Abdul Hadi Qurashi, Sierra Leone Correspondent

Keeping in mind the large number of people joining the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sierra Leone regularly arranges various training classes and refresher courses. This is to ensure that we, as Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa desires, can train the old and new Ahmadis.
On 15 to 16 September, Majlis Ansarullah Kenema Region arranged a two-day Imam training class. The class started with the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran. Imam Munir Hussain Sahib addressed the gathering on the importance of Quranic studies and its teachings.
15 Imams, one chief speaker, two town chiefs, four Khuddam and three mualims attended the class. Lectures were delivered about the correct pronunciation of the Holy Quran, Salat with translation, tabligh and also the structure of Majlis Ansarullah.
A question and answer session was also arranged during the class. Alhamdolillah all participants showed great interest during the class and learnt a great deal.