Hazrat Khalifatul Masih encourages Ahmadi women to embrace legacy of female companions: Jalsa Salana Germany 2023

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Stuttgart, 2 September 2023: Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived at the Lajna hall for an address at Jalsa Salana, Germany. To commence the formal session, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa called Naushin Islam Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran: Surah an-Nur, Ch.26: V. 31-32. The Urdu translation was read out by Huma Nurul Huda Sahiba. An Urdu poem written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was then presented by Aniqa Shakir Sahiba.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then called Secretary Umur-e-Talibaat to announce the names of those Lajna students who achieved academic excellence.

Huzooraa then came to the podium to deliver his address. After tashahhudta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatiha. Huzooraa said that at the Jalsa Salana UK, he spoke of the excellent examples of some pious Muslim ladies. He said, he would continue to narrate further such incidents in his address.

Huzooraa said, they sacrificed their lives and wealth for Islam and showed great levels of bravery. These women created examples for not just Muslim women but for men too. These incidents should be a means of increasing our faith, and thus, Huzooraa said, we should listen to them closely and make them a part of our lives. 

With regard to obedience to Allah, it is narrated about Hazrat Hafsara that she was someone who would keep many fasts and would offer a lot of prayers at night for Allah’s sake. To attain high levels of worship, she would try her utmost to excel more than the men as well.

Huzooraa explained that as believers, we should emulate each other in terms of increasing faith, not in worldly matters. This is what the Companions did. 

Hazrat Umm Habibahra narrated, that she heard Allah’s Messengersa say, “Whoever prays twelve (voluntary) rak‘at in a day and a night, a house will be built for them in Paradise due to them (the rak‘at).” Since the Holy Prophetsa said this, she has never missed these voluntary prayers.

With regard to financial sacrifices, it is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbasra that “The Prophetsa offered a two-rak‘at prayer on Eid day, and he did not offer any (nawafil) before or after it. He then went towards the women, with Bilal[ra] accompanying him, and ordered them to give alms. And so the women started giving their earrings, etc.”

Huzooraa said that Ahmadi women carry out these kinds of sacrifices today as well and, as a result, are blessed in countless ways.

The Holy Prophetsa would encourage women to engage in beneficial activities and avoid useless ones. Huzooraa said some Ahmadi women write to him and ask if they can study music and other similar subjects. However, they must realise these things are useless; one should do things that are useful [for humanity].

The female companions of the Holy Prophetsa would try their utmost to carry out every good deed. Hence, it is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbasra, “A woman from the tribe of Juhaina came to the Prophetsa and said, ‘My mother had vowed to perform Hajj, but she died before performing it. May I perform Hajj on my mother’s behalf?’ The Prophetsa replied, ‘Perform Hajj on her behalf. Had there been a debt to your mother, would you have paid it? So, pay Allah’s debt, as He has more right to be paid.’” 

It is written in history that one of the very first martyrs of Islam was a woman:  Hazrat Sumayyara. The kuffar would torture her, once putting her in metal chains and throwing her outside in the scorching sun. The Prophetsa saw this and told her family to be patient. In the end, Abu Jahl murdered her in a barbaric way, and therefore history has it that she was the first female martyr of Islam. 

During the time when Abdullah bin Zubairra fought Hajjaj, he met his mother, Hazrat Asmara, who was ill. She told him that she would not be content unless one of two things were fulfilled:

1. “Either you become a martyr and I remain patient.”

2. “Or you are victorious so that my eyes are cooled.”

Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubairra was martyred and Hajjaj put him on a cross. She went to see him and instead of crying, she looked at Hajjaj and prayed regarding her son’s bravery. 

Once Hazrat Asma bint Abu Bakrra said: “When Allah’s Messengersa and Abu Bakrra made the hijrah, a group of Quraysh – including Abu Jahl – came to us and stood at the door of Abu Bakr’sra house. So I went out to them. They said: ‘Where is your father, O daughter of Abu Bakrra.’ I said: ‘By Allah, I do not know where my father is.’ So Abu Jahl, who was a vulgar and vile man, raised his hand and slapped my cheek, causing my earring to fall to the ground. And they left.”

Huzooraa narrated the arduous difficulties that Hazrat Umm-e-Salamara faced and asked all Ahmadis whether or not they were making sacrifices and enduring difficulties for the sake of their faith in the same way,

Hazrat Umm Salamara  narrated:

“When Abu Salama had decided to set out for Medina, he saddled his camel for me and mounted me on it together with my son, who was in my arms.

“Then he set out leading the camel. When the men of Ibn al-Mughira bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar bin Makhzoom saw him, they got up and said: So far as you are concerned, you can do what you like, but what about your wife? Do you suppose that we shall let you take her away?’

