the world that:
وہ خدا اب بھي بناتا ہے جسے چاہے کليم
اب بھي اُس سے بولتا ہے جس سے وہ کرتا ہے پيار
“That God still grants the blessing of communion [with Him] – whomsoever He wills, and He still speaks with them – whomsoever He loves.”
گوہرِ وحيِ خدا کيوں توڑتا ہے ہوش کر
اِک يہي ديں کيلئے ہے جائے عِزّ و افتخار
“Hearken! Why would God discontinue the treasure of revelation? This stands as the only source of honour and glory for the Faith!”
يہ وہ ہے مفتاح جس سے آسماں کے دَر کھليں
يہ وہ آئينہ ہے جس سے ديکھ ليں رُوئے نگار
“This [revelation] is the key to unlock the gates of heavens. This is the mirror that helps witness the Beloved’s countenance.” (Durr-e-Sameen, p. 136)
Throughout his life, Hazrat Ahmadas conveyed this message with great fervour that God continues to converse with His beloveds in the same way He did in the past. He brought this fact to the fore that communication with Allah the Almighty, divine visions, and revelations were not only spiritual signs of a living faith but also indicators of God’s blessings upon humanity that would continue forever.
Explaining how God Almighty showers His divine light upon His creation and enhances their spirituality, the Promised Messiahas states:
“The fact is that when the Imam of the age appears in the world, thousands upon thousands of lights accompany him and heaven is filled with joy. With the dissemination of spirituality and light, the right potentialities become alive. Anyone who has the capacity begins to experience a series of revelations. […]
“All these blessings are in fact the outcome of the spiritual radiation which comes with the Imam of the age and descends upon the heart of every ready and eager person. This is a general law and a Divine practice to which we have been guided by the Holy Quran and authentic Hadith, and our personal experience has testified to it.
“The age of the Promised Messiah, however, has an even greater distinction in that it is recorded in the books of earlier Prophets and Hadith of the Holy Prophetsa that, at the time of his advent, this radiation of spirituality will become so universal that women too will begin to receive revelations, minors will make prophecies, and ordinary people will be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
“All this will be a reflection of the spirituality of the Promised Messiah. This is just like the light of the sun which falls upon a wall and illuminates it, and if the wall is white-washed with lime, it becomes all the more radiant. And if it is inlaid with mirrors, the light becomes too intense even for the eyes to behold. The wall, however, cannot claim this light as its own, for after sunset, not a trace of it remains. Likewise, all revelational light is a reflection of the light of the Imam of the age.” (The Need for the Imam [Darurat-ul-Imam], pp. 6-7)
The Promised Messiah’sas Companions, Khulafa, and followers not only bore witness to these divine revelations but also personally experienced this blessed phenomenon of God Almighty. Their first-hand encounters are a testament that revelation continues to persist in extraordinary forms to guide and lead people to their Creator. Moreover, the conclusion of the Promised Messiah’sas life did not mean the end of divine communication. Rather, it marked the beginning of a new period in which the words and blessings of Allah the Almighty continue to be manifested in the hearts of His faithful servants, therefore extending the eternal path leading to the One God.
Blessings and wonders
The Promised Messiahas was promised by God Almighty that his Companions and followers will be granted divine blessings and wonders, as Allah the Almighty said:
وَجَاعِلُ الَّذِيۡنَ اتَّبَعُوۡکَ فَوۡقَ الَّذِيۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اِلٰي يَوۡمِ الۡقِيٰمَةِ
“[I] shall raise your followers above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Judgment. This means that: ‘I shall give victory to your followers and Companions over others in arguments, reasoning, and blessings.’” (Tadhkirah [English], p. 127)
In another revelation, Prophet Ahmadas was given the following glad tiding:
“Tell the Companions that the time for showing wonders upon wonders has arrived.” (Ibid., p. 865)
Revelations to Promised Messiah’s Companions
Expressing that his Companions, both men and women, were blessed with revelations of God Almighty, the Promised Messiahas says:
“The truth is that there are many such people among my followers, and the revelations of some of them would constitute a whole book. Syed Amir Ali Shah, for instance, sends me a whole page of revelations every week. There are also women who bear witness to my claim and receive revelations in Arabic, without having learned a word of Arabic. […]
“On 28 September 1898, I received a few of her [Ghulam Fatima’s] revelations in a letter through her real brother, Fateh Muhammad Buzdar.
