Tahir Ahmad
Kenya Correspondent
On Sunday, 13 January 2019, the local chapter of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nairobi held their Jalsa Sirat-un-Nabi at their local mosque in the Nairobi headquarters.
The event started at 11am with recitation of the Holy Quran by Mualim Nasir Hadji Sahib followed by Khuddam Pledge by Tahir Ahmad Machengo Sahib, Qaid Nairobi Majlis. A qaseeda (Arabic poem) written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in praise of Holy Prophet Muhammadsa was recited by Asman Libuyi Sahib and translated into Swahili (the local language).
Qaid Sahib then welcomed members and reminded them to adhere to the pledge of Khuddam and to practice it.
The first speech for the event was by Athar Ahmad Bhatti sahib titled, The Holy Prophet’ssa Simple Life. This was followed by another qaseeda written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in praise of the Holy Prophetsa recited by Shabbir Chanzu Sahib and Asman Libuyi Sahib.
A second speech by Maulana Sheikh Asif Toheed was delivered on The Holy Prophet’ssa Connection with his Companionsra. The event adjourned with silent prayer by Sheikh Basharat Malik Sahib.