“So they snatched the camel’s rope from his hand and took me from him. Abu Salama’s family, the Ibn ‘Abdul Asad, were angry at this and said: ‘You will not leave our son with her seeing (that) you have torn her from our tribesman. So they dragged my little boy Salama between them (and were pulling him apart amongst themselves) until they dislocated his arm, and the Ibn al-Asad took him away, while the (tribe of) Ibn al-Mughira kept me with them, and my husband Abu Salama went to Medina.

“Thus, I was separated from my husband and my son. I used to go out every morning and sit in the valley weeping continuously until a year or so had passed when one of my cousins of Ibn al-Mughira passed and saw my plight and took pity on me.

“He said to his tribesmen, ‘Why don’t you let this poor woman go? You have separated husband, wife, and child.’ So they said to me, ‘You can join your husband if you like’; and then Ibn ‘Abdul Asad restored my son to me. So I saddled my camel, took my son, and carried him in my arms. Then I set forth to make it to my husband in Medina.

“Not a soul was with me. I thought that I could get food from anyone I met on the road until I reached my husband. When I was in Ta’nim, I met ‘Uthman bin Talha bin Abu Talha, brother of Ibn ‘Abdud Dar, who asked me where I was going and if I was all alone. I told him that except for Allah and my little boy, I was alone. He said that I ought not to be left helpless like that, and he took hold of the camel’s halter and went along with me.

“Never have I met an Arab more noble than he. When we halted, he would make the camel kneel for me and then withdraw; when we reached a stopping place, he would lead my camel away, unload it, and tie it to a tree. Then he would go away from me and lie down under a tree.

“When evening came, he would bring the camel and saddle it, then go behind me and tell me to ride; and when I was firmly established in the saddle, he would come and take the halter and lead it until he brought me to a halt. This he did all the way to Madinah.

“When he saw a village of Ibn ‘Amr bin ‘Auf in Quba’ he said: ‘Your husband is in this village (Abu Salama was there at that time), so enter it with the blessing of Allah.’ Then he went off on his way back to Mecca.

“She used to say, By Allah, I do not know a family in Islam that suffered what the family of Abu Salama did. Nor have I ever seen a nobler man than ‘Uthman bin Talha.”

Huzooraa said many of the women sitting in front of me have also migrated here for the sake of their faith. They should ask themselves if they are also following these examples and giving precedence to their faith over the world.

Hazrat Safiyyara (the sister of Hazrat Hamzara) migrated with Hazrat Zubairra to Medina. When Muslims suffered temporary setback during the Battle of Uhud, she immediately left Medina to see the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa instructed that she was not allowed to see the body of her brother, Hazrat Hamzara. However, when she heard of this, Hazrat Safiyyara expressed that she already knew how the disbelievers had treated the body of her brother and made it clear that it was no great sacrifice for Islam in her eyes. The Prophetsa allowed her to see the body then, which was in a very bad state. After seeing it, she remained in control of her emotions and prayed for the forgiveness of her brother. 

A young female Muslim opposed her mother, who was going against an instruction given by Hazrat Umarra. At the time, Hazrat Umarra was listening to this young girl and got his son, Hazrat Asimra married to her. It is said Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Azizrh was from the children of this Muslim girl. 

According to this narration, one night, Hazrat Umarra walked through the narrow streets of Medina in silence, observing the state of his people. As he passed by one mud-brick home, two voices caught his attention. Both were female: one older and hardened by life; the other, youthful and quietly determined.

“Tomorrow, when you take the milk to sell,” said the older voice – a mother’s voice – “Mix it with water. We’ll make more money for less milk when today you sold all the milk and brought back only a meagre profit.”

“Mother!” the younger woman exclaimed. “We cannot do such a thing. Didn’t you hear the Amirul Momineen, Hazrat Umarra, prohibit everyone from doing so?”

“And where is the Commander of the Believers now?” retorted her mother. “Even if he can’t see us, Allah surely sees us,” the daughter responded firmly.

Huzooraa stated that Ahmadi women should follow the directives of Khalifatul Masih in this manner, whilst maintaining an unwavering faith in the omnipresence of Allah.

With regard to purdah, Huzooraa said Allah has instructed women to hide their beauty from non-Mahram men and to keep their gazes low. However, these instructions do not mean that women should be kept like prisoners. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that Islam never instructs that women should be confined within their homes, nor did Muslim women in the early days of Islam practise such seclusion. On the contrary, they would attend the sermons of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, participate in battles, tend to the wounded, engage in horse-riding, and both learn from and educate men. Regarding Hazrat Aishara, it is well-established that she would narrate the ahadith of the Holy Prophetsa to men. In essence, they enjoyed complete practical freedom. They were only commanded to cover the parts of their faces and necks connected to the head so that the paths leading to sin might remain closed. If they could exercise further caution, they were advised to don a niqab. However, the notion that they should remain confined to their homes and be detached from all educational and developmental activities is not a teaching of Islam.

