Zaheer Khan Sahib, a missionary and naib afsar Jalsa Salana UK, who supervises the Jalsa Salana UK office and reporting department, spoke to Al Hakam about the latest updates for Jalsa Salana UK and the preparation for it during the pandemic. Below is an update on the preparations of this upcoming auspicious event:
Even though there were restrictions from the government here in the UK months ago on gatherings, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, may Allah be his Helper, clearly instructed the Jalsa Committee that Jalsa Salana UK would take place Insha-Allah subject to changes in government laws. These instructions not only motivated us and gave us clear direction but we have also witnessed how far-sighted Huzoor’s wisdom is. Last year Khuddam and youngsters and even the Jalsa organisers lost out on the vital experience of preparing for Jalsa Salana. If halted for too long, this can have adverse effects on our training. Nevertheless, Huzoor’s instruction to prepare for Jalsa Salana UK enabled everyone to get back into preparations.
This year it rained quite heavily leading up to Jalsa Salana, however, the rain only added to the training process and enabled everyone to prepare even in difficult circumstances. At every step of the preparations for Jalsa Salana UK, we have witnessed the blessings and prayers of Khilafat being manifested. Everyone is motivated despite the rain and focused on providing the best Jalsa experience. In fact, we have seen that the forecast has been something else, but due to the blessings of Khilafat, it often changes for the better.
Insha-Allah, the Jamaat’s yearning to see their beloved Khalifa in person will be fulfilled during Jalsa Salana UK, at least for those who are attending.
Most of the Jalsa Salana site is ready and tomorrow Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa will be inspecting the site and all the departments. The East Hampshire County Council has done all the inspections of their requirements of the Jalsa Salana Site and is very pleased and content with everything. In fact, by the grace of Allah, they have said they do not have any need to inspect the site during the Jalsa days because they are very satisfied with the setup and requirements.
It is important to note that Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa has urged strict safety protocols for Covid-19. For this, random on-site tests will also be done and if someone comes out positive they will be required to return home immediately for the safety of everyone.
As there is no accommodation, all guests are requested to vacate Hadeeqatul Mahdi by 10:30 pm so that the Khidmat-e-Khalq department can prepare the Jalsa site for the next day. Food will be served before Maghrib prayers as a packed dinner.
All the car passes have been given to the various Jalsa departments – these passes include five categories of passes according to different needs. As rain is forecast, we have planned extra parking in the Country Market close to Hadeeqatul Mahdi if parking is not possible in Hadeeqatul Mahdi. If need be, from the Country Market guests will be taken in shuttle coaches to the Jalsa Site.
Stone and gravel are being used throughout the site as due to rainfall tracks have been difficult to traverse.
Worker badges have also gone to all departments. Even those who have duties have been issued with invitations to attend Jalsa Salana and the inspection.
The stores are now fully stocked including PPE for Covid-19 use. Tracks, toilets and cabins, etc. are all ready to go and the over-flow of the Jalsa Salana is also ready.
We request continuous prayers for the success of Jalsa Salana UK.