Friday Sermon – Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a. (2 December 2022)


Friday Sermon

2 December 2022

Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakrra

Hazrat Abu Bakr

After reciting the tashahudta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:

The virtues and qualities of Hazrat Abu Bakrra Siddiq were being mentioned. The following is written in relation to him being the best of people and the most beloved among them.

Hazrat Ibn Umarra relates, “During the life of the Holy Prophetsa, we used to mention people from among us who were better than others.”

They used to draw comparisons to determine who was better than the other. [He says:] “At that time, we used to consider Hazrat Abu Bakrra to be the best [among us]. He was followed by Hazrat Umarra bin Khattab and thereafter came Hazrat Uthmanra bin Affan.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fada’il Ashab al-Nabisa, Bab Fadl Abi Bakrra ba‘d al-Nabisa, Hadith 3655)

Hazrat Jabirra bin Abdillah relates that Hazrat Umarra said to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, “O ye, who is the best among the people after the Holy Prophetsa!” Hazrat Umarra praised Hazrat Abu Bakrra, in response, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “If you say so then I have also heard the Holy Prophetsa say that the sun has not dawned on anyone who is better than Umar!” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab fi Manaqib Umarra bin al-Khattab, Hadith 3684)

In other words, he immediately demonstrated his humility by saying you call me the best, whereas I have also heard the Holy Prophetsa say that you are best.

Abdullah bin Shafiq relates, “I asked Hazrat Aishara, ‘Who among the companions was the most beloved of the Holy Prophetsa?’ She replied, ‘Hazrat Abu Bakrra.’ I said, ‘And then?’ She replied, ‘Hazrat Umarra.’ I asked, ‘After him?’ She replied, ‘Hazrat Ubaidahra bin Jarrah.’ I then asked, ‘And then?’ Following this, she remained silent.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab fi Manaqib Abu Bakr al-Siddiqra, Hadith 3657)

Muhammad bin Sirin relates, “I do not consider it possible for a person who criticises (or finds faults in) Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra, and yet, he claims to love the Holy Prophetsa.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab fi Manaqib Umarra bin al-Khattab, Hadith 3685)

 It  means that he claims to love the Holy Prophetsa despite holding such a view.  After criticising Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra, this claim of theirs to love the Holy Prophetsa is wrong, as both of them were very dear to the Holy Prophetsa.

Hazrat A’idhra bin Amr relates, “Hazrat Salmanra, Hazrat Suhaibra and Hazrat Bilalra were sitting amongst some individuals when Abu Sufyan approached. Upon this, they said ‘by God! The swords of Allah have not yet settled the score with the necks of Allah’s enemies.’ (That is, they have not yet properly taken revenge).”

The narrator says, “Hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra asked, ‘Are you saying this about the prominent chiefs of the Quraish? Abu Sufyan is also from among the chiefs of the Quraish and you are saying that we have not sought revenge from him.’ Following this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra personally went to the Holy Prophetsa and informed him of this. Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa said that ‘O Abu Bakr! You might have upset those individuals (i.e. Salmanra, Suhaibra and Bilalra). If you have upset them, then remember that you have, in fact, upset your Lord.’ Hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra immediately went to these three individuals and said, ‘My dear brothers, have I offended you (he said this very apologetically)?’ They responded, ‘Our brother, that is not the case. May Allah forgive you.’” (Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fada’il al-Sahabah, Bab Fada’il Salman wa Bilal wa Suhaibra, Hadith 6412)

Nonetheless, this is a testament to the extent of Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra humility. Despite having freed some of them from slavery himself, he approached them seeking forgiveness. Furthermore, he demonstrated an exemplary standard of love and obedience to the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa merely said that he may have offended them; he did not instruct him to seek forgiveness from them. However, [Hazrat Abu Bakrra] immediately went to them and sought forgiveness. In the commentary of this narration, it is recorded that this incident took place after the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah, which was formed to cease the fighting with the disbelievers of Mecca. At the time, Abu Sufyan was not a Muslim. Thus, the Muslims at that time contemplated whether they should have killed them before such a time. (Sahih Muslim bi Sharh al-Nawawi, Vol. 16, p. 96, Muassisat Qurtubah, 1991)

