Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi in Dayton, Ohio, USA


Syed Shamshad Nasir, Missionary, USA

Bilal Bajwa Sahib of Dayton reports Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Dayton, Ohio, organised a Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabisa on 13 February 2021. 

The online programme was announced about a week and guests were invited to join via the virtual meeting platform Zoom. Local jamaat members as well as guests attended the event. 

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A friend and well-known gentleman from the Sikh community also gave a presentation honouring the Holy Prophetsa. A missionary from Detroit, Shamshad Nasir Sahib was also in attendance.

The programme started with recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran, followed by their translation. After, some couplets were recited from Durr-e-Sameen, written by the Promised Messiahas in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. The poem was followed by its translation.

Danial Ahmad Sahib delivered a speech on the “Life Sketch of the Holy Prophetsa”. He explained the terrible condition of the people of Arabia before the Prophet’s birth and detailed the family background, birth, childhood, youth and his marriage to Hazrat Khadijara, and the first revelation which he received when he was forty years old.

The topic of the next speaker was “Holy Prophet Muhammadsa as a Statesman” by Bilal Bajwa Sahib. He reminded the audience about the Holy Prophet’s great justice even before he was commissioned to prophethood. 

The next speech was delivered by Dr MD Shahid Sahib, whose topic was “Jihad according to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa”. He explained the origin of the word jihad to mean to strive or struggle and discussed the different types of jihad in Islam. 

Next the Sikh guest speaker gave a short speech, which was enjoyed by everyone. 

Dr Darshan Singh Sehbi recalled having been fortunate from his early days in India to have friends from different faiths. He enjoyed close relationships with members of the Muslim Community in India, Great Britain and now in the US. He shared some of his thoughts about the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa based on his research.

At the end, Shamshad Nasir Sahib thanked the participants and the speakers for this wonderful programme and advised to follow the example of the Holy Prophetsa

In this event, about 56 individuals and their families were in attendance. May Allah enable all the participants to practice the noble teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Amin

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