Saleem Shaukat, Secretary Tabligh, Jamaat Adelaide South, Australia

Located 30 minutes away from Adelaide in the picturesque Adelaide Hills, the quiet township of Uraidla is transformed every year into a hub of excitement on the first Sunday in November when the annual horticultural and floricultural show hits town.
The Uraidla and Summertown Country Show is an event for the local and surrounding communities. Featuring an action-packed line-up of entertainment, family activities, rides, market stalls, exhibits, competitions and delicious food options; there will be something for every member of the family.
On 7 November 2021, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Adelaide South also got the opportunity to visit the show and hold – for the first time – a Holy Quran exhibition and bookstall for spreading the true and peaceful teachings of Islam in this town.
After offering the Fajr prayer, a group of 12 Jamaat members, including some young members, began their journey from the Noor Mosque.
Uraidla is a city located in South Australia State, and its total population is about 2,506 and every year around 7,000 to 8,000 people visited the show from different parts of the region, making it a popular attraction.
On the day, the bookstall presented translated copies of the Holy Quran in 10 different languages along with a variety of literature including, Life of Muhammad, The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace and Islam’s Response to Contemporary Issues.
Pamphlets that were displayed included, ‘Muslim for peace’, ‘Muslim for loyalty’, ‘Muhammad in Bible’ and ‘Messiah has Come’.
Approximately 350 people visited the stall and more than 60 people were engaged in detailed conversations about Islam and the presented books. Visitors were very impressed with the variety of information that was displayed.
Through holding this stall, and with the set-up of the marquees with the Jamaat’s motto “Love for all, hatred for none” the peaceful message of Islam reached around 6,000 people.
Hon Marisa Bell, candidate of labour party Mayo also visited our stall and appreciated the Jamaat’s efforts and said:
“I am here today at Uraidla show visiting wonderful stalls […] I am here today at the Muslim communities stall, they are sending the message of love and peace.”
Another member, Hon Josh Teague Mp, member for Heysen visited our stall and by appreciating our efforts, he said:
“I am here in Adelaide Hills, and we are here today at Uraidla show and you can hear the sound and see the sites around here it’s just wonderful to be together here with this wonderful message of peace and togetherness.”
During the show, we got a chance to discuss many topics in detail with the visitors, such as the concept of Jihad in Islam, the Islamic view about extremism and about the second coming of the Messiah, for which many references were shared from the Bible and the Holy Quran.