Tuesday, 23 November 2021, Baitul Futuh Mosque, London: Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, arrived in Baitul Futuh, Morden, London earlier today at around 11:30 am to inspect the progress of the reconstruction project. Huzooraa later led the Zuhr and Asr prayers too.
This was the first time Huzooraa visited the Baitul Futuh Mosque since before the heavy lockdowns in the UK due to Covid-19.

Amir Jamaat UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib invited Huzooraa to inspect the developments since his last visit on 10 March 2020 and the halls and rooms on the multiple floors of the complex. Huzooraa was shown the colonnade, halls, dormitories and individual bedrooms, offices and other aspects that have developed significantly since March 2020. Insha-Allah, it is hoped that this project will see completion by Jalsa Salana 2022.
Al Hakam spoke to Rafiq Hayat Sahib, Amir Jamaat UK, who said:
“John McAslan is a friend of mine and I’ve known him for over 25-30 years, when he was still a budding architect. Now he is a world-famous architect who has worked on major buildings, both in the UK and abroad, for example London’s Kings Cross Station. Fanos Panayides, who was here today, is another architect who is very renowned. Fanos designed this complex and John also had input in the design.

“When this building burned down, in his Friday Sermon, Huzooraa said that our opponents were happy that our building had burned down, but we would, insha-Allah, build such a beautiful building in its place that we will be the ones saying ‘Masha-Allah’ and ‘Alhamdulillah’. Huzooraa then instructed us to search for architects. I approached John McAslan and others, who happily took on this project.
“During the design-phase, Huzooraa played a key role towards the architectural plans and he advised us in various aspects of the design. Throughout the period of the Covid lockdown, Huzooraa was not able to come to see the developments, and the last time Huzoor visited was in March 2020. But Huzooraa very kindly approved the visit and today, we were blessed with his presence.”

The new building will serve various purposes, among which is to serve the local community for school exams and other events. The local community is excited for this building to see fruition as it is a positive contribution to the local skyline.
Following the outbreak of a large fire in 2015 across the administrative building within the Baitul Futuh site, plans were made for a much better and larger purpose built complex.
On 4 March 2018, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa laid the foundation stone for the new administrative complex. The main bulk of the construction started in September 2018 and is close to reaching its final stages.
Following the fire, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, in his Friday Sermon of 2 October 2015, spoke clearly about how the fire would not stop any Jamaat progress and told the Jamaat that this was not a reason to worry.

Talking about the loss that occurred through the fire, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“It is essential for a true believer to understand the true meaning of patience. Patience does not mean that a person cannot feel regret or pain over a loss, rather it means that he or she should not be overwhelmed and consumed by despair to such an extent that they lose their senses and any hope.”
Huzooraa continued:
“Of course, some regret is normal, but alongside it, a person should seek to recover and to make a firm resolution to attain even greater heights in future. Thus, in the face of this trial, we should pledge and prove from our actions that we will successfully pass through this period with patience and by prostrating before Allah the Almighty.”
Huzooraa said:
“[…] a lot of damage was sustained during the fire. However, God willing, we will soon build an even better and more beautiful building and we will be the ones who sincerely say ‘Subhanallah’ (Holy is Allah) and ‘Masha–Allah’ (With the Will of Allah).”
Amir Sahib told us that the development work is ongoing and all members of the Jamaat who have made promises should see that their promises are fulfilled.
Following the tour of the new complex, Huzooraa led the Zuhr and Asr prayers in the Baitul Futuh Mosque, the first time Huzooraa led Salat in the Baitul Futuh Mosque in over a year.