Mutaher Iffat, Student, Jamia Ahmadiyya UK

The United Kingdom, a country characterised by its materialistic spirit and fast-paced lifestyle, can easily sweep us up in its whirlwind, making us lose track of what truly matters. It is for this reason that nestled away from the urban frenzy, amidst winding country roads and stretches of green countryside, we have this Jalsa Salana UK to once again slow down the pace of life and remind us of our spiritual calling and true purpose of life.
These three days are filled with numerous opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection. Starting with the Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, followed by a series of speeches on various topics. Attendees have the privilege of offering five daily prayers in congregation, led by Huzooraa. This combination of guidance and worship creates a powerful environment for spiritual development.
Allah the Almighty states:
وَّذَكِّرۡ فَاِنَّ الذِّكۡرٰي تَنۡفَعُ الۡمُؤۡمِنِيۡنَ
“And keep on exhorting; for verily, exhortation benefits those who would believe.” (Holy Quran, Surah adh-Dhariyat, Ch. 51: V. 56)
In today’s world, our interactions with religious aspects are often limited. Our daily routines can sometimes leave little room for deep spiritual reflection. This is why Jalsa Salana, an event – away from the distractions of jobs and studies – where we immerse ourselves in the remembrance of Allah for three days, proves invaluable.
It is on these days that we renew our bai’at to reaffirm our belief and once again remind us of our duties as Ahmadis. the Promised Messiahas states:
“All sincere souls who have entered the fold of this humble one should know that the purpose of pledging allegiance is to dampen the worldly ardour, so that the heart is engulfed in the love of the Bountiful God and of the Holy Prophetsa, and to develop such a state of detachment that the Final Journey does not seem an unwelcome prospect.” (The Heavenly Decree, p. 73)
The reality is that, as Muslims, we have been given permission to undertake worldly pursuits alongside our religious pursuits. However, it is essential for us to understand the balance between the two. The Promised Messiahas states:
“Islam does not make anyone slothful. You ought to engage in business and employment as well, but I do not approve that you should have no time at all for God.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 3, p. 50)
Given the spiritual potential of Jalsa Salana and its opportunity for religious transformation, history and wisdom teach us that its true benefits can only be reaped if we attend with the right intentions. Our approach and mindset are crucial in determining the impact this gathering will have on our spiritual growth. What should be our intention? What were the objectives for which the Promised Messiahas established the institution of Jalsa Salana? He writes:
“The desire and true purpose of the Jalsa was that the members of our Community, through repeated meetings [with me], should somehow achieve such a change in themselves that their hearts become fully inclined towards the hereafter, and the fear of God should develop within them; and that they should become for others an example of piety, righteousness, virtue, forbearance, tenderness of heart, mutual love, and brotherhood; and they should develop in themselves humility, hospitality, and integrity, and embrace with zeal the carrying out of religious campaigns. But such an effect was not observed after the first Jalsa […] This Jalsa is indeed not like other worldly fairs that must regularly be held even if there is no need. Holding this Jalsa is conditional upon right intention and beneficent results.” (Testimony of the Holy Quran [Shahadat-ul-Quran], pp. 149-151)
Hence, to truly benefit from Jalsa Salana, we must approach it with sincere intentions for spiritual growth, and, insha-Allah, we will see positive changes within ourselves. Jalsa Salana UK gives us an excellent opportunity to do so. In a world dominated by material pursuits, it serves as a retreat where we can reconnect with our divine purpose. Over these three days, the congregational prayers, Huzoor’saa faith-inspiring addresses, and the spiritual atmosphere help us deepen our connection with Allah. The wisdom shared by the Promised Messiahas about balancing worldly pursuits with spiritual obligations is especially relevant today. At the end of these three days, as we leave this spiritual oasis, let us also carry forward the lessons learned and integrate them into our daily lives.
May Allah enable us to make the most of this blessed gathering, and may its spiritual benefits resonate long after we return to our routines. Amin.