With respect to the memorisation of the Holy Quran, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has presented some aspects in light of the references of Islamic history. He states, “Abu Ubaidahra narrates that the following Muhajir companions of the Holy Prophetsa had committed the Quran to memory: Abu Bakrra, Umarra, Uthmanra, Alira, Talhahra, Sa’dra, Ibn Mas’udra, Hudhaifahra, Salimra, Abu Hurairahra, Abdullah bin Sa’ibra, Abdullah bin Umarra and Abdullah bin Abbasra. And amongst the women, there were Hazrat Aishara, Hazrat Hafsahra and Hazrat Umm Salamahra. Many of the aforementioned people memorised the Holy Quran during the life of the Holy Prophetsa, while others completed their memorisation after his demise.” (Dibachah Tafsir-ul-Quran, Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 20, pp. 429-430)

With reference to:

 ثَانِيَ اثۡنَيۡنِ

 [the second among the two]

There is a narration of Hazrat Abu Bakrra himself. Hazrat Anasra narrates, “Hazrat Abu Bakrra used to say, ‘While I was in the cave, (i.e. whilst Hazrat Abu Bakrra was in the cave along with the Holy Prophetsa), I addressed the Holy Prophetsa and said, “If they (the disbelievers who were standing outside) decide to crouch down and look inside, they would surely see us.” Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa said, “What do you think about the two people, amongst whom the third is Allah?”’”  (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fada’il Ashab al-Nabisa, Bab Manaqib al-Muhajirin wa Fadlihim, Hadith 3653)

This is a narration from Bukhari

The Promised Messiahas states:

“Among the excellences and distinguishing virtues of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra is that he has the special honour of being chosen to accompany the Holy Prophetsa during his journey of migration. Furthermore, he remained by the side of the Best of Creation – the Holy Prophetsa – during the hardships he faced. From the moment these adversities surfaced, he was made a distinctive companion (in other words, a special friend) of the Holy Prophetsa so that he could form a special bond with the Belovedsa of God. The wisdom behind this is that Allah the Almighty knew full well that Siddiq-e-Akbar was the most courageous and righteous amongst the companions, the most beloved to the Holy Prophetsa and was a brave man. Furthermore, [Allah knew] that he was absolutely absorbed in his love for the Leaderas of the Universe. From the very beginning, he (i.e. Hazrat Abu Bakrra) helped the Holy Prophetsa with his wealth and attended to his important matters. Thus, through him, Allah the Almighty comforted the Holy Prophetsa during times of difficulty and hardship and gave him the name Al-Siddiq, distinguishing him with the companionship of the Prophetsa in both worlds. Allah the Almighty endowed him with the honourable mantle of ثَانِيَ اثۡنَيۡنِ – the second among the two] and counted him amongst His most special servants.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 8, pp. 339-338)

Non-Muslim authors have also paid homage to Hazrat Abu Bakrra. André Servier, a 20th-century historian from Algeria, has written about Hazrat Abu Bakrra and states:

“He was a man of simple manners and in spite of his unexpected elevation lived in poverty, when he died, he left behind a worn-out garment, a slave, and a camel. A true patriarch, after Madina›s own heart, he had one great quality – energy. He possessed what had given victory to Muhammad and what was lacking in his enemies  (What was that trait?); an unshakable conviction. He was the right man in the right place.”

He then writes, “This elderly and pious man remained steadfast upon his belief despite the treachery and rebellion prevalent all around. With his faithful and unwavering resolve, he commenced the mission of Hazrat Muhammadsa anew.” (André Servier, Islam and the Psychology of the Muslim, p. 51)

Moving on, there is a British historian by the name of JJ Saunders. He writes:

“The first Khalifah has always been commemorated by Muslims as a person who was absolutely loyal and an embodiment of honour and grace. Even the most severe of storms and chaos could not shake his firm resolve and determination. His term of leadership was brief, yet the victories yielded in its course were grand. His unrelenting, resolute and steadfast disposition overcame the rampant apostasy and brought the Arab nation under the fold of Islam once more. Furthermore, his determination for the conquest of Syria laid the foundation for the Arabian Empire.”  (JJ Saunders, A History of Medieval Islam [London, UK: 2002], p. 45)

Then, there is another English writer by the name of HG Wells. He writes:

“It is said that the true foundation of the Islamic Empire was established more so by Abu Bakr than by Muhammad[sa], to whom Abu Bakr was a friend and helper.” This is an exaggeration on his part. Nonetheless, he further writes, “While Muhammad[sa], despite his unstable position, was the initial brain and visionary behind Islam, (God-forbid) Abu Bakr was its wisdom and determination. Whenever Muhammad[sawould waver, Abu Bakr would become his reassurance.” These words are baseless and absurd and devoid of truth. Nonetheless, what he writes onwards is correct. He writes, “When Muhammad[sa] passed away, Abu Bakr became his caliph and successor. With faith more firm than mountains, he very simply yet strategically took on the task of bringing the whole world under the command of Allah, all with a small army of three to four thousand Arabs.” (HG Wells, A Short History of the World, p. 76)

