Guests reception organised by Lajna Imaillah Dietzenbach, Germany

Sumera Raza (Regional Sadr Lajna Imaillah Dietzenbach), Khaula Khalid (Tabligh Coordination Lajna Imaillah Dietzenbach)

Lajna Imaillah Dietzenbach, Germany, invited female guests to a formal reception at the Baitul Baqi Mosque. The doors opened at 5:30pm and the guests were warmly welcomed by student Lajna members who handed them a complimentary gift and a personal name tag. This reception also served as a chance to get to know each other and to make new contacts.

The guests had the opportunity to explore an Islamic exhibition, which served to inform them about the history of Islam and Ahmadiyyat and about Jamaat’s humanitarian work. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to listen to an audio recording of the recitation from the Holy Quran and its translation, which could be accessed through headphones. The “Quran-Station” was provided by a mu‘allimah. Visitors had the chance to ask their questions and get insight into the Holy Quran and its teachings.

Additionally, various books and pamphlets were offered to take home free of charge. This was highly appreciated by the guests, who praised the generosity of the Jamaat. Eventually, the Baitul Baqi Mosque was filled with many local women from different walks of life: politicians, women of church communities, members of different associations and clubs, schoolteachers, nursery teachers, neighbours, students, friends, mothers, and grandmothers. The attendance was over 70.

At 6pm, regional Sadr Lajna Dietzenbach, Sumera Raza Sahiba, started the event with a welcome address and a brief overview of the evening’s schedule. The opening ceremony started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by the German translation.

The guests were invited to deliver a personal message, including Andrea Wacker-Hempel, principal city councillor, Johanna Wenninger-Muhr, vice city councillor; and pastor Andrea Schwarze of the protestant Christus-Gemeinde in Dietzenbach.

After these inspiring messages, two Lajna members proceeded by holding a presentation that introduced the audience to the history of Lajna Imaillah and their work all over the world and in Germany. The speakers shed light on the astounding progress the Lajna Imaillah has made so far by the grace of Allah and emphasised its unique existence in the world. To conclude, four nasirat recited a compilation of German poems by Hadayatullah Hübsch Sahib.

This was followed by refreshments for the guests.

Before leaving, many guests shared their thoughts and feelings by writing them down in a guestbook. Many expressed their admiration for the Jamaat and particularly the Lajna Imaillah. Alhamdulillah.

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