“Many other followers of mine are also recipients of revelation. One of them resides in Lahore.” (The Need for the Imam, p. 50)
Khutba Ilhamiyyah and divine visions
Prophet Ahmadas records that God instructed him to deliver an address in Arabic. On 11 April 1900, the day of Eid-ul-Adha, the Promised Messiahas was informed by Allah the Almighty that he had been given the ability to speak in Arabic and that “this discourse has been made eloquent by the Noble Lord.” (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation [Haqiqatul Wahi], p. 457) This revelation was communicated to Maulvi Abdul Karimra, Hakeem Maulvi Noor-ud-Dinra, Sheikh Rahmatullahra, Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra, Maulvi Muhammad Ali MA, Master Abdur Rahman, Master Sher Alira BA, Hafiz Abdul Alira, and many other friends. Consequently, the Promised Messiahas delivered the Eid sermon extemporaneously in Arabic after the Eid prayer, as he states:
“When this Arabic address, which has been named Khutbah Ilhamiyyah [‘The Revealed Sermon’], was delivered to the people, an audience of perhaps two hundred was present at the time. Holy is Allah! It seemed as if a fountain had begun to flow from the unseen, and I knew not whether I was the one who was speaking or it was an angel addressing through my tongue, because I was aware that I had no part in this address.” (Ibid., p. 458)
During the miraculous occurrence of this Revealed Sermon, a series of divine visions were witnessed by the Companions of the Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Khalifatul Maish Vaa states:
“Regarding this Khutbah Ilhamiyyah [The Revealed Sermon], two dreams have been observed, penned by the blessed hand of the Promised Messiahas, which are also recorded in Tadhkirah.
“Under the date 19 April 1900, the Promised Messiahas wrote about a dream of Mian Abdullah Sanaurira in which Mian Abdullah Sanaurira said that the late Munshi Ghulam Qadir of Sanaur had come there. Mian Abdullah asked him about the gathering. He said there was a great clamour up there [in the heavens].
“This dream is in exact accord with the dream of Syed Amir Ali Shah, because he had seen that when the Arabic address was being delivered on Eid day, the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Isa [Jesusas], Hazrat Musa [Mosesas] and Hazrat Khidras were present among the audience listening to the sermon. He was shown this as a divine vision while he was sitting and listening to the sermon.” (Friday Sermon, 11 April 2014)
Impressions of some other Companions of the Promised Messiahas about the Revealed Sermons are also recorded in the annals of history.
Hazrat Hafiz Abdul Alira narrates:
“I was present at the time of this Khutbah Ilhamiyyah. The tone of Huzoor’sas voice was somewhat different at that moment. A Syed from Sialkot District, who was a recipient of divine revelations, (he was an Ahmadi Syed who used to receive revelations), was sitting beside me. He was saying that, ‘Even the angels were present to listen [to this Revealed Sermon].’” (Ibid.)
Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Rasul Rajekira had such a relationship with Allah the Almighty that God would frequently manifest Himself to Hazrat Maulana Rajekira through visions, dreams, and revelations. Hazrat Ghulam Rasul Rajekira narrates, “I went for preaching [in a village named Dodra], their Mulla Muhammad Alam would obstruct people from listening to my words and would announce the fatwa of disbelief that was imposed upon me. Eventually, he incited Jiwan Khan, a strong young man of that area, who was dominant over all the landlords of the village in terms of their numbers and strength. He incited him against me to the extent that they threatened my life, sending me a message that if I valued my life, I should not set foot in their village, or else I would regret it. Upon receiving this message, I stood in prayer for supplication, beseeching God fervently, and in that state of prayer, Allah revealed to me regarding Jiwan Khan and Mulla Muhammad Alam that:
تَبَّتۡ يَدَاۤ اَبِيۡ لَہَبٍ وَّ تَبَّ مَاۤ اَغۡنٰي عَنۡہُ مَالُہٗ وَ مَا کَسَبَ
“Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish. His wealth and what he has earned shall avail him not.” (Hayat-e-Qudsi, Vol. 1, p. 26)
Consequently, Mulla Muhmmad Alam was first expelled from his village and then fell ill, eventually dying a miserable death. On the other hand, Jiwan Khan also suffered from a disease but recovered when he repented and sought forgiveness. Maulana Ghulam Rasul Rajekira prayed for him and he fully regained health.