Nevertheless, as I have stated, this writer has mentioned some qualities of Hazrat Abu Bakrra that he undoubtedly possessed. However, because these people are not aware of the most high and lofty station of prophethood granted to the Holy Prophetsa, they praise Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Hazrat Umarra and others with great exaggeration and in a manner that is utterly false. Whether it was Hazrat Umarra or Hazrat Abu Bakrra, they were all loyal, perfect followers and lovers of their Master, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. These individuals were in no way responsible for Prophet Muhammad’sra wisdom, but in subservience to him, served as his hands and feet. Similarly, the religion of Islam was not the brainchild of the Holy Prophetsa, nor was it a result of his efforts. The author wrote that the Holy Prophetsa was the brain behind Islam, God-forbid. However, Islam truly refers to a complete religion and perfect law derived entirely from divine guidance and revelation. Furthermore, there was no moment of concern or irresolution where Hazrat Abu Bakrra became the reassurance needed by the Holy Prophetsa. In fact, no such moment can be found in his lifetime, where the bravest of mankind, the valiant and courageous Prophetsa became distressed and irresolute. If ever there was a cause for concern, then the Almighty and Everlasting God became his source of solace. The author has written that Abu Bakrra would provide solace to the Holy Prophetsa, however, we have observed that the truth is quite the opposite; whenever something concerning or distressing occurred during Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra life, the Holy Prophetsa comforted him. For instance, at the time of migration, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was very concerned and distressed, and although this concern was out of his love for the Holy Prophetsa, it was the Holy Prophetsa who comforted Hazrat Abu Bakrra and reassured him by saying:

 لَا تَحۡزَنۡ إِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَنَا

“O Abu Bakr, do not worry. Allah is with us.” As it was mentioned earlier, Hazrat Abu Bakrra has said himself that at this time of distress, it was the Holy Prophetsa who reassured him. Thus, this incident alone is a clear testament to his determination, his trust in Allah and his rank as a special prophet of God. Nevertheless, it is the foolishness of these people that when they are forced to admit the truth, they try to mix in whatever filth they can. 

Moving forward, there is another British orientalist by the name of TW Arnold. He writes, “Abu Bakr was a wealthy merchant. Owing to his excellent character, intelligence and competence, he was highly revered by his countrymen. After accepting Islam, he spent a lot of his wealth in freeing Muslim slaves who were tortured by the disbelievers on account of believing in the teachings of their Holy Master Muhammadsa.” (TW Arnold,The Preaching of Islam [Archibald Constable & Co, 1896], p. 10)

Moreover, Sir William Muir, a Scottish orientalist and Lieutenant Governor in the northwestern regions of British India, writes, “Hazrat Abu Bakr’s term of leadership was short, but after Muhammad[sa], Islam is most indebted to Abu Bakr. In other words, after Muhammad[sa], there was no one who served Islam more than Abu Bakr.” (Sir William Muir, The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline and Fall [The Religious Tract Society, 1892], p. 86)

Whilst mentioning the high morals of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“Is it not true that very eminent and powerful kings, upon saying the names of Abu Bakrra, Umarra and even Abu Hurairahra, instinctively say ‘May Allah be pleased with them’ and express their desire to have been able to serve them. Who then can say that after leading a simple life, Abu Bakrra, Umarra and Abu Hurairahra were at a loss? Undoubtedly, from a worldly point of view, they had welcomed a sort of death upon themselves, however, that death proved to be their source of life. Now, no power can take their life. They will remain alive until the Day of Judgment.” (Shukriyah aur Ilan ZururiAnwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 2, p. 74)

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further states: 

“Allah the Almighty did not grant Abu Bakrra his role as Abu Bakrra simply because he was born at the time of the Holy Prophetsa; Allah the Almighty did not grant Umarra his status as Umarra simply because he was born at the time of the Holy Prophetsa; God Almighty did not grant Uthmanra and Alira their high stature because they coincidentally had the honour of becoming the sons-in-law of the Holy Prophetsa; Talhahra and Zubairra were not endowed with honour and reverence simply because they were from among the family of the Holy Prophetsa, from among his people, or because they were born in his time. As a matter of fact, these individuals were amongst those who raised the standards of their sacrifices to such a degree that is unfathomable.” (Khutbat-e-MahmudVol. 26, pp. 384-385)

Thus, it is sacrifices of this scale that bestow such a rank to  a person.

