On 19 March 2022, 245 Khuddam from Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya USA, Maryland had the opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, Khalifatul Masih V through a virtual mulaqat.
Talha Ahmad Malik Sahib was called up to recite a portion of the Holy Quran and Jaheim Thomas Sahib read the English translation. A tarana (choral poem) was then read by three Khuddam. The translation of the poem was read out by Jaeden Cosmen Sahib.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then launched the new ‘MKA Strive’ app created by the talim and tarbiyat department of MKA USA. A demonstration of the features of the new app was presented by Sohaib Awan Sahib. MKA Strive app includes the following features:
• An interactive syllabus for Khuddam, taking them from basic religious knowledge to an advanced level
• It includes Jamaat literature and books and multiple-choice questions about the content read through the app
• Questions and answers of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh
• Salat times and tracking
• The Friday Sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa
After listening to the presentation, Huzooraa prayed:
“May Allah the Almighty make it a source of blessing and knowledge for Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya United States.”
Huzooraa asked Madeel Abdullah Sahib, Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya USA about the Covid-19 protocols in the USA and then advised:
“It is better that we should try to follow the protocol with regards to Covid pandemic – at least you should cover your faces with the mask. You should take precautionary measures, that is more sane.”
Sadr sahib then requested Huzooraa for the Khuddam to ask questions, which Huzooraa accepted.
Nasr Ahmad Sahib from Queens asked Huzooraa how he reached certainty in God’s existence and whether this was through a specific event Huzooraa experienced.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa smiled and said, “Very difficult question”. Huzooraa then referred to an answer he had given in a previous meeting and said:
“[…] I was brought up in such an atmosphere where the environment was such that I never felt that God does not exist. Even [through] my personal experiences, I knew from the very childhood that for all my requirements or desires – or to get anything – I’ll have to bow before Allah the Almighty and ask Him to give me these things [and] beseech His help.
“And when I was grown up – at the age of 14, 15 – then I experienced that there were some occasions when if Allah the Almighty had not helped me I would not have succeeded, even in my secondary school examinations. That strengthened my faith. And even after that, there were so many occasions.
“When I was going to get my Master’s degree, at that time also, you see I was very much anxious and I was not feeling comfortable. At that time Allah the Almighty comforted me by showing me one of the revelations of the Promised Messiahas and that satisfied me, and it proved to be the right dream which I saw. So, it again strengthened my faith.
“There were so many occasions I’ve experienced from childhood to today that Allah the Almighty is showing His signs”
Ayzir Worsham Sahib from Philadelphia said he recently converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat and was “very passionate in serving Allah and Islam”. He asked Huzoor’s for advice on how to fulfil this passion.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said the first element was to keep in mind that Allah said He created humans for His worship. Huzooraa continued:
“Since you have accepted Ahmadiyyat you should try to offer your five daily prayers and in your prayers, you pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah guides you, always keep you steadfast and strengthens your faith. If you are fervently praying in this way, that will help you to increase your faith.
“Secondly, you should try to learn how to read the Holy Quran in Arabic text. Start learning it. Even during that time you can also read the translation of it and find out from the Holy Quran what are the commandments given to us for our betterment. What are the dos and don’ts given in the Holy Quran for us to practise and for us to avoid them and refrain from them.
“In this way, you will increase your knowledge, your faith and your close relationship with Allah the Almighty. And as the time goes on you will insha-Allah feel that you are getting closer to Allah and that will strengthen your faith and you can do whatever you want to do with regards to your religion, with regards to your spiritual betterment and whatever passions you have in your mind and heart.”
Hearing Huzoor’s answer, Ayzir Sahib expressed:
“Thank you. I really appreciate that because I needed that.”
Huzooraa asked Ayzir Sahib what his religious background was to which he said his father was a Christian and that was where his faith in God started. Ayzir Sahib also said he was the only Muslim in his family.
Usman Khalid Sahib said racial tensions, nationalism and economic disparity were increasing and worsening in the United States. He asked how Ahmadi Muslims could play a positive role in resolving these issues.
Huzooraa said:
“Yes, you are right. It is increasing but not only in the United States, the popularity of rightists is increasing and racists are increasing in so many Western countries.
“Even in the recent war between Russia and Ukraine, those people who are migrating from Ukraine to the European countries – there are quite a number of immigrants living in Ukraine, there were Asians, Africans and some other nations. But when they reached any of the European countries or even to Poland across the border, they were saying we shall only accept local Ukrainians, not the foreigners. That also shows that some racism is working there and they were maltreated. Anyway, our Humanity First group is there so they treated them well and helped them.”
