On 11 April 2021, the amila of Majlis Ansarullah India was given the opportunity to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa through a virtual meeting
At the beginning of the meeting, Huzooraa said it would have been good to see aerial shots of Qadian or at least the building in which the amila members were seated. Sadr Ansarullah said to Huzooraa that they would insha-Allah show aerial shots in the upcoming meeting with Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian.
Speaking with Sheikh Mujahid Ahmad Shastri Sahib, Naib Sadr Saf-e-Daum (those 40-54 years of age), Huzooraa asked how many Ansar in Qadian rode bicycles for exercise and said that saf-e-daum ansar members should use cycles instead of motorbikes etc. in Qadian as this would lead to less air pollution there and help Ansar members get healthier. Huzooraa observed that Qadian was not a large city like Delhi, and therefore cycles could be used as the means of transport inside Qadian.

On the importance of saf-e-daum Ansar cycling, Huzooraa said:
“Cycling is part of the programme for the Ansar of saf-e-daum – this has been set since the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh.”
Huzooraa then asked if cycling competitions were held, to which Mujahid Ahmad Sahib said that they were held in the past, but due to Covid-19, they could not be held more recently.
Huzooraa further said, “Inculcate a habit of cycling among the people of Qadian too.”
Addressing Qaid Umumi, Javed Ahmad Lone Sahib, Huzooraa instructed that all Jamaats should be visited and majalis to be set up wherever they had not already been. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa also instructed that reports should be coming in regularly and comments on the reports be sent back too. If some majalis were negligent in sending their reports, a letter should be sent to them reminding them of this responsibility.
Huzooraa said:
“The task is to link the entire Jamaat together and join it in such a way that it becomes one entity.”
However, Huzooraa said, this could only be possible when constant feedback is sent back to the majalis from the central Ansarullah body.
M Nasir Ahmad Sahib, Naib Sadr was next to introduce himself. Seeing him, Huzooraa asked if he was from Kerala and whether he translated for Huzooraa when he visited India. Nasir Sahib, with a smile, confirmed this. Huzooraa further said, “Your looks have changed a lot; in 12-13 years, your face has totally changed, masha-Allah.”
M Tajudin Sahib, Naib Sadr introduced himself and said he was from Kerala. To this, Huzooraa smiled and said he recognised those with M etc. in front of their names as being from South India. Huzooraa then asked if he had come all the way from Kerala to attend the meeting, which Nasir Sahib affirmed. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said it was his duty to take initiative and carry out the works of Ansarullah in his area and not to merely wait for instructions from the central Ansarullah department.
Dr Abdul Majid Sahib, Qaid Tajnid, introduced his profession as a doctor and said he worked in the Noor Hospital in Qadian, to which Huzooraa said “Masha-Allah”. Addressing Majid Sahib, Huzooraa said all tajnid should be up to date and the ones that were not should be completed in the next month. Huzooraa said getting the majalis to act on the plan that has been made for them is the real task.
A resident of Kerala, Shams-uddin Sahib, Qaid Tarbiyat introduced himself. Huzooraa asked what his department’s plan was, to which he explained that they were focusing on encouraging Ansarullah to offer prayers regularly. Huzooraa advised:
“It is the task of Ansarullah to supervise their households too. They should ascertain whether or not their wives and children regularly join the prayers, or are offering them at home or not. And if they have sons, then they should see whether or not they attend the mosque to pray, where possible [according to the current situation]. Prayers will be established when the men – Ansar, Khuddam or children – offer prayers regularly in congregation as much as they can. And if, due to the current situation, there are restrictions in offering Namaz at the mosque – limitations such as a certain number only being allowed to attend the mosque [for congregational prayers] – then they should arrange congregational prayers within their homes [with their families] at least.”
Shams-uddin Sahib said they also sent a 12-page document every month with religious content to be presented in various Jamaat meetings.
To this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa advised that he should also get feedback on whether the content was even read out or not and if people benefited. Shams-uddin Sahib said they received feedback and the Ansarullah members who read out the content, responded positively. Huzooraa said that those who read out the document would definitely be pleased as they were given everything already prepared, but the feedback of the audience members needs to be taken into account too.