Then, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“We have an immense amount of respect in our hearts for Hazrat Abu Bakrra, but can anyone say that this respect is because of his progeny? Most of us do not even know how far Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra progeny extends. The records of his progeny have not even been preserved. Today, there are many who portray that they belong to the progeny of Hazrat Abu Bakrra and call themselves ‘Siddiqi’, however, if they were told to swear that they are truly Siddiqi and that their lineage traces back to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, they would never swear to it. Even if they did swear to it, we would say that they are lying, and they are devoid of faith. The reason is that the records of Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra progeny have not even been preserved enough for someone to truly ascribe themselves to him. Hence, we do not honour Hazrat Abu Bakrra because his progeny has done extraordinary things; we do not honour Hazrat Umarra because his progeny has undertaken great tasks; We do not honour Hazrat Uthmanra because his progeny is achieving great feats and we do not remember Hazrat Alira because his progeny possesses salient qualities. Hazrat Ali’sra progeny continues today, yet he is not honoured on account of his progeny still being present. Likewise, all the other Companions are not remembered on account of their progenies. Hence, the reality is that we remember and honour them for the individual sacrifices they made.” (Khutbat-e-MahmudVol. 27, p. 657)

Then, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“Look to Hazrat Abu Bakrra and observe that he was just an ordinary merchant in Mecca. If the Holy Prophetsa was not raised as a prophet and the history of Mecca was still recorded, all that would be said about Hazrat Abu Bakrra is that he was a noble and honest Arab merchant. However, for his devotion to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, he attained a rank that granted him respect and reverence around the entire world. When the Holy Prophetsa passed away and when the Muslims elected Hazrat Abu Bakrra as their caliph and king, this news spread to Mecca. A large gathering had formed, in which the father of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Abu Quhafahra, was also present. When he heard that the people had pledged allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, he could not come to terms with it. In astonishment, he asked the news-bearer as to which the Abu Bakr he was referring to. He replied, ‘None other than your son, Abu Bakrra.’ He began to cite the names of every Arab tribe and asked, ‘Have they also pledged allegiance to Abu Bakrra?’ (He named the prominent tribes and inquired as to whether they too had accepted Abu Bakrra). And when he was told that everyone had unanimously chosen Hazrat Abu Bakrra to be their caliph and leader, then Abu Quhafahra could not help but remark:

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ

That is, ‘I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa is His servant and Messenger.’”

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra continues:

“This was despite the fact that Hazrat Abu Quhafahra was already a Muslim and had pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophetsa (either after the conquest of Mecca or before). The reason he recited the declaration of faith and reaffirmed the prophethood of the Holy Prophetsa was because the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakrra was a stark realisation and he understood this to be substantial proof for the truthfulness of Islam. [He said], ‘Otherwise, my son was not someone under whom all of Arabia could have united.’” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 6, pp. 205-206)

In another instance, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“Look towards Hazrat Abu Bakrra; when he accepted Islam, people began saying that he was once a leader of Mecca but had now been disgraced. Prior to Islam, the respect he received at most would have been that two to three hundred people regarded him with respect. However, it was due to the blessings associated with Islam that Allah the Almighty bestowed upon him the bounty of Khilafat and leadership and granted him eternal honour throughout the entire world and unending renown. He went from being the leader of a single tribe to becoming the Khalifa of all the Muslims and the leader of the Arabian empire, which stood up to Persia and the Byzantines and defeated them.” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 2, p. 87)

Then, on another occasion, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“Observe how leadership fell not only at the footsteps of the Holy Prophetsa, but it also fell at the footsteps of his servants. However, never did the Holy Prophetsa desire it when he had yet to receive this leadership, nor did he desire (power) at the time he was granted leadership. Hazrat Abu Bakrra did not desire leadership, nor did Hazrat Umarra, Hazrat Uthmanra or Hazrat Alira. In fact, there was no indication pointing towards their leadership, despite the fact that they were such great leaders of the world that their examples remain unmatched. They were very simple in nature, they were simple in the manner in which they met others; they were so humble that just by their appearance, it could not be discerned that they were leaders. None of them ever said that this was their kingdom, of which they were the rulers. None of them ever sought to express the fact that they were a leader, nor did they ever desire to do so. The reality is that the world itself falls at the feet of one who devotes themselves to God Almighty. People think that they will receive help from kings, however, those who devote themselves to God Almighty, even kings believe that they will receive honour by serving them.” (Allah Ta’ala se Sacha aur Haqiqi Ta’aluq Qa’im karne mein hi Kamyabi hai, Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 21, p. 99)

