Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Correspondent Kenya
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kenya, Western Region was able to hold a six day refresher course in Shianda Mosque from 17 to 22 December 2019. A total of 44 khuddam, 48 atfal and five new Ahmadi converts (a total of 97 participants) participated, from 7 Jamaats.
Other than Tahajjud and the five daily Prayers, dars-ul-Quran and hadith lectures were given on a daily basis. The following subjects were taught during the first five days of the refresher course: Salaat beginner’s course in reading the Quran, Quran recitation, prayers of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophetsa, hadith, Arabic and basic religious knowledge.
Exams were also carried out to assess the progress of the attendees.
Kasim Muchere, Missionary Kenya reminded all the attendees to excel in tarbiyat and tabligh and also to dedicate their lives for the cause of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
After which this humble one delivered a closing speech on the importance of fulfilling the oaths we repeat as khuddam or atfal and also to ensure offering all our Salaat while uplifting our standards of worship.
Regular Waqar-e-Amal sessions were also held on a daily basis to ensure cleanliness of the mosque compound by the participants.
The khuddam from Shianda lovingly made fresh meals for all the participants during the six days.
Moreover on Friday 20 December all the participants were taught how to write letters of prayers to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, and more than 70 letters were written and sent to dearest Huzooraa by hand.
Huzoor’saa live Friday Sermon was also shown on MTA Africa in Shianda Mosque. Khuddam were also sent to Shianda Market to gain experience in distributing Jamaat leaflets to the locals.
We would like to thank the following teachers who taught during the six days of the refresher course:
1) Brother Kasim Muchere, Missionary Kenya
2) Brother Rana Kamran, Missionary UK
3) Brother Muhammad, Maulidi Mwallim, Shianda
4) Brother Mubarak Simiyu, Qaid Majlis Kasarani
5) Brother Swaleh Rajab Naeb, Qaid Majlis Shianda
May Allah almighty bless this refresher course with fruits of acceptance and increase all members of the Jamaat in true knowledge and righteousness, and finally make us ardent devotees of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Amin.