At 11:01 BST, on Monday, 2 May 2022, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived in the Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad to lead the congregation in Eid-ul-Fitr prayer and then deliver the Eid sermon.
Around 1,500 people had gathered in Islamabad, which included residents of Islamabad and members of Aldershot, Farnham, Guildford and Bordon jamaats – men, women and children were present.
After the Eid prayer, Huzooraa recited the tashahud, ta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, before reciting the following verse and its translation:
وَاعۡبُدُوا اللّٰهَ وَلَا تُشۡرِكُوۡا بِهٖ شَيۡئًا وَّبِالۡوَالِدَيۡنِ اِحۡسَانًا وَّبِذِي الۡقُرۡبٰي وَالۡيَتٰمٰي وَالۡمَسٰكِيۡنِ وَالۡجَارِ ذِي الۡقُرۡبٰي وَالۡجَارِ الۡجُنُبِ وَالصَّاحِبِ بِالۡجَنۡۢبِ وَابۡنِ السَّبِيۡلِ ۙ وَمَا مَلَكَتۡ اَيۡمَانُكُمۡ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يُحِبُّ مَنۡ كَانَ مُخۡتَالًا فَخُوۡرَا
“And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and [show] kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by [your] side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud [and] the boastful.” (Surah al-Nisa, Ch.4: V.38)
Huzooraa then said that we were blessed to be celebrating Eid today; however, the real Eid for a momin (true believer) was not to wear new clothes, meet friends in a celebratory environment and disregard the responsibility of prayers – to combine them quickly to be freed of this responsibility; in fact, some people did not even offer the Eid prayer. This was not something, Huzooraa said, that was said for the sake of it. In fact, Huzooraa had seen such people himself who were even too lazy to wake up for the Eid prayer.
On Eid, six prayers have been made compulsory, so much so that even women are instructed to attend the Eid prayer in the mosque.
Huzooraa said that we should all pray for Ahmadis around the world, particularly in Pakistan who were not able to offer the Eid prayer, for various reasons, for example, Covid restrictions and other legal restrictions.

On Eid day, people can think that perhaps it is just a day of celebration. But we should remember it is a day of offering our dues to Allah and our fellow humans. Thus, we should endeavour to pursue such a celebration of Eid.
In the Holy Quran, we have been reminded of such responsibilities. If we endeavour to focus on our obligations in light of the Quran and teachings of Islam on this day, then we have indeed attained our purpose in life.
In the verse Huzooraa recited, towards the end, Allah tells us of those who He dislikes – those who Allah dislikes have no faith and no spiritual leg to stand on. The Holy Prophetsa once said that Allah states, whosoever has even the slightest arrogance in them will not be permitted into Paradise. The Holy Prophetsa then explained that arrogance was not to wear decent clothes and be clean as this was something we were required to do, but it was to consider others lower than you.
In this verse (which was recited at the outset) Allah reminds us of our obligations. It is His right to be worshipped and to not be associated with any partner. Some people ask how this benefits Allah – the answer is that this does not benefit Allah; in fact, this is for our betterment and our moral and spiritual improvement and to keep us away from vice.
اِنَّ الصَّلٰوةَ تَنۡهٰي عَنِ الۡفَحۡشَآءِ وَالۡمُنۡكَرِ
“Prayer restrains [one] from indecency and manifest evil.” (Surah al-Ankabut, Ch.29: V.46)
Thus, worship and prayer are of benefit to us and Allah rewards us as a result. In a tradition, it is stated that the Holy Prophetsa was asked of one good deed to keep one away from the Fire and enter one into Paradise. The Holy Prophetsa replied to worship Allah and not to associate partners with Him and perform the obligations towards our fellow beings.
In another tradition, it is stated that the Holy Prophetsa said, whoever, for the sake of Allah, worshipped Him during two nights of Eid, such a person’s heart would be given eternal life. This is, indeed, an extraordinary glad tiding.

Those who think that as Ramadan has ended and so, they will now wake up when they wish and not bother to rise for Tahajjud or Fajr prayers should rethink. We should not make illnesses – for example, Covid – an excuse to not go to the mosque. Now that it is Eid, we should endeavour to populate the mosques or at least offer the morning prayer and other prayers in congregation at home with our children. Our prayers should be beautified. Eid should not be a reason for us to set aside everything we did in Ramadan.
The verse recited at the start tells us to show true gratitude and reverence for our parents as the sacrifices they made for our upbringing can never be returned. We should not make even the slightest negative remark to them. We should serve them well in all matters other than anything contradictory to religion. Even then, it should be done with respect. This is the treatment Islam teaches towards parents.
Then, in another place, it has been said that if someone wants to be rewarded abundantly, then they should show graciousness towards relatives and fellow beings.
It is our duty to do good unto others. This is something that has been instructed by Allah and His Prophetsa.
Some husbands stop their wives from meeting their family or meeting their parents. Some husbands hold onto grudges or remember that at one time, so and so said something negative to them. This is utter ignorance. We should avoid such tendencies. Every Ahmadi must bear this in mind.
The relationship between husbands and wives ought to be improved. Husbands and wives have been issued separate guidance on how to discharge their duties.
Aside from this, every Ahmadi ought to help orphans. If someone doesn’t personally know any orphans, then there is a separate fund in the Jamaat for orphans – the Yatama Fund – to which they can make donations. The Holy Prophetsa said that he who helped orphans would be like this with him in Paradise – and Huzooraa indicated, just as the Holy Prophetsa did, with his fingers as to how close such a person would be to the Holy Prophetsa. Every believing man and woman ought to pay attention to all of this and Eid should come as a reminder for this to be practised throughout the year.