“Your question is what role you can play to overcome the situation.
“It needs justice and absolute justice. So, you tell your countrymen that ‘Americans – the present Americans – are not the natives of this country. Red Indians were natives of the country [and that] they did not do justice with [the Red Indians] and they are not considered as first-class citizens of the country.’ Although they claim [otherwise], practically their rights are being denied in so many ways. So, you tell them that, ‘This cannot work for a long period.’
“Secondly these are the people who brought Africans to their country, either as slaves or helpers or whatever it is. […]”
Huzooraa said that as Americans brought Africans into their country, those Africans deserved respect and due rights as they had played a key role in developing the USA. He said:
“These are the people who played a vital role for developing the country; so they should be respected; they should be given due rights. Ask them that they should realise this fact. Otherwise, a time will come when they will revolt, people will stand up against them and then they, themselves, will ruin their country.
“This is the time that they should change their mind and instead of just being racial and showing supremacy of their colour and race, they should rather do justice. This is how we can tell the people that:
“‘We are your real sympathiser, we want you to change your mindset and now live together amicably with all other races. Now America is a multination country; there are South Americans, Eurasians, Asians, Africans and white Americans. So, now we should respect each other and live amicably in the country. Otherwise, we are going to doom our nation and our country.’
“This is the message we should spread everywhere and Ahmadis should play their role in this regard.”
Basil Sindhu Sahib from South Virginia asked Huzooraa: “Growing up, what were some of the ways you were able to stay attached with Khilafat?”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“I only knew that I have to obey whatever the Khalifa says and I have to love him. And I prayed for it even. Whenever I would see that, today when I went to see my Khalifa and I feel some different attitude on his face for myself, then I prayed to Allah the Almighty that if I have done something wrong, Allah forgives me and if he has any doubt in his mind for me, Allah the Almighty removes it. That was the only way; I prayed to Allah.
“Whenever I felt something, I always considered it as my fault, not that he has done something wrong. And I prayed to Allah the Almighty and Allah accepted my prayers. And I always saw that the next day, or after some time, Allah created some occasions where I was given some extraordinary blessings from the Khalifa of that time.
“So you should also pray.”
Raza Ahmad Sahib asked: “What is the best way to offer tahajjud prayer and how can we build a habit to offer tahajjud regularly?” He also asked how Huzooraa offered tahajjud.
Huzooraa said:
“If you are determined that you have to offer tahajjud prayer regularly, then before going to bed you pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah helps you and wakes you up on time. Use three to four alarms on your iPhone or iPad. I think that will help you to make you get up at that time.
“It all depends on your determination; to do something good needs determination, otherwise, you cannot do [it].”
With a smile, Huzooraa then remarked:
“And you say how do I do it? I also use the same method.”
Uwais Mirza from Central Jersey asked, “What role does the Holy Quran play in the life of a student?”
Huzooraa said:
“The Holy Quran says:
فَاسۡتَبِقُوا الۡخَيۡرٰتِ
“[Meaning] excel in your good deeds. You will have to find out what are the good deeds and what are the bad things. The Holy Quran says you strive hard, you work hard, you try to excel in every field.
“Being a Muslim you should be among the topmost people. […] you will have to increase your knowledge, you will have to excel yourself in your faith, you will have to be determined in doing good things – that is that guidance given to us in the Holy Quran:
فَاسۡتَبِقُوا الۡخَيۡرٰتِ
“Means strive hard for gaining the good things. And you know what is good for a student. The first thing is, what is good for a good Muslim? To worship Allah the Almighty, to follow His commandments, to become morally good – practise good things.
“And then to also increase in the field you are working in. If you are a student you work hard, if you are doing some job you be honest to your job, if you are an employee or businessman you have to be honest. This is the guideline given to us in the Holy Quran.”
Huzooraa asked Uwais Sahib, “As a student, what is your desire? Don’t you want to be among those people who excel in their studies?” Uwais Sahib replied in the affirmative to which Huzooraa said, “That is what the Holy Quran says.”
Ali Chaudhry from Virginia asked what the Islamic teachings were for getting rid of addictions.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“Again, I would say ‘determination’. As I have already said, any good thing requires determination and steadfastness. Once you achieve that goal, then you have to be steadfast.
“The first thing is that if you know that these are the bad things, you have to hate them, loathe them. Then be determined that you are not going to indulge yourself in these things.
“Thirdly, pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah keeps you away from all these things and make you steadfast in it.
“Then avoid all those people – your fellow students or others – who are involved in these bad things. There are good students in your school and college and university, if you want to make friends, you try to make friends from among those people who are good in their moral character. And if you see anything wrong in them after having known them, then you just leave them till the time they reform themselves or they involve themselves in doing other things.