On another occasion, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra stated:

“You see, Hazrat Abu Bakrra became a leader despite the fact that his father thought it was impossible for him to become a ruler – because this leadership was bestowed upon him by God Almighty. In comparison, there was Taimur, who was a great king, however, he only became a king because of his worldly efforts. Napoleon was also a great leader; however, he became one through his own efforts and worldly planning. Nader Shah was also a great leader, however, he too became one only due to his personal efforts and worldly planning. All of them became leaders, however, we say that Taimur received his rule through people, whereas Abu Bakrra received his leadership from God Almighty. We say that Napoleon received his rule as a result of worldly planning, whereas Hazrat Umarra was bestowed leadership by God Almighty. We say that Genghis Khan obtained his leadership through worldly means, whereas Hazrat Uthmanra received leadership from God Almighty. We say that Nader Shah became a leader through worldly planning, whereas Hazrat Alira was bestowed leadership by God Almighty. Hence, they all became leaders. The worldly kings had power and influence and their laws were enacted, as was the case for the Caliphs. In fact, their [the worldly leaders’] rules were more strongly enforced than those of Abu Bakrra, Umarra, Uthmanra and Alira. However, these four were appointed leaders by God Almighty, whereas the worldly leaders were appointed by people. Therefore, when the Holy Prophetsa stated that whoever does not recite Bismillah [In the Name of Allah] before doing something important (he is speaking of the blessings associated with saying Bismillah) then such a person does not receive blessings. However, this does not mean that they do not achieve their purpose; rather, it means that their objective will not be fulfilled by God Almighty. The leadership granted by God Almighty was not meant to be bestowed upon anyone other than Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Hazrat Umarra, Hazrat Uthmanra and Hazrat Alira. The leadership attained by others was through Satan or through other people. Lenin, Stalin, and Malenkov did not recite Bismillah, yet they attained leadership. Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower also did not recite Bismillah, yet they became leaders. They did not even know of Bismillah, nor did they have any reverence for it in their hearts. Thus, when the Holy Prophetsa stated that one cannot obtain blessings without reciting Bismillah, it did not mean that one cannot attain anything from God Almighty altogether. In fact, only those receive from God Almighty who recite Bismillah before every important action. Everyone can discern whether something that is received from God Almighty possesses more blessings than something received from other people. Leadership that is obtained through human efforts can also end, whereas leadership bestowed by God Almighty can never cease.”

If only Muslims understood this point. Despite reciting Bismillah, it seems they do so only as mere lip service, not from their hearts. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further writes:

“Yazid was also a leader. He was extremely prideful and claimed to have great power. He destroyed the family of the Holy Prophetsa. (He even declared himself to be a Muslim). He killed the progeny of the Holy Prophetsa and he never adopted humility. (He remained haughty) and believed that no one could stand up to him. Hazrat Abu Bakrra was also a leader; however, he was humble and meek. He used to say, ‘God Almighty has appointed me to serve the people and however long I am given to serve is a favour upon me.’ However, Yazid used to say, ‘I have obtained rule from my father. I can kill whoever I please and spare whoever I please.’ Apparently, Yazid’s rule was more powerful than that of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. He used to say, ‘I am a hereditary monarch. Who dares to speak before me?’ On the other hand, Hazrat Abu Bakrra used to say, ‘What capabilities did I possess to become a leader? Whatever I have has been bestowed by God Almighty. I could not have become a leader through my own efforts. I am everyone’s servant. I am the servant of the poor as well as the wealthy. If ever I make a mistake, then take recompense right away. Do not ruin me on the Day of Judgement.’ A listener will wonder what this is; [it seems as if] he (Hazrat Abu Bakrra) does not even possess the same rank as the chief of a village. The same person might hear the words of Yazid and think that they resemble those of Roman and Persian emperors and that Yazid’s words are those of a ruler.

