Islamabad, Tilford, UK, 5 January 2025: A group of 16 khuddam from the South-East Region of the USA were graciously granted an in-person mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, at Islamabad, UK.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa greeted the khuddam and first addressed the amir-e-qafila, who introduced the group as khuddam from the USA’s South-East Region. Following this, Huzooraa interacted individually with each khadim, enquiring about their family backgrounds, studies, and careers, etc.
The khuddam then sought Huzoor’saa permission to ask questions, which he graciously granted.
Building a strong Ahmadi Muslim identity among the youth
The first question asked by a khadim was regarding how to instil pride in the Ahmadi Muslim identity among the youth.
Huzooraa said:
“The new generation [of Ahmadis] arriving [in the United States] comprises immigrants from countries such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Malaysia, and so forth. Ask them why they left Pakistan: They left Pakistan because they were deprived of religious freedom. By migrating here [to Western countries], they can at least define themselves as Muslims and practice [Islam]. Therefore, you should explain to those who migrate here in this way that they have emigrated here as Ahmadis in order to live freely as Muslims and to be able to practise their faith. So, be proud to be Muslims.
“As for those who were born here, explain to them that Islam is the religion that Allah the Almighty has defined as the final, complete, and comprehensive sharia, which contains all teachings. Therefore, there is no reason to feel any kind of complex. Currently, apart from the Holy Quran, there is no other religion in the world whose sharia and holy scriptures are still preserved in their original version. This means that the Holy Quran is the only book about which Allah the Exalted has said that it would be preserved and will remain intact for eternity, and Allah has kept His promise. [Surah al-Hijr, Ch. 15: V. 10] This is why we should be proud of the fact that we adhere to a sharia that has still been preserved in its original form for 1,400 years. Furthermore, it has imparted a complete teaching that covers all aspects [of life]. We do not need to suffer from any complex in this regard. Worldly people think that they have achieved material gains and in pursuing material gains, some develop a complex; however, the teaching of Islam is such that it has taught everything to Man. The Holy Quran has taught Man about religion, the world, science, business, and service to humanity. The Holy Quran contains such a complete teaching that it is unparalleled. Allah the Exalted has mentioned in the Holy Quran that people wonder what kind of book the Holy Quran is, as it covers all aspects of life. [Surah al-Kahf, Ch. 18: V. 50] Why would people who adhere to such a scripture suffer from any complex?
“Hence, it is necessary that we express our gratitude to Allah because He has enabled us to be Ahmadi Muslims and has enabled us to accept the Promised Messiahas at this time whose advent had been promised by Allah the Exalted. Therefore, there is no reason for us to suffer from any complex; rather, we should ensure that the world follows us and be their guide. We must encourage the peoples of the world to follow us. Therefore, one must not feel any complex whatsoever.
“Analyse each situation and consider the types of questions that arise [when you speak to others] and answer their questions accordingly. Speak to the missionaries for assistance, and if there is something that they do not understand, write to me.”
Faith vs deeds on the Day of Judgement
Another khadim asked what carries more weight on the Day of Judgement: faith or good deeds.
Huzooraa replied:
“Both are very important. Allah Ta‘ala says that whatever you believe, you [must] practise it. [Surah as-Daff, Ch. 61: V. 3] If you say, ‘I am a Muslim,’ and you are not offering the five daily prayers, then you are not following the instructions and commandments of Allah Ta‘ala, because Allah Ta‘ala says, ‘I have created the jinn and the human beings’ – whether they are well-off, rich, or ordinary, normal people – all of them have been created by Allah Ta‘ala to obey His commandments and worship Him. [Surah adh-Dhariyat, Ch. 51: V. 57] So it is also very important to worship Allah Almighty. At the same time, Allah Ta‘ala says that your prayers will not be accepted if you are not discharging your duties towards your fellow beings and are not giving their due rights to [them]. [Surah al-Ma‘un, Ch. 107: V. 1-8] This is also very important.
“If you are not speaking the truth, and you are a liar, then Allah says that this is not a good deed. If you are not serving humanity, then Allah Almighty says, ‘I am not happy with you.’ If you are not serving your parents, Allah Ta‘ala says, ‘I will not even accept your prayers [in that case].’ [Surah al-Isra’, Ch. 17: V. 24] And if you are not dealing with your fellow beings correctly and living with them amicably, then Allah Ta‘ala says, ‘I will not even accept your prayers.’ So both are important.
“This is why the Promised Messiahas said, ‘I have come for two main purposes: firstly, to bring mankind closer to their Creator; and secondly, to make them understand the duties they owe towards their fellow beings.’ So, these are the two things we have to follow. Allah Ta‘ala says that if you do both of these things, then you will be a perfect Muslim, and He will be happy with you.”
Encouraging khuddam to do tabligh
A khadim sought Huzoor’saa advice on how to encourage khuddam to actively engage in tabligh.