“It all depends on your company as well. Your company counts very much. If you have good friends, that will help you.
“And also pray to Allah the Almighty that Allah helps you in this regard. This is the only way. Otherwise, in this present-day world, it’s too hard to get rid of these things. It is only Allah Who can help you, and your determination and steadfastness.”
Zeeshan Ahmad Sahib from South Virginia said the Promised Messiahas had defined taqwa as ‘fear of Allah’. He asked Huzooraa if it was more important to have the fear Allah in one’s heart or the love of Allah. He also asked if fear and love of Allah were independent.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“[…] [The Promised Messiahas] has elaborated and explained these things in some other books and other speeches, and addresses and his discourses, that what muttaqi means. ‘Fear Allah’ but not because of His being cruel to the human being. But you should fear Allah because you love Him. You have a fear that if you do something wrong He will not be happy with you.
“So, to make Him happy, you always do good things and that is what ‘fear’ means. You fear him because of the love – out of love you fear him as you fear your parents or any loved one. Not because of their cruel actions, they love you, who loves you in this world more than your mother, right? But you fear her, you cannot do something wrong in front of her.
“The same way you should fear Allah the Almighty. He is most loving, caring. And if you fear Him and you love Him, then you will see that how He treats you and how you will be saved from bad things.
“Your fear should be out of love for Allah the Almighty, not because of His being cruel to the human beings. No contradiction.”
“And read more passages and excerpts of the books of the Promised Messiahas. Even in The Essence of Islam, you can read some more quotations and passages.”
Ahmad Musawir Sahib from Queens asked what advice Huzooraa would give to become a good husband and parent. Huzooraa asked Musawir Sahib if he was married to which he said he was not. With a smile, Huzooraa remarked, “So, you are preparing yourself for that.” Huzooraa then asked Musawir Sahib his age to which he said he was 23. Huzooraa commented:
“That’s quite a ripe time for marriage. May Allah the Almighty give you a good match, good wife. But you, yourself have to be very much humble and nice in this regard.”
Advising on how to become a good husband and parent, Huzooraa said:
“Do not think that in this world any person is perfect. If husband and wife know that none of them is perfect, everyone has some shortcomings in them – in him or her – then they should give margin to each other. And instead of getting annoyed or starting quarrelling or fighting with each other because of their shortcomings, you always see the good things in them.
“Instead of finding the bad things or shortcomings in each other, you should try to find the good things in each other. That is the only way you can be a good husband.
“To your children, you have to be very kind, you have to be morally good, you have to set your own example before them. If you set your own example before your own children – first before your wife and then children – then you will see that they will follow you.
“If you are saying something different and asking them to do something different, they will say ‘my father’ or ‘my husband’ ‘is a hypocrite. He is something different and asking us to do something different’.
“Your words and your actions should be the same. That will help you to make a good family life and train your children and do proper tarbiyat of your children.”

Damon Stengal Sahib from Oshkosh asked: “What is the best way for a Khadim to avoid the trap of materialism in America?”
Huzooraa responded by saying:
“Not only in America, everywhere in the world – all the Western world or all those countries where religion is being neglected; no proper attention is being paid to the religion.
“[…] We cannot do anything in this world without the help of Allah the Almighty. There are so many attractions in this world, at every corner, after every small distance there are so many attractions [that] will attract you and will take you away from your purpose of life. If you realise the purpose of your life, Allah says in the Holy Quran:
وَمَا خَلَقۡتُ الۡجِنَّ وَالۡاِنۡسَ اِلَّا لِيَعۡبُدُوۡنِ
“‘I have not created Jinn and human beings’ but to worship Allah the Almighty.
“If you are fervently praying to Allah that Allah keeps you away from all the bad things of the society then whether it is in America or elsewhere, and even in the Third World, or anywhere else […] then Allah will help you.
“And as I have already said, again, ‘determination’ – you have to be determined. This is the only solution.
“Without the help of Allah the Almighty we cannot avoid all these things. And when you are praying, [you] not only pray to Allah the Almighty and you say that ‘I prayed to Allah in my five daily prayers and I did tahajjud also but still I am not saved from these things.’ No. Then again; determination. You, yourself will have to avoid these things, keep your distance from these things.
“Allah the Almighty says in another place that Allah will show you His way when you are steadfast in your practice. Then Allah will guide you. First, you will have to take action, take a step, then Allah will bless that step, that action.
“Only prayers cannot work, nor only your action can work – both should go together. Then Allah will help you to keep you away from the bad things of the society.”