However, when Hazrat Abu Bakrra passed away, his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and then the following generations, which go beyond grandchildren and great-grandchildren, were all equally proud of their kinship with Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Putting them aside, even those who are not related to Hazrat Abu Bakrra – those who have never even met him – still have tears in their eyes when they read these accounts. A fervour is brought about in their love [for him]. If ever someone speaks ill of him, they become impassioned. Hence, his progeny aside, even others are prepared to lay down their lives for his sake. Every Muslim says ‘radiAllahu ‘anhu [may Allah be pleased with him]’ when they hear his name. On the other hand, when the arrogant Yazid – who tired not of calling himself the king and son of a king – passed away, the people made his son the king in his place. One Friday, he stood at the pulpit and said, ‘O people! My grandfather became the king when there were others more worthy of becoming the king. My father became the king when others were more worthy of becoming king. Now I too have been made the king whilst there are others worthier of this. O people! I cannot shoulder this burden. My grandfather and my father usurped the rights of others more worthy, however, I am not prepared to usurp their rights. This is your Khilafat, give it to whomsoever you please. I am neither worthy of it, nor do I deem my grandfather and father to have been worthy of it. They seized control of the government in an oppressive and wrongful manner, and now I desire to return the right of those who are entitled to it.’ Saying this, he returned home.

When his mother heard of this incident, she said, ‘Wretched one, you have humiliated your father and grandfather!’ He replied, ‘Mother, if God Almighty has granted you any wisdom, you would understand that I have not disgraced my father and grandfather, rather, I have restored their honour.’ He then remained in reclusion in his home, and did not go out until his demise.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 34, pp. 86-88)

Hence one must also do justice to this monarchy, which is granted by Allah the Almighty, and it is a lesson for Muslim leaders and kings. 

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“Have the greatest kings of the world today attained the same grandeur of Hazrat Abu Bakrra due to his sacrifices for Islam and religion? Today there is not even a single king in the world who has achieved the same greatness as that of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. In fact, aside from Hazrat Abu Bakrra, the great kings of today do not even possess the same glory as that of the servants of Hazrat Abu Bakrra in the eyes of the Muslims. The truth is that even the dog of Hazrat Abu Bakrra is dearer to us than those of great eminence, because he served at the house of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.”

He then states, “When one has served at the household of Muhammadsa everything about them becomes admirable in our eyes, and then it is impossible for anyone else to erase that greatness from our hearts.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 19, p. 681)

They raise allegations against us, that God forbid we disgrace the Holy Prophetsa, but in reality, such are the views we hold.

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“One of Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra sons took some time to accept Islam. Once, the Holy Prophetsa was sitting in the mosque and various matters were being discussed. During the conversation, [the son] said to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, ‘Father, during a battle I was hiding behind a rock, and you passed by me twice. If I had desired, I could have killed you, but the thought that you are my father held me back from raising my hand.’ Hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, ‘I did not see you at the time, but since you were on the battlefield as an enemy of Allah, had I seen you, I would have certainly killed you.’” (Khutbat-e-MahmudVol. 16, pp. 621-622)

In relation to the high morals of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, the Promised Messiahas states:

“Abu Bakrra was a man whose nature possessed the fuel and wick of goodness (i.e., he had the capability of burning bright). And so, the pure teaching of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, touched him immediately and set him alight. He did not argue with the Holy Prophetsa at all; he did not ask to be shown any sign or miracle. As soon as he heard that the Holy Prophetsa had made his claim, all that he asked was: ‘Do you claim to be a Prophet?’ When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, replied in the affirmative, he proclaimed: ‘Bear witness that I am the first to believe.’”

The Promised Messiahas states:

“Experience tells us that those who are particular about asking questions rarely attain guidance. However, those who think well of others and show patience fully partake of guidance. An example of this can be seen in Abu Bakrra and Abu Jahl. Abu Bakrra did not argue, nor demand a sign, but he was granted that which those who demanded signs were left without. He witnessed sign upon sign and in fact, he became a magnificent sign himself. Abu Jahl, on the other hand, argued, and did not refrain from his opposition and ignorance. He witnessed sign upon sign, but could not see. Ultimately, he became a sign for others and died as an opponent.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 2, p. 165)

The Promised Messiahas states:

“Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, and Abu Jahl were both raised from the same soil – Mecca. The city of Mecca is the same Mecca where now tens of millions of people belonging to every rank and class of society gather from all parts of the world. Both of the aforementioned individuals were born in the same land. The first of them was guided due to his pure and blessed nature and righteousness, ultimately attaining the highest station among the Truthful. The second, however, is notorious for his mischief, ignorance, unjust enmity and opposition to the truth.

“Bear in mind that distinction can only be of two kinds: divine and satanic. Men of divine distinction receive renown and honour in heaven. Similarly, men of satanic distinction are famed among the spawn of Satan.

