Tahir Ahmad
Kenya Correspondent
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Kenya successfully held Jalsa Salana which took place at the Jamaat headquarters in Nairobi on 8-9 December 2018.
The two-day event started with flag hoisting, silent prayer and opening speech by Tariq Mahmood Zafar Sahib, Amir and Missionary In-charge Kenya. The theme for Jalsa Salana this year was Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya: The Pathway to Peace.
Amir Sahib elaborated on the importance of Khilafat and obedience to Khilafat. He further stated that true peace in the world could only be attained through Khilafat. He advised members to obey the instructions of our beloved Khalifa, write letters for prayers, and regularly watch the live sermons of Huzooraa and other MTA programmes.
In attendance were distinguished guests including Hon Professor Githu Muigai, the former attorney general of Kenya who was the chief guest. Other guests included chiefs, sub-chiefs and their acquaintances. Several speeches were delivered on various subjects such as Islam a Religion of Peace, Upbringing of Children in Today’s World, The System of Wasiyyat and Signs of the Mahdi among many others.
On Sunday, the closing address was delivered by Amir and Missionary In-charge Kenya. In his address, he recited a verse of the Holy Quran in which God Almighty states: “O you who believe, fear Allah and be among the truthful.”
He further went on to mention the importance of such blessed gatherings. He stated that the Holy Prophetsa said that gatherings for the sake of Allah were like gardens of paradise.
After the final address, the Jalsa concluded with silent prayer led by Amir Sahib.