Hazrat Abdur Rahim Nayyarra saw these words, “No tournament, no games,” in written form as a revelation by God Almighty. Following this, he fell ill and could not personally participate to conduct a high school tournament as he was the head of the sports department. However, on the day of the tournament, rain came down in buckets and they had to cancel it altogether. (Register Riwayat-e-Sahaba [unpublished], Vol. 11, p. 312-13)
Once, in Masjid Aqsa, some Companions of the Promised Messiahas were gathered, and Hazrat Sahibzada Abdul Latifra, who later became a martyr, was also present there. Due to some reason, he went outside for a moment. In the meantime, Hazrat Maulvi Noor-ud-Dinra arrived and, upon seeing the vacant place, sat in the place of Hazrat Sahibzada Abdul Latifra. When he returned, Hazrat Sahibzada Sahibra expressed his displeasure. Hazrat Maulvi Sahib was about to get up from that place when immediately Hazrat Sahibzada Abdul Latifra said:
“No, no, you may stay seated. I have just received a revelation that:
“‘Argue not with the beloved servants of Allah.’” (Al Fazl, 24 June 2005, p. 3)
Successors of the Promised Messiahas
The Khulafa or Successors of the Promised Messiahas also received their fair share of visions and revelations by the sheer grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I, Hakeem Maulvi Noor-ud-Dinra was the closest companion and the best friend of the Promised Messiahas, and he was thus blessed with countless divine manifestations of God Almighty. Once, expressing to Nawab Khan Sahib Tehsildar, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira said:
“I have benefited greatly from the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas, but one of the greatest benefits I have received is that previously I was granted visitation of the Holy Prophetsa only in dreams, but now I experience it while awake [in a semi-conscious state].” (Hayat-e-Nur, p. 194)
Mentioning how God Almighty revealed to him about the discomfort of a fellow-companion through Prophet Muhammadsa, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira writes:
“Once, I saw the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in a divine vision. Hazrat Muhammadsa said, “Your meal is at our house, but I am very worried about Nabi Baksh.’” (Mirqat al-Yaqeen fi Hayat Noor-ud-Din, p. 122)
Hazrat Hakeem Maulvi Noor-ud-Dinra narrates that after the above revelation, he tried and tried but could not find Nabi Bakhsh Sahib. Several days later, he met Nabi Baksh Sahib and asked him if he could assist him in case of any discomfort. Nabi Bakhsh Sahib replied that he was going through a really tough time, but then he secured some work and got some money to make ends meet. (Ibid.)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, who was born following a grand prophecy of the Promised Messiahas, also witnessed countless visions and received a great number of revelations from Allah the Almighty.
Hazrat Syed Sarwar Shahra, who was one of the teachers of Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Mahmud Ahmadra, narrates:
“Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was taught by me and so one day I asked him, ‘Mian! Your father receives revelation in abundance. Do you receive revelations and dreams, etc.?’ Mian Sahib replied: ‘Maulvi Sahib! I have witnessed many dreams and there is one dream I see nearly every day. From the moment my head touches the pillow to the moment I wake up in the morning. I dream that I am leading an army. And sometimes I see crossing oceans to fight an adversary. And many times, it has happened that if I have nothing to make the crossing with, I make a boat out of reeds, etc., and with it make the crossing to attack the enemy.’
“When I [Hazrat Syed Sarwar Shahra] heard this dream from him, the thing imprinted on my heart since then was that this man will lead the Jamaat (Ahmadiyya Community) some time in the future. From then on, I stopped teaching him while sitting in the classroom. I would sit him in my chair while I sat in his place and began to teach him. Upon hearing the dream, I also requested him that, ‘Mian! Please do not forget me when you get older, please keep me in your loving sight.’” (Fazl-e-Umar, pp. 85-86; Al Fazl, 16 February 1968)
Once, Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmadra saw in a dream that the Promised Messiahas had received the following revelation:
أِنِّيْ مَعَ الْاَفْوَاجِ اَتِيْکَ بَغْتَةً
“I shall come to you with a host of angels at a time that no one would think that such a tribulation is about to happen.” (Tadhkirah [English], p. 714)
The following morning, Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Mahmud Ahmadra mentioned this to the Promised Messiahas who confirmed that he had received that revelation. (Ibid.)
The details of this particular incident can be read in our article, titled “How the Promised Messiah’s revelations, visions and dreams were recorded”, published on 19 March 2021 in The Weekly Al Hakam.
