To enhance the academic capabilities and increase the knowledge of Jamia students, different techniques of education and studies are adopted in Jamia Ahmadiyya International, Ghana.
The new academic year was accompanied with a refresher course and a language camp prior to the commencement of regular classes. This took place from 18 August to 1 September 2019. For maximum benefit, the students were divided into three groups.
The first section comprised of Mumahida (year one) students for an Urdu language camp. The books of the Promised Messiahas in Urdu were integral and selected portions of his writings were memorised by the students.
The students were also taught Urdu conversation, everyday use of Urdu and dialect. Tests were conducted on dictation to help the students avoid spelling mistakes. Another segment of this section was focused on Urdu literature where various topics were discussed. Analysing the Al Fazl newspaper was also made part of the exercises.

At night, interesting Urdu programmes were shown that were aimed to assist students to adopt the accent of native speakers. Time was also allocated for personal studies.
An Arabic camp was organised for Ula (second year) students. Biographies and works of some famous Arabic writers and poets were taught to the students. Arabic conversations were placed to bring fluency in speech.
In the same vein, each student was made to deliver a five-minute speech on a specific topic after which other students asked questions, creating an atmosphere for conversation.
Emphasis was also made on teaching Arabic grammar and word usage in Arabic newspapers and magazines. At night, students were also shown videos on Islamic history.
During the morning assembly, darses were delivered in both Arabic and Urdu. The Friday Sermon was also delivered in both Arabic and Urdu.
The third section comprised of students of Sania (third year), Salisa (fourth year), Rabia (fifth year) and Khamisa (sixth year).
During this period, a detailed introduction of 13 Surahs of the Holy Quran were presented. Each presentation aimed at establishing the Surah’s relation with the previous Surah, its time of revelation, subject matter of the chapter and prophesies mentioned within.
That aside, a detailed introduction was made of 20 companions of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Eleven companions of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, were also studied.
The history of Islam, history of the Jamaat and the background of historical events were also made part of the session. There was also a question and answer session everyday where students were given an opportunity to ask questions.
The third section comprised of the Shahid students. They were instructed mainly about field work and also assisted with guidance on how to go about with their theses. Alhamdolillah!