The dues towards our neighbours should also be given attention. The Promised Messiahas once said that a neighbour was someone who lived within a 100-mile radius of you. Such is the definition of a neighbour and such is the responsibility of an Ahmadi Muslim to pay attention to the obligations of neighbours. Some people have better conduct towards irreligious neighbours and harbour rancour towards Ahmadi neighbours – this mindset must be shunned.
In Western countries, every now and then, questions are raised and fingers are pointed at the teachings of Islam. We must address these in the best possible manner. Then, we must show good morals to those around us. These are all rights that we must pay attention to. Islam also talks of the rights of subjects, employees and those less privileged than us.
Islam teaches us to exercise adl (justice). Islam teaches us to even bear testimony against our own if it is in keeping with adl. These are all the traits and characteristics that can give birth to a society that resembles Paradise. The summary of all of this is to remember to pay heed to the rights of others as opposed to our own. When we do this, Eid can be celebrated all year round rather than on a single day.
The world is gradually heading towards destruction, and this is all because man is not paying heed to the rights of others and the requirements of justice. Had this been the case, then we would not have seen the destruction of Iraq, Syria Afghanistan and now Ukraine. To inform the world of all this is our responsibility.
The world is persistent in turning towards destruction. They do not know that this will not serve them well in the long run; rather, it will be a means of their own destruction too. It is hopeful thinking to consider that nations will not use nuclear weapons. But whether they use them or not, we must remind everyone of the reality and what we must do to avoid this. We must use this as a means of tabligh. Instead of wasting time on social media, we must use our resources, like social media, and encourage people to turn to Allah. The only way to protect mankind from total annihilation is to bring them back to God. This is the Eid that we must work towards and this is the Eid for which the Promised Messiahas came.

Huzooraa said:
“As we celebrate Eid, we should also think of the people of the world as a whole and pray for them. Do not merely be content with your own happiness. Today, the world is heading for disaster. We are concerned about it and we should be because it is also our duty to save humanity.
“All this is happening because the requirements of justice are not being met and the rights of others are not being taken care of. Had all the covenants been fulfilled, if justice had been established at every level, if there had been a genuine effort to establish the rights of people, if justice had been established in the true sense, if the dues had been paid in a befitting manner, then we would not have seen the destruction of Iraq, nor the destruction of Syria, Libya, Yemen or Afghanistan, nor would we have witnessed what is happening in Ukraine and what has already happened to her. Thus, as I said, gaining a proper understanding regarding the fulfilment of rights, correctly informing the world about the teaching of Islam, educating them about it while also practising it ourselves, will open new avenues of preaching and will also be a means of the world’s salvation. We must pay special attention to this.
“The world seems to be bent upon self-destruction. They are acting in a reckless manner. In their estimation, worldly power, its display and asserting their own supremacy is the only guarantee of their life and survival. However, they do not understand that instead of ensuring their survival, this path is solidifying their destruction. It also seems to be wishful thinking that nuclear weapons will not be used or are less likely to be used. They are already threatening each other in this regard. In any case, Allah knows best whether such weapons will be used or not, but it seems certain that these people are rapidly moving towards destruction and ruin and its eventual outcome will be much devastation.
“There is only one thing that can save the world from destruction and that is recognising the Creator and turning to Him. The world is unaware and ignorant of this fact. It is the responsibility of Ahmadis to guide them towards this path and to tell them that – not their strength – but the fulfilment of the rights owed to God and those owed to His creation is the only guarantee of their survival. The general populace needs to be made aware of the impending disaster that their leaders are driving them into.”
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra once said that Eid can only be a true Eid if it is the Eid of the Holy Prophetsa. If we celebrate Eid and the Holy Prophetsa does not celebrate Eid, then it cannot be called a true Eid. Even though 1,300 years have passed since his demise, if the Holy Prophetsa is not included in our Eid celebration, then it is of no benefit. Eid does not mean consuming sweet dishes and having a merry time; rather, it can only manifest when we spread the teachings of the Quran and Islam. If we pay attention to our responsibilities, the Holy Prophetsa will be pleased that the mission he was assigned has been served well. We cannot say for certain that the passion for tabligh that we possess has been instilled in the next generation. Huzooraa then said that we must ensure that we pass on the same fervour and desire for tabligh that we have to the next generation. Only until this is achieved can we rest.
Huzooraa said that in the dua (silent prayer) following the sermon, we should remember the aseeran-e-rah-e-Maula (prisoners in the way of Allah) and families of shuhada (martyrs in the way of Islam Ahmadiyyat) in our prayers, as well as those who sacrifice their wealth for the Jamaat, waqifeen-e-zindagi (life devotees) and missionaries. May Allah accept our humble efforts and bless them. May we soon see the day when the mission of the Holy Prophetsa, i.e. Islam, triumphs in the world. Amin.

Thereafter, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayer. Huzooraa then visited the marquee where women and children were present and conveyed his salaam and “Eid mubarak”. Huzooraa also prayed at the graves of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh and Hazrat Syeda Asifa Begum Sahiba, wife of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)