Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta organised visits to different homes and centres to extend its solidarity, and message of peace and brotherhood and to present them with gift hampers. From the last week of November 2024 to the first week of January 2025, we were able to visit seven different shelter homes and centres and distribute gifts to the residents, and gifted books to a secondary school. The following programmes were organised this year:

On 27 November, 100 books were presented as gifts to a secondary school. In December, three rehabilitation centres were visited, including Caritas Malta, Oasi Foundation and Komunita Santa Marija, and had the opportunity to talk to the residents there and advise them in the light of Islamic teachings. These programmes are proving to be very effective and the management of these institutions especially looks forward to these visits and expresses that they are proving to be very useful for the people going through rehabilitation programmes. Gift hampers were also given to people living in Mosta, Happy Parenting Malta, Smiling with Jerome and families living in the refugee camp. Around 500 gifts were given to these homes and institutions and 100 books were presented to the school. The media also highlighted these activities and 10 news articles were published in English, Maltese and Turkish languages. Moreover, these details were posted on social media platforms, which also attracted hundreds of readers.