On the subject of receiving revelation at an early age, one of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’sra childhood friends relates:
“Maybe this fact has been recorded or has been printed somewhere, but I feel it important to mention that when he was studying with me in the Talim-ul-Islam school, he stated that he had received the following verse in revelation:
“‘I will place those who follow thee above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection’.
“And he also stated that he had mentioned it to the Promised Messiahas that, ‘I have received this revelation.’” (Fazl-e-Umar, p. 86)
The son-in-law of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra narrates:
“When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was about to leave for the Ludhiana Jalsa, he sat me with him in his car. It rained for the entire duration of the journey. When the convoy neared the canal of Harchowal, the authorities refused to open the barrier for the convoy as, they rightly said, the route was extremely unsuitable. Even the driver of the hired vehicle of Huzoorra said that he would not risk driving it any further as the mud and water would risk damaging the car. Everyone tried their best to convince him, even offering to cover the cost of any possible damages, but he did not agree.
“At this occasion, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra received a revelation, a moment which I was very lucky to witness. I saw an extraordinary expression on his face and sensed a change in the usual look of his eyes. However, at that time Huzoorra did not say anything. Afterwards, in a gathering, Huzoorra mentioned that while crossing the canal seemed impossible, Allah the Almighty revealed to him at that very moment, ‘There will be many means of blessings.’
“Then Huzoorra explained how the convention had been an immense success despite the rain and the same rain hindered the evil plans of the opponents. So, when Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra received this revelation, by the sheer grace of Allah the Almighty, I was with him at the time and I witnessed his state during the revelation first-hand.” (Al Hakam, 19 February 2021, Vol. 4, Issue 153)
The readers can gain insight into Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s elevated spiritual status and get a glimpse of his divine visions in the book, Ru’ya wa Kushuf Syedna Mahmud.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III, Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh was bestowed with heavenly guidance and divine revelations as well.
On 18 March 1966, talking about a revelation he received following a prayer for the progress of the Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh said:
“Last night, I prayed for the progress of the Ahmadiyya Community and also for members of the Jamaat. When I woke up in the morning, the following words were proceeding forth from my mouth:
“‘I will grant you beyond measure that you will be satisfied.’” (Hayat-e-Nasir, Vol. 1, p. 384)
Hence, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIra proposed many schemes under the direction of Allah the Almighty and all of them met with great success. For example, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadra received the following revelation about his Talim-ul-Quran and Waqf-e-Ardhi projects:
بُشْرٰي لَکُمْ
“[And Allah has made it only as] glad tidings for you.” (Khutbat-e-Nasir, Vol. 1, p. 344)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, was also given a great share of hidden verities and divine truths by God Almighty.
In 1984, when the Ahmadiyya Jamaat was going through extreme persecution, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadra received a comforting revelation:
السّلام عليکم
“Peace be upon you.” (Friday Sermon, 16 November 1984)
During the hardships in the time of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh said:
“I prayed […] that those who persecuted us be punished. I spent many sleepless nights. One night, I woke up jumping from my bed. I was in the grip of a power which cannot be described, though it was an experience very similar to the revelation I had from God when I was a boy. I found that I was saying ‘Adhaa wa Aamr, Adhaa wa Aamr’ (‘more destructive, more bitter’) so strongly and powerfully that it was not in my control. I repeated it again and again. I have read about revelations of this type, when you start saying things and you have no control of the words, which you don’t even fully understand, but you are totally helpless in the hands of some power which compels you to go on repeating the words.” (A Man of God, p. 110)
Then, two years later, when it was still dark outside, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh suddenly awoke and said:
“I had an intense feeling that something had happened. I lay awake from then on until it was my usual time to get up and pray. I never normally listen to the radio in the morning, but that morning I did. The first thing that I heard was that Bhutto had been hanged.” (Ibid., p. 111)
On 28 December 1984, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh shared one of his visions with members of the Jamaat and said:
“Two or three days ago, I was feeling very anxious due to some news I had received. After Zuhr, I laid down to rest, when I started uttering the words ‘Jumuah, Jumuah,’ and at the same time, I saw the dial of a clock on which ‘10’ began to shine brightly at the spot where the figure of ‘10’ normally appears [on a dial]. This was not a dream, but a vision seen in a state of wakefulness.” (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 3, p. 777)
