Saturday, 25 January 2025, Islamabad, UK: Khuddam from Munich, Germany, were blessed with the opportunity to have a mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, at Islamabad, UK.
Upon arrival, Huzooraa greeted the attendees and took his seat. The missionary, accompanying the group, informed Huzooraa about the khuddam and mentioned that they had some questions to ask. Huzooraa then asked each khadim to introduce themselves, enquiring about their family backgrounds, studies, and careers, etc.
The khuddam then had the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance from Huzooraa.
Coping with the loss of a martyred family member
One khadim mentioned that his father-in-law had been martyred, and his wife remained worried and sorrowful. He sought guidance from Huzooraa on how to comfort her.
Huzooraa emphasised the importance of prayer and remaining steadfast in virtuous deeds to find comfort and solace. Huzooraa said:
“Pray for him. Pray for his forgiveness. He has indeed attained the lofty status of martyrdom. So, I am certain and I hope that he has attained the pleasure of Allah the Exalted.
“Just yesterday I narrated an incident of a Companion who saw a dream that was interpreted by Hazrat Abu Bakrra, and he said, ‘Glad tidings, for you shall embrace martyrdom.’ We find such incidents in the past. The rank of martyrdom is very lofty.
“One should always pray that Allah the Exalted may continue to elevate his status [in paradise] and enable you, who are his children, to remain steadfast in virtues. It should not be the case that the wrong actions of his progeny waste his sacrifice. Such a sacrifice is never wasted as such, but you may be deprived of its reward [on account of your own actions].
“Thus, you ought to pray for yourself that Allah the Exalted may grant you patience and steadfastness; elevate his status in paradise; enable you to remain consistent in performing virtuous deeds; and grant you peace and tranquillity. This is how Allah the Exalted grants one comfort. Pray in your salat.”
Jalsa Salana Germany 2025
When asked about his attendance at Jalsa Salana Germany, Huzooraa stated that “Allah knows best.” He remarked with a smile that if he was unable to attend, the khadim could always visit the UK again, just as he had on this occasion.
Islamic inheritance laws
A khadim enquired about the application of Islamic inheritance laws in various family structures and conditions. Huzooraa instructed him to submit the query in writing for a more detailed response and recommended studying the book Islam Ka Warathati Nizam by Professor Abdul Rashid Ghani Sahib, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Fulfilling the obligations of Waqf-e-Nau
The discussion then turned to the responsibilities of those who are part of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme and how they can effectively fulfil their commitments.
Huzooraa outlined the essential qualities of a true waqif-e-nau, stressing the need for personal spiritual development, commitment to service, and active involvement in tabligh and Jamaat activities. Huzooraa said:
“One should dedicate one’s life. If the Jamaat says that it does not require one’s services as waqif at present, then one may work outside for the time being and give their spare time to the Jamaat. Give time [to the Jamaat] on the weekends and engage in tabligh activities.
“First and foremost, endeavour to better yourself. One should not simply be content with the title of ‘Waqf-e-Nau’; rather, one should also have a relationship with God Almighty. Safeguard your salat, elevate the standard of your salat, recite the Holy Quran, read the translation of the Holy Quran, understand the commandments found therein and act upon them. Then a person would be a true embodiment of Waqf-e-Nau. Then, spread that teaching to others as well.
“Come forward for tabligh activities to fulfil your obligations. Even if you are working outside, give time to the Jamaat on the weekends for tarbiyat– and tabligh-related activities so that you may morally train others as well. Teach others what you have learned yourself. Furthermore, do tabligh and spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat to others.”
Extraterrestrial life in Islamic literature
A khadim asked whether the Holy Quran mentions extraterrestrial life.
Huzooraa addressed the topic of extraterrestrial life within Islamic teachings, stating that the possibility of multiple universes exists, as inferred from certain Quranic interpretations. While no specific verse lays out in detail what extraterrestrial life may be exactly, the vastness of creation suggests that life beyond Earth could be a possibility. Huzooraa encouraged the khadim deeper reflection on the subject, urging the individual to ponder over it carefully and share their insights, especially given their background in physics.
Overcoming distance from the mosque
A khadim mentioned that the khuddam in Munich faced challenges in attending congregational prayers due to living far from the mosque and sought guidance on how to address this issue.
Huzooraa provided practical guidance on how khuddam could establish congregational prayers despite the distance from the mosque. He said:
“Tell them to at least come [to the mosque] to offer one prayer, unless there is a person who is extremely impoverished and cannot afford it, or the journey is too long.
“You may request a few khuddam who live relatively close to each other to designate a centre for themselves in one of their homes where they can offer their salat in congregation if it is difficult for them to come to the mosque. You should draw their attention towards offering prayers in congregation. If they live far away, then the people who live closer to each other should form their own groups and offer their prayers together in congregation.”
Huzooraa explained that in some places, mosques are established in various localities to ensure ease of access for worshippers. While such an arrangement may not be possible in the West, he advised that khuddam could create their own designated salat centres to facilitate congregational prayers.
Worship for those with severe health restrictions
A khadim enquired about the religious obligations of a family member facing severe health restrictions that limited their ability to perform acts of worship in the usual manner.
Huzooraa provided reassurance, explaining that individuals in such circumstances are only expected to do what they can within their capacity, as Islam’s teachings do not place burdens beyond one’s ability. (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.287) He further conveyed that those facing such difficulties are granted ease in their religious responsibilities.
As the mulaqat concluded, the khuddam had the honour of having a group photo with Huzooraa.
(Summary prepared by Al Hakam)