Humanity First donates playground in Kosovo


Besmir Yvejsi, Secretary Ishaat, Jamaat Kosovo

3. Children are the best beneficiaries of this playground project

The Germany branch of the charity Humanity First has invested in dozens of projects in Kosovo over the past two years.

On 3 March 2020, the Mayor of the Municipality of Kamenica, Mr Qendron Kastrati together with Mr Fatmir Agaj from the Municipal Directorate of Education invited he coordinator of Humanity First for Balkan, Zubair Khan Sahib and the representative of this organisation in Kosovo, Jinahuddin Saif Sahib, where they discussed the playground project funded by the organisation in the village of Karaceva e Poshtme (Lower Karaceva).

After the meeting, Mayor Kastrati together with Zubair Khan Sahib, Jinahuddin Saif Sahib and the principal of the Asllan Thaci school, Mr Ramadan Guda traveled to Karaceva e Poshtme to inaugurate the playground located in the park of this village.

Mayor Kastrati, during the inauguration and unveiling of the plaque, said:

“I feel very happy that Humanity First has expressed its willingness to fund such a project. I thank Mr Khan for his interest in carrying out this project. I hope there are better conditions for children to spend their free time”.

Further, through Facebook, Mayor Kastrati thanked Mr Premtim Fazliu for his involvement in this project as well as the residents who participated in the works. The coordinator of Humanity First for Balkan, Zubair Khan Sahib thanked Mayor Kastrati for the opportunity to contribute to this project and said:

“I am very happy to have made a little contribution here. I express my sympathy for these nice and happy children. These are the future of Kosovo, and if they are happy then so we are too. We will be here for other occasions within our opportunities”.

Mr Ramadan Guda, who is the principal of Asllan Thaçi shool in Karaçeva e Poshtme village, thanked Humanity First for funding the project. He said:

“This project is for the benefit of the community and the pupils. Such projects are welcome. On behalf of the pupils and the community, I thank them very much”.

The playground has many aspects to it including various games, areas to sit and open playing areas, all equipped with sports apparatus. The Municipality of Kamenica will take care of the further maintenance of this playground. This project of Humanity First has been covered by several websites as well as many social media users.

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