“In short, both of the aforementioned men existed in the same place. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not differentiate between anyone. All of the commandments that were given to him by Allah Almighty, he conveyed to the people equally; but the unfortunate and wretched were left deprived, while the fortunate were guided and attained to a station of excellence. Abu Jahl and his ilk witnessed numerous signs and observed the light of God and His blessings, but all this went in vain.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 2, p. 164)

The Promised Messiahas states:

“When the Holy Prophet’ssa advent took place in Mecca, Abu Jahl and Hazrat Abu Bakrra Siddiq were both present in Mecca. However, Abu Bakr’sra nature possessed the ability to accept the truth. Whilst returning [from his travels] even before Hazrat Abu Bakrra had entered the city, he enquired from someone of any recent news and was informed that the Holy Prophetsa had claimed to be a prophet. There and then, he immediately accepted and did not ask for any miracle or a sign, though later he witnessed countless miracles, and in fact, became a sign himself. On the other hand, Abu Jahl, who witnessed thousands of signs, but even then he did not refrain from his opposition and rejection and continued to deny [the Holy Prophetsa]. What was the reason behind this? They both were born in the same place, and yet, one became Siddiq [truthful] and the other, who was previously known as ‘Abu al-Hikam’ [father of wisdom] became known as ‘Abu Jahl’ [father of ignorance]. The reason behind this is because [Abu Jahl’s] nature did not bear any relationship with the truth. In short, matters pertaining to faith are dependent upon this relationship. When one establishes a relationship with this then that in itself becomes one’s teacher and imparts the knowledge of the truths. This is the reason why those who incorporate this relationship within their nature serve as a sign in itself.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 5, pp. 11-12)

The Promised Messiahas further states:

“My Lord has made it clear to me that as-Siddiq [Abu Bakr], al-Faruq [Umar], and Uthman, may Allah be pleased with them, were righteous and faithful, and that they were among those chosen by Allah and favoured with His bounties. Many of those endowed with spiritual insight had attested to their virtues. They left their homes for the sake of Allah and entered the battlefield in every campaign, paying no heed to the scorching heat of summer or the cold of winter nights. They rushed eagerly for the sake of the faith like one in the prime of youth. They inclined neither towards relatives nor non-relatives and left them for the sake of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Their deeds carry a sweet scent and their actions are fragrant. All this points to the verdant orchards of their high spiritual state and the blooming gardens of their good deeds. From the scent of this breeze, we can understand their true character, and in its luminescence is reflected the light of their beings.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 25-26)

The Promised Messiahas further states:

“By Allah, He has made the two Sheikhs [i.e. Abu Bakrra and Umarra], and the third who is known as Dhun-Nurain [the Possessor of Two Lights; i.e. Uthmanra], the gates of Islam and the foremost amongst the army of Khairul-Anam [the Best of Mankind]. Whosoever rejects their status, and disregards the proof of their greatness, and attempts to disgrace them instead of honouring them, and insults and curses them, I fear for him a tragic end and the loss of his faith. Those who insult and curse the Khulafa’ and utter calumnies against them grow hard-hearted and become the target of divine wrath. I have seen this happen on numerous occasions and I declare openly that bearing hatred towards these Chiefs [of faith] is a sure way of depriving oneself of divine blessings. Whoever harbours animosity towards them shuts upon himself the gates of mercy and forgiveness. The doors of knowledge and divine realisation will not be open to him.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 28-29)

The Promised Messiahas further states:

“How can you curse one whose truthfulness Allah has Himself established? (Sometimes people use such phrases, which are wrong.) He was the one who, when he sought Allah’s help, was granted signs in his support and the mischievous plans of the wicked were foiled. Hazrat Abu Bakrra saved Islam from great calamities and adversities. He got rid of those who were like serpents. He restored peace and tranquillity and, by the grace of Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, brought every mischief-maker to nought. As-Siddiq had innumerable virtues and blessings. All Muslims are indebted to him, and none can deny this but transgressors of the highest degree. Just as Allah enabled him to establish peace in the hearts of the believers and to extinguish the fire ignited by the heretics and apostates, He also made him the finest champion and custodian of the Holy Quran, and one who disseminated the clear Book of Allah the Almighty. He made great efforts in compiling the Quran and in researching its true order, as specified by the Holy Prophetsa. Tears would flow from his eyes to an even greater degree than the flowing of a spring, out of concern for the welfare of Islam.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 57-58)

The Promised Messiahas further states:

