Khalid Mehmood Sharma, Secretary Talim-ul-Quran and Waqf-e-Arzi, Mississauga, Canada

Welcoming the new year of 2023, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Canada, across the country, started Ashra Talim-ul-Quran. In addition to lessons on reading the Holy Quran, they included unique presentations to emphasise its importance and benefits.
Following this programme, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Mississauga, Canada organised an event at the Bait-ul-Hamd Mosque, on 8 January 2023.
The event started with the recitation from the Holy Quran with its Urdu and English translations, followed by a hadith.
The first lecture was in Urdu, given by Yasir Ahmad Sahib Sialkoti, who spoke about “The love of the Promised Messiahas for the Holy Quran.” He discussed the faith-inspiring events from the life of the Promised Messiahas, which exhibited his love for the Holy Quran. The English summary of the lecture was also presented.
Tahir Ahmad Khan Sahib then read an excerpt from the writings of the Promised Messiahas, followed by a PowerPoint presentation on “The Importance and Benefits of the Holy Quran” by Asif Khan Mujahid Sahib, the missionary for Mississauga. He emphasised the importance and benefits of the Holy Quran using simple and compelling examples.
Then, Osama Saeed Sahib, Qaid Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Mississauga West, presented an excerpt of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on the importance of reciting the Holy Quran regularly.
Abdul Majeed Qureshi Sahib, the local Amir of Mississauga Jamaat, delivered the concluding address. Using extracts from the Friday Sermons of Huzooraa, he advised the audience on how the teachings of the Holy Quran can be spread worldwide.