Regarding another aspect of tarbiyat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said some Ansar members had begun to cause fights and quarrels in their homes. Huzooraa said:
“Tell Ansar members to be kind to their wives […] First, amila members should be kind to their wives, then they should tell others too, at all levels.”
Muhammad Yusuf Sahib, Qaid Tarbiyat for new converts introduced himself. Yusuf Sahib said that in the last few years, about 373 people had converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat under Majlis Ansarullah and were being given religious education.
Huzooraa asked which backgrounds the converts belonged. Yusuf Sahib said most were Muslims, but some had converted from Hinduism and Sikhism. Huzooraa said a separate programme for educating those who were not from Muslim backgrounds should be in place.
Huzooraa said that such converts should be gradually taught the Salat, Surah al-Fatihah and then its translation, so that they can recite it during Salat. Huzooraa said knowing Surah al-Fatihah by heart was essential; even some Muslims do not know Surah al-Fatihah and they should be taught it. Converts should be taught about the system of the Jamaat, the claims of the Promised Messiahaa and the system of Khilafat etc. Then they should gradually be told about the significance of financial sacrifice too, whether it is Waqf-e-Jadid or Tahrik-e-Jadid; in this way, they will be brought into the mainstream system of the Jamaat.
Huzooraa said that feedback should also be taken – giving instructions and not taking feedback was not enough.
Advising Rafiq Ahmad Baig Sahib, Qaid Mal, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa told him to encourage all Ansar to offer their chanda according to the prescribed rate and said:
“Tell the Ansar, ‘Financial sacrifice is a Quranic commandment and Majlis Ansarullah has expenditures which require financial sacrifices […] this is not a levy, nor is it a tax; whatever you are to give is to gain the pleasure of Allah and according to the Quran’s commandment.’”
Huzooraa said this exhortation should be done in a proper manner, with softness, love and wisdom.
Qaid Tabligh, Muhammad Nurudin Nasir Sahib introduced himself. Huzooraa said Ansarullah should set a target for the number of new converts, saying:
“Set a target and try to achieve it. If a target is set, efforts will be exerted and if there is no target, no effort will be exerted.” Huzooraa said realistic and reasonable targets should be given to each majlis.
Nurudin Sahib reported that there were 1,014 Ansar who did tabligh, to which Huzooraa said, “If there are even 1,014 dai‘an-ilallah [preachers] who achieve just one bai‘at each, then these are 1,000 bai‘ats just from them. And if the amila members of every majlis become active, pay attention towards bai‘ats and develop interest in tabligh, then your [bai‘at] numbers will be a lot different.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, with reference to spreading the message of Ahmadiyyat, said that new ways should be thought of and a passion should develop in progressing tabligh work. Merely continuing the old ways is not progressive; rather, one should look for new avenues to expand tabligh work.
Khalid Ahmad Sahib, Qaid Khidmat-e-Khalq reported their department was able to help and assist the wider public in India a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic. With local contributions from Ahmadis in India, Ansarullah were able to distribute about 3,100,000 rupees in cash amongst 14,000 people who were in need throughout India; they distributed 125,000 homeopathic medicines for Covid-19 that was prescribed by Huzooraa and 125,000 rupees worth of rations etc. was also distributed.
Speaking with Nasir Waheed Sahib, Qaid Sehat-e-Jismani, Huzooraa said a cricket match should take place between the Khuddam and Ansar. To this, Nasir Sahib said they had already conducted one and the Ansar had gained victory over the Khuddam. Huzooraa said the Ansar must have included some Khuddam in their team too and Waheed Sahib confirmed that this was the case. Huzooraa also enquired how many Ansar walked and cycled regularly for exercise.
At the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa advised:
“I have just given brief guidance; as for the rest, you should think yourselves and try to devise new ways […] Try and find new ways to improve and use your minds. Masha-Allah, Allah the Almighty has given you good, sharp minds […]”
Huzooraa conveyed his salaam, before concluding the meeting.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)