“The Shia acknowledge the fact that Hazrat Abu Bakrra accepted Islam at a time when the enemy was in large numbers and he was the companion of the Holy Prophetsa during the intense hardship of the early days. Moreover, when the Holy Prophetsa left Mecca, he also left with him with utmost sincerity and endured the difficulties. He left his hometown, friends and the entire family and gave preference to God, Who is the most Benevolent. He also took part in all the battles and fought against the disbelievers and helped the Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Abu Bakrra was appointed as the Khalifa at a time when a group of hypocrites became apostates and many liars made claim of prophethood. Hazrat Abu Bakrra continued to fight against them until peace and security had been established in the land once again and those who sought to instigate disorder were completely suppressed. When he passed away, he was buried beside the grave of the Holy Prophetsa, who is the chief of the Prophets and the Imam of the Virtuous. He was the beloved of God and never departed from the company of the Holy Prophetsa, neither in his lifetime and nor after his demise. After a separation for just a short duration, they once again met and he presented the gift of his love. It is rather strange that, despite what they assert (i.e. those Shia who level these allegations), Allah placed the grave of the Holy Prophetsa among two such individuals who were disbelievers, usurped the rights of others and were dishonest and He did not grant His beloved Prophetsa salvation from the torment of being placed next to Abu Bakrra and Umarra, in fact, He made these two individuals, who gave him trouble and hardship, as his companions both in this world and the hereafter, and, God-forbid, did not keep these two impure individuals away from the Holy Prophetsa. However, our Lord is completely pure from what they assert. (What they say is completely wrong.) In fact, Allah the Almighty placed both of these righteous individuals (that is Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra), in the company of the Imamsa of the Righteous. Indeed, in this, there is a sign for those who possess wisdom.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 72-73)

The Promised Messiahas further states regarding the prejudiced Shia:

“If the prejudiced Shia were asked who was the first among the men to leave the community of the disbelievers and embrace Islam, they would have no choice but to say that it was Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Then, if they are asked as to who was the first person to migrate alongside the Holy Prophetsa, who put all his relations to one side and migrated to where the Holy Prophetsa was, they again will have no other choice but to say that it was Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Then, if they were asked that even if, for argument’s sake, he usurped [Khilafat], but who was the first to be appointed as the Khalifah, they will have no choice but to say that it was Abu Bakrra. Then, if they were asked who compiled the Quran into a single volume in order to send it to different countries, they would undoubtedly say it was Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Then, if they were asked who is buried beside the Chief of the Prophets and the Chief of the Virtuoussa, they would have no choice but to say Abu Bakrra and Umarra. How strange is it that, God-forbid, all the distinctions were granted to disbelievers and hypocrites and all of the blessings of Islam were manifested through its opponents? Can any believer imagine that the person who was the first to embrace Islam was in fact a disbeliever and accursed? And the one who was the first to migrate with the Holy Prophetsa, was devoid of faith and an apostate? In this way, every excellence was granted to the disbelievers, even the close proximity to the resting place of the Holy Prophetsa.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], pp. 75-76)

The Promised Messiahas then states:

“The truth is that as-Siddiq and al-Faruq were eminent Companions. They never usurped anyone’s rights. Piety was their rule and justice was their intent. They would scrutinise all matters, manifest and hidden, with a critical eye. They had no worldly ambitions and had devoted themselves to the service of Allah. I have seen no one equal to these two in their magnanimity and in their support for the religion of the Prophet of the two realms. They were swifter than the moon in following the Sun of all mankind. They were completely engrossed in his love. They bore every hardship for the truth and happily accepted every humiliation for the matchless Prophet. They emerged like lions to face the armies of the unbelievers until Islam became victorious, the opposing armies were defeated, idolatry regressed, and the sun of faith and religion shone forth once more. Having thus rendered great services to Islam and having placed the Muslims under a debt of gratitude, they came to rest in the proximity of the Holy Prophetsa.”

The Promised Messiahas further states:

“Allah is the Greatest! How sublime was their sincerity and loyalty that they were buried alongside the Holy Prophetsa. Had Moses and Jesus been alive, they would have envied such a great honour. This high status does not come by mere longing or desire; it is an eternal blessing from the Lord of Glory, and it is only destined for those who are eternally under divine grace.” (Sirr al-Khilafah [Urdu Translation], Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 8, pp. 345-346)

There are a few more references, which I shall narrate in the future, insha-Allah [God willing]. 

(Official Urdu transcript published in Al Fazl International, 23 December 2022, pp. 5-10. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

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