Shahid Mehmood Khan, Missionary, DRC
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) had the opportunity to serve 650 prisoners in the central jail of Kananga, in Kasai Region.
The Jamaat delegation, in collaboration with Humanity First DRC, visited the jail on 19 September 2020.
The prisoners were not being served sufficiently for three weeks. Due to this alarming situation, the provincial advisor for justice contacted the provincial missionary, Rameez Ahmad Mahmood Sahib for help.
According to the guidelines sent by the President of Humanity First Congo and Amir Jamaat, Khalid Mahmood Sahib, a programme was prepared for the jail visit.

The ziafat team of Lajna Imaillah prepared food on the night of 18 September. The menu consisted of Fufu, Manioc leaves curry and fish curry.
The ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a brief introduction of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in local language Tshiluba.
Mr Raymond Samasaka, Provincial Advisor for Justice appreciated the act of charity and said that Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is serving humanity without any discrimination of cast, creed, colour or ethnicity.
Mr Coco Lonji, Director of Central Jail said that he wanted to thank Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya for providing the prisoners with food. He also called others to follow the footsteps of the Jamaat.
All the prisoners were thankful to the Jamaat and Humanity First.
This act of charity was covered by local radio channels and the UN run radio Okapi.
Congo Profound wrote that the provincial missionary of the Jamaat came to the assistance of the prisoners as soon as he was informed.