To study the above-mentioned vision in detail, see the article, Friday the 10th: A glad tiding to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in the 23 April 2021 issue of Al Hakam. (Vol. 4, Issue 162)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, the present head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, sometimes shares the divine guidance he receives, echoing the experiences of his predecessors. Like all other Khulafa, Huzooraa has stated on numerous occasions that Allah continues to guide him in various ways. Once, while replying to a question Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated that one of God’s ways of responding and speaking is through answering prayers. Sometimes, God discloses an answer to a prayer in a dream. Those who have a strong relationship with Allah may even hear Allah through a kashf (vision) or other means. Huzooraa added, “Allah has different ways,” and then quoted the following couplet of the Promised Messiahas:
قدرت سے اپنى ذات كا ديتا ہے حق ثبوت
اس بے نشاں كى چہرہ نمائى يہى تو ہے
“Through His Might does God prove His existence; this is how He unveils His invisible countenance.” (Majmu‘ah-e-Ishtiharat [1986], Vol. 1, p. 143)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained that when he prays to Allah, He responds by placing satisfaction in his heart and sometimes he is granted consolation and comfort through a dream, or his heart is comforted. If Allah so desires, Huzooraa said, He can speak too, “These are Allah’s ways, as I have explained before.” (Al Hakam, 17 February 2023, Vol. 6, Issue 257)
With regard to the issue of the opposition of the Jamaat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“On one occasion when I prayed, […] Allah told me that if the entire Jamaat starts praying fervently like the people of Yunusas for three days – every child, old and young person – cries before Allah the Almighty, then within three days this issue can be resolved.” (Al Hakam, 17 February 2023, Vol. 6, Issue 257)
On his way to address US leaders at Capitol Hill, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa recounts:
“For a second, the thought occurred to me, ‘America is a superpower of the world and I am to address the leaders and high-ranking officials of this superpower.’ The thought had only just crossed my mind, and I did not even have a chance to ponder on it, when Allah the Almighty put in my heart with great might:
“‘Allah the Almighty assured the Promised Messiahas, نُصِرْتَ بِالرُّعْبِ [“You have been helped with prestige”], and I am here as a representative of the Promised Messiahas.’ These words were put in my heart with such vigour and splendour by Allah that all other thoughts were brushed away. These words were vouchsafed to the Promised Messiahas through Divine revelation and the same words were put in my heart as a means of reassurance. The wisdom behind it must have been that I was not attending the event to present personal views, nor was I there to establish my supremacy. I was to present the teachings of Islam; the God that revealed Islam to mankind is a God Who is very protective of His religion.” (“Helped with Prestige (English Translation)”, Al Hakam, 25 May 2018, Vol. 1, Issue 10)
In his address of Khilafat centenary, Huzooraa said, “God Almighty gave me the reassurance a long time ago that He would prepare loyal companions in this era Himself.” Recalling the time of this glad tiding’s bestowment, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“This was a long time ago, well before my election as Khalifa. These words ‘يَنْصُرُكَ رِجَالٌ نُّوْحِيْ اِلَيْهِمْ مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ’ [‘Men whom We shall direct from heaven will help you’], were clearly shown to me when I was still a student. This promise was fulfilled on various occasions, in various ways. But the actual meaning came to light when I was bestowed the responsibility of Khilafat.
“Similarly, on another occasion, I was shown: ‘اللّٰهُ نُوْرُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الْاَرْضِ’ [‘Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth’]. I was shown this in extremely beautiful, crystal-clear and bold text in the sky. Then, I was intuitively told that the accomplishment of all tasks is made possible by Allah. In this manner, Allah intuitively puts a thought into my heart. Difficulties are overcome, and questions are answered.” (Ibid.)
Replying to the question of being blessed with direct Divine discourse, Hazrat Amriul Momineenaa said:
“The question is, what is Divine discourse? Allah has His own ways. And His ways with me are very unique. He brings thoughts to my attention with such vigour, that either all problems are solved or patience is granted. The heart feels at peace. Either that, or Allah provides guidance. Allah the Almighty completes my tasks for me. When He does my tasks, it is as if He talks.” (Ibid.)
Divine favours and blessings of God Almighty in various forms, i.e., true dreams, visions, revelation, etc., did not cease and will not stop in future. The arrival of prophets enhances these manifestations; however, their departure never hinders their continuation. These heavenly insights and verities persist unabated, providing humanity with a never-ending source of guidance and direction.