Huzooraa responded:
“They feel shy because they do not have the [necessary] knowledge. This is surely why they feel shy: It is either because they lack knowledge, or they have the complex that people will mock them, or perhaps it is out of fear that by doing tabligh they will be physically assaulted by other people who [would mistake them] for radical Muslims and attack them. It may be a fear of the [authorities] or others; they must rid themselves of this complex.
“Remind them of our teachings and that Allah the Exalted created us for the very purpose of spreading His message to the world. What is the message of Allah the Exalted? Fundamentally, it is love, compassion, peace, and service to humanity: these are our messages.
“Tell them that there are [various] methods for doing tabligh. If you tell an atheist that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is truthful, they will say that it may be true, but that they do not care. This is not considered tabligh. You should tell the atheist that the Holy Quran enjoins us to serve humanity and our fellow beings […], to treat them well, to respect their parents, to take care of your friends, to take care of your neighbours. These are the things that our teachings promote, and they will draw closer accordingly. Tell them that these are the teachings of Islam that Allah the Exalted has provided us in the Holy Quran. There are different methods for doing tabligh and you should teach them these methods, according to the different environments in which they live and the types of people with whom they interact. There are different methods for doing tabligh to atheists; if you tell them that there is only one God, they will say that they do not even believe in God in the first place, so whether there is one or four makes no difference to them; they will say that they accept neither Christianity, nor Judaism, nor Islam. Different situations call for different methods of tabligh.
“This is why, as I said before, the first thing is to set about introducing your entire region, your surroundings, and your friends to the teachings of love and peace of Islam. Then, you can progress little by little from there. In this way, their complex will also vanish. You should also organise seminars where you invite [non-Muslims] and talk about Islam’s viewpoints on contemporary issues. […] People will attend and take interest, and when they [i.e., the khuddam] see outsiders taking an interest in this way, then the complex of your peers will also dissipate. Thus, every year, there should be gatherings, two to three seminars, to interact with outsiders, and you can also invite your own friends who have a complex. Different situations require different decisions to be made, and you should therefore do so accordingly. Masha-Allah, you have fertile minds.”
Balancing career choices with service to humanity
One khadim enquired what advice Huzooraa would give to the youth when choosing career paths that align with both personal passions and the service of humanity.
In response, Huzooraa emphasised that without personal passion for one’s chosen profession, one cannot truly excel. He noted that it is preferable for individuals to select a career in accordance with their personal inclinations and interests.
Explaining further, Huzooraa observed that lawyers can serve humanity and the Jamaat effectively, just as doctors, teachers, and engineers can each contribute to the Community in their own ways. He pointed out that different professions offer different benefits, and each can be of immense value.
However, Huzooraa highlighted that it is ultimately an individual’s personal ambition which drives them to serve the Jamaat, regardless of the profession they choose.
He added that the fundamental teachings of Islam must never be compromised in the pursuit of a career. One’s daily prayers and opportunities to serve humanity must not be neglected. Huzooraa reiterated that any career can be worthwhile if it aligns with personal passion, adheres to Islamic principles, and preserves one’s commitment to worship and serving humanity.
Advancing education and enterprise among Muslims
A khadim asked about the challenges posed by Western governments’ tough stances on immigration.
In response, Huzooraa remarked that if immigrants are well-educated – whether they are Pakistani, Indian, or of another ethnicity – they will be absorbed into society, and even government officials will accept them.
Huzooraa also noted that, for a considerable time, he has been advising Ahmadis to venture into business and develop their enterprises. He advised Ahmadis and Muslims, more broadly, to advance in this field rather than relying on external support that could be withdrawn at a crucial stage – particularly if those providing it harbour any form of personal or ideological hostility. He underscored the value of financial independence for Muslims.
He observed that Muslims in oil-rich nations, whether in the Middle East or elsewhere, often squander their wealth in American casinos instead of investing and gaining control over the economy; subsequently, they end up seeking assistance from Western countries. Others, he said, endeavour to strengthen their own nations, whereas many Muslims seem preoccupied only with their personal finances, focusing on the size of their bank balances. Huzooraa described this as an unfortunate state of affairs.
He went on to say that Muslims should engage in business and that current circumstances make it necessary to adopt a well-prepared approach. He stressed the importance of ensuring that Muslims are not subjected to any external pressures or dictated terms in economic matters.
Huzooraa added that he has repeatedly urged Ahmadis to work hard, pursue education, and acquire the expertise needed in their chosen fields.
He also emphasised the importance of producing outstanding scientists, pointing out that few Muslims earn prestigious accolades such as the Nobel Prize, and that the majority of research publications in America are authored by non-Muslims rather than Muslims. Huzooraa called for serious reflection and action to raise educational standards and enhance skills.
He then mentioned that if Muslims continue to spend recklessly – highlighting that while Ahmadis may not possess much, oil-producing countries have substantial resources – they merely consume their wealth rather than invest it wisely.
Lastly, Huzooraa remarked that unless Muslims come to their senses, little can be done to remedy this situation.
Durood Sharif
Another question pertained to the distinction made in the Durood between the “People of Muhammadsa” and the “People of Ibrahimas.” The khadim asked about the significance of this wording.