Damon Stengal Sahib then told Huzooraa that he was going to get married that very same day. Huzooraa prayed:
“Allah the Almighty bless your marriage in every respect.”
Umar Kamal Sahib from Harrisburg asked Huzooraa how one could protect themselves from subtle influences of shirk [associating partners with God] in everyday life. Kamal Sahib said an example of this was when people spoke about Jesusas in a way that would be considered shirk.
Huzooraa said:
“If somebody believes that Hazrat Isa is the son of God then he has the right to believe whatever he likes. But you can just tell him what your belief is. If you are saying ‘Yes, what you are saying is right’ or when the Bible is being read in school and you say ‘Yes, Jesus is the son of God’ then it is shirk. You can just keep quiet at that time. And when you are sitting with your friends then you tell them that ‘This is your belief, this is my belief. We consider him as the prophet of God.’
“So you can tell your opinion according to your religion, otherwise, you cannot just fight them or tell them ‘you are doing wrong’ – [there’s] no need to create the atmosphere of tension and fighting or quarrel or something like that. […]
“If somebody is saying that he is the son of God, then what does it matter? How does it affect you? There are quite a number of people who have told me Jesus is the son of God. Then what does this matter?
“We have our own belief, we are firm in our belief. […] If he is a very close friend of yours, then you can tell that ‘no, this is my opinion and this is more logical.’ And if you that by confronting him some tension can be created at that time, then avoid that place.”
Abeer Alam Sahib from North Jersey was next to speak to Huzooraa and said he was part of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme. Huzooraa asked him what he wanted to do and whether he would continue his waqf when older. Abeer Sahib said he wanted to go into the medical field and was not sure about his waqf. Huzooraa said, “You have to decide that being a waqif-e-nau, what are your duties and what should you do in future.”
Abeer Sahib then asked Huzooraa how he could best control his anger and temper.
Lovingly, Huzooraa said:
“I hope my words did not make you angry.”
Abeer Sahib Sahib smiled and expressed that the words did not make him angry.
Huzooraa continued:
“If my words did not make you angry, then you should use the same attitude everywhere. You see, I asked you some questions and I did not know how you will react with regards to this and I don’t know much about your attitude towards these things. Even then you did not show any anger. So, you should try to adopt the same attitude everywhere.”
Further advising on how to control anger, Huzooraa sad:
“To avoid anger you should do more istighfar. […] and you should know the meaning of istighfar, not only [to repeat] ‘astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah’ as politicians or so-called clerics or mullahs use it.
“You should know:
اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّٰهَ رَبِّىْ مِنْ كل ذَنبٍ وَّاَتُوْبُ اِلَيْهِ
“‘O Allah, forgive me all my sins and save me from anything bad that come before me in my future life’. So you should know the meaning. […]
“There was a politician in Pakistan who would always use prayer beads in his hand – just moving them – and somebody asked that ‘You just move the beads at such a speed that nobody can say any prayer on it, what do you say? What do you read?’ The politician said ‘I read Ayatul Kursi’. So the person asked ‘How can you read Ayatul Kursi in such a fast manner, so quickly?’ The reply was that ‘I just say kursi, kursi, kursi’.
“‘Kursi’ means ‘chair’ – so politicians want [a] chair.”
All the Khuddam thoroughly enjoyed the joke. Huzooraa continued by saying istighfar should not be recited in such a meaningless verbal chant, rather ‘you should know the meaning of it.”
The last question was by Rashid Nasir Sahib from Richmond who asked Huzooraa how they could spread Huzoor’s guidance about the war between Russia and Ukraine to their elected officials.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“My statement was issued at the very beginning. So, you should spread that message to your politicians, to your leaders, and tell them to avoid this war otherwise there is going to be very big havoc. The world is going to face something which will take years to re-develop it, to come back to the present position.
“And not only that […] but our future generations will also suffer. If the world war erupts then they will definitely use – if not nuclear weapons – at least chemical weapons and that will also leave a very bad effect on our future generation. So not only on us but our future generation as well.
“Tell them. The message is already there, my statement is already there, so you can spread that message.”
In the end, Huzooraa lovingly addressed all the Khuddam of MKA USA and said:
“Thank you very much, I enjoyed the company of Americans during the last two, three weeks, now this is the third week, right?”
Sadr MKA USA, Madeel Abdullah Sahib confirmed it was the third week of MKA USA mulaqats with Huzooraa and asked for Huzoor’s prayers for the Khuddam to fulfil the wishes and desires of Huzooraa.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said “Insha-Allah” andconveyed his salaam after which the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)