How can one draw the youth closer to the Jamaat?


During a virtual mulaqat of the missionaries of Germany with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, which was held on 15 November 2020, a missionary asked, “It has been observed that because the youth spend the majority of their time outside of the home, they are naturally influenced by the society that they live in. How can we draw them closer to the Jamaat?” 

Huzooraa replied: 

“This is the task of the young missionaries. You grew up and were raised here, you have graduated here, or you have attained your secondary education here, or you have completed your Abitur here, or whatever qualification you may have attained, it was all done here [in Germany]. Therefore, since you live here yourselves, you are aware of this society. So, you should try to devise plans to do their tarbiyat accordingly. 

“That is why I say that you should form a bond of friendship with them and that is why the auxiliary organisations have been established as well. It is also the duty of the auxiliary organisations to get the youth involved and all the young missionaries should help them in this endeavour. If you work in this manner then you will be able to overcome these issues, insha-Allah

“Thus, it is all down to one’s effort. It does not matter if society is such. Society represents the very challenge that is before us. It is whilst living in this very society that we have to try and reach out to them [the youth] according to their conditions. 

“There is no such new way or a new formula, which, if applied, could instantly lead to the reformation of everyone so much so that they become auliya‘ullah [friends of Allah]. This will not happen, nor can you achieve all of your targets in just one day. This is a continuous endeavour which you ought to undertake so that the youth may continue to have a relationship with the members of the Jamaat and so that they may have this constant realisation within them that they have another responsibility as well and that is that they also have to fulfil the pledge which they have made to give precedence to their faith over worldly pursuits. Develop this realisation within them gradually. 

“The more your auxiliary organisations remain in contact with the members of the Jamaat or the members of their respective organisations – that is, the Khuddam, Lajna and Ansar – the more impact they will have on them. The more time missionaries give to remain in contact with the members of the Jamaat, the more impact they will have on them. This is a constant endeavour that you must continue to make.

“There is no hard and fast rule or formula which can be devised for this. You will have to make decisions based on the conditions and the psyche of everyone on an individual basis. 

“This is the trust that has been placed in young missionaries like yourselves, who have studied and grown up in this society that they can perform their tarbiyat in a more effective manner. If you are able to improve your own tarbiyat, and as mentioned in the beginning, if you develop a relationship with Allah, then you will see that you will be able to bring about a revolution insha-Allahu Ta‘ala

“I am hopeful that if the young missionaries rise to the challenge with a firm resolve, then a revolutionary transformation can occur, insha-Allah. This is because you have been brought up in these societies. 

“Previously, missionaries would come from Pakistan or from other foreign countries, who were not fully acquainted with that society, nor did they have command over the language. You, on the other hand, have a full grasp of the language and comprehend it very well and so you can perform the relevant work more effectively. 

“As you have lived in that society, you have greater knowledge of it as well. So, in this way, you should explore new avenues as to how you can morally train the new generation, how you can attach them to the Jamaat and how you can save them from going astray.”

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