Hafizurrahman, Indonesia Correspondent

On 20 August 2022, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia held an event on the theme “Nationality and Challenges Towards 100 Years of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia”, at the Baitul Afiyat Complex in Kemang, Bogor, where a lecture was delivered by a member of the Geopolitics and Archipelago Insights from the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas), Major General TNI (ret), E Imam Maksudi.
At the beginning of his lecture, Imam Maksudi alluded to the history of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. He explained how 17 August 1945 marked the independence of Indonesia from colonising powers. The date marked how the nation united and was freed. He said that now the common enemy of the Indonesian nation was ignorance and ego which could create a great downfall for the nation. He emphasised that education was essential to eliminate ignorance but along with acquiring knowledge we also had to improve our morals so the nation could develop further.
Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Indonesia, H Abdul Basit Sahib then delivered a speech and stated that until now there were still many challenges not only for the Ahmadiyya Jamaat but also for the Indonesian people. He said that the challenges faced were not only from the outside but could also arise from within the country itself.