Huzooraa explained that this differentiation highlights the blessings conferred upon Prophet Ibrahimas and how those blessings reached their pinnacle in the person of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. He further clarified that every Prophet is granted the full measure of potential Allah has decreed for them, with the Holy Prophetsa possessing the highest potential overall.
Huzooraa stated that Prophet Ibrahimas is described as the Father of Prophets because two major lines of prophethood originated from him – through Prophet Ishaqas and Prophet Isma’ilas. Many Prophets descended from Prophet Ishaqas, and the Holy Prophetsa came from the lineage of Prophet Isma’il as. The greatest manifestation of blessings granted to Prophet Ibrahimas appeared when he raised the foundations of the Ka‘bah, praying that a Prophet be raised among his progeny to fulfil the laws of God. Huzooraa said that Allah the Almighty accepted this prayer by sending forth the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Huzooraa further explained that previous Prophets were largely sent to specific communities, whereas the Holy Prophetsa was appointed for the whole of humanity. Nevertheless, as the entire world has yet to accept Islam, believers continue to recite the durood, asking that the same divine favour shown to Prophet Ibrahimas might be showered upon the Holy Prophetsa, so that his teachings may spread globally. This, Huzooraa emphasised, does not imply that Prophet Ibrahimas holds a higher status than the Holy Prophetsa; rather, the status of the Holy Prophetsa is the highest of all.
To explain this, Huzooraa offered the example of fruit-bearing trees. He noted that while a certain tree might produce a thousand or fifteen hundred fruits, another tree can yield many thousands. The “tree” of Prophet Ibrahimas reached its maximum capacity in terms of divine blessings, whereas the believers now pray that the “tree” of the Holy Prophetsa may bear fruit to its utmost potential – a limit known only to Allah. Huzooraa emphasised that just as Allah granted the fullest measure of potential to Prophet Ibrahimas, believers beseech Him to continue granting unbounded blessings to the Holy Prophetsa according to his unparalleled status. Since Allah the Almighty has promised that Islam will ultimately spread worldwide, it is incumbent upon believers to pray and strive for that universal acceptance.
Huzooraa said that the example of Prophet Ibrahimas is used in the durood because the line of prophethood continued through his descendants, culminating in the Holy Prophetsa. However, Huzooraa pointed out that the divine commission of the Holy Prophetsa as the Prophet for all humanity is an ongoing mission, as Islam continues to spread throughout the world. He explained that the purpose of reciting the durood is to pray for the Holy Prophetsa to receive blessings on the widest scale, as well as to motivate believers to work actively towards conveying his message to every corner of the earth.
Huzooraa then discussed the meaning of the prayer contained within the durood. When reciting phrases such as “salli,” believers invoke Allah’s blessings upon the Holy Prophetsa, asking that reverence for him be instilled in people’s hearts – just as Prophet Ibrahimas was honoured in his time. The subsequent phrase, “Allahumma baarik,” is a plea for these blessings to continue flourishing indefinitely rather than diminishing. This prayer, therefore, seeks that the Holy Prophet’ssa God-given potential be perpetually realised and enhanced by Allah’s grace.
Lastly, Huzooraa stressed that someone who utters the durood sincerely and understands its true significance will not remain idle. Rather, they will be moved to combine heartfelt supplication with concerted efforts to unite humanity under the banner of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Spreading the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat
One khadim referenced Huzoor’saa recent statement that the ultimate objective for Ahmadi men and women is to spread and teach the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat, and asked how this objective could be achieved.
In response, Huzooraa asked whether the khadim was offering all five daily prayers. Upon receiving confirmation, he advised that one should supplicate during these prayers for Allah the Almighty’s help in reaching that goal.
He further explained that individuals should read the Holy Quran, study its meanings, translations, and commentaries, and strive to act upon all its commandments and injunctions. By following every commandment revealed by Allah the Almighty and adhering to the sunnah of the Holy Prophetsa, a person would become a true Muslim. In such a state, continued supplication would attract Allah’s assistance, which, in turn, would make it easier to convey the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Elaborating on what the message of Ahmadiyyat entails, Huzooraa described it as the message of true Islam. He emphasised that the first step is to develop a personal connection with Allah the Almighty and never to neglect any prayer, since all five daily prayers are obligatory and must be offered with complete focus. He then reiterated that reading the Holy Quran and understanding its commandments are essential for putting them into practice and sharing the message with others. This, Huzooraa said, is the only way to successfully spread the message of Islam.
At the conclusion of the session, the khuddam thanked Huzooraa for the blessed opportunity to meet him and briefly shared their experiences. Huzooraa asked them about their stay, including accommodation, travel arrangements to Mubarak Mosque, and meals. The khuddam shared that they had also met some elders of the Jamaat during their visit, which had been both beneficial and enjoyable.
Before departing, a group photograph was taken. Huzooraa then graciously gifted pens to all the khuddam, bringing the mulaqat to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)