The Holy Prophetsa would make the Companions compete with one another, for example, in horse riding races, archery, and other examples of strength. During one such display, the Prophetsa said to Hazrat Aishara that she could also watch this display. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra said this narration shows us that Muslim women should not fear elements of warfare or get scared by seeing a sword, etc. They should be brave and courageous women.

Huzooraa said that in a previous address, he said that the niqab was not an Islamic injunction. However, women should not take this to mean they are free to just wrap their heads and go out in normal clothes. This is certainly not the case. They must wear a covering over their bodies and hide their beauty in public. 

Huzooraa spoke of the relationship between a daughters-in-law and a mothers-in-law. Hazrat Fatimara, the daughter of the Prophetsa, would take great care of her mother-in-law who was also named Hazrat Fatima (the mother of Hazrat Fatima). Hazrat Fatimara (the daughter of the Holy Prophetsa) would not let her mother-in-law work in the house a lot and would take care of the matters herself. She would serve her, let her rest, fulfil her needs, wash her clothes, give her food, and help in every other aspect of the house. 

Hazrat Fatima’sra own mother-in-law said that she believed that she did not think any other daughter-in-law helped her mother-in-law as much as Hazrat Fatimara did. She continued by saying that her daughter-in-law was extremely helpful and truly thought of her as her mother. 

Huzooraa said from this it is clear that women should be the caretakers of the house and men, the breadwinners. When this balance of responsibilities is in place, beautiful atmospheres in our homes will be created, and children will be raised in a good manner.

Speaking on the bravery of early Muslim women, Huzooraa narrated that, Hazrat Zirarra was captivated by the Romans and could not be freed by the Muslims. A lot of attempts were made, but they were futile. Hazrat Khalidra was planning a rescue, and during the preparations, he saw a warrior rider on a red camel who was walking in front of the Muslim army who was approaching the disbelievers. This lone rider attacked the disbelievers fiercely and created piles of disbelievers among the Romans. The rider fought alone, and no Roman could get near them. People thought the rider was Hazrat Khalidra, but he was not.

Hazrat Khalidra himself was perplexed over who this rider was. Hazrat Khalidra met the rider and said to them that they had taken their anger out on Allah’s enemies and therefore wanted to know their identity. The rider remained silent and continued to fight. Hazrat Khalidra pushed the person to reveal their identity. The warrior said they were not remaining silent out of disobedience but because she was a woman. She said she was the sister of Hazrat Zirarra and would join the Muslims in releasing her brother. 

Ultimately, Hazrat Khalidra and the Muslim army reached the Romans and asked for Hazrat Zirarra. They informed him that Hazrat Zirarra had created havoc among the Roman army and was sent as a captive to a Roman king. Hazrat Khalidra sent Hazrat Rafayra in pursuit, and Hazrat Khaulara said she would be remaining with them. They reached the disbelievers who had captivated Hazrat Zirarra

Hazrat Zirarra was reciting couplets in which he was asking God to inform his people and his sister that he was a captive tied up. Huzooraa said this showed he knew of the bravery of her sister, who would come in an instant if she had found out. While he was saying these couplets, Hazrat Khaulara was nearby and said in a loud voice, “Allah’s help has come, I am your sister Khaula”. She raised a slogan of Allah’s greatness and attacked along with the Muslims who killed the Romans. Hazrat Khaulara untied her brother’s ropes and greeted him.

Huzooraa also spoke of a great woman who lost her husband, son, and brother but remained a strong fortress of patience. It was the mother of Hazrat Khalladra, Hazrat Hind bint-e-Amrra. In the Battle of Uhud, she put her brother, husband, and son on a camel and brought them back to Medina, but was told that according to Allah’s instructions, the Uhud martyrs should be buried on the battlefield of Uhud. She thus took the bodies of her husband, son, and brother back to Uhud, where they were buried. Previously, when she found out about the death of her close family, she showed great patience and worried only about the health of the Holy Prophetsa

Hazrat Umme Umarahra fought with great bravery in the Battle of Uhud. Huzooraa said we narrate Hazrat Alira fought valiantly in Uhud but so did Hazrat Umme Umarahra. The Holy Prophetsa said himself that he saw Hazrat Umme Umarahra fighting to his left and right during the battle of Uhud. She was also severely injured during this battle.

With regard to these great women, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that once the women said to the Prophetsa that the men were not greater than them, and thus they would also partake in battles. The Holy Prophetsa gave permission and also gave this lady a part of the booty of war, despite the men questioning why she was being given it. 

Huzooraa said the Muslim women would also go to war to help the injured. 

Hazrat Aishara also led a whole army after the time of the Holy Prophetsa and she did so because she was well aware of warfare. Huzooraa said that she later realised that the war was wrong and retreated, but the fact is that she knew how to fight. 

Huzooraa said the female companions would partake in Jihad of the time, they were brave and would learn every skill. They would not merely sit at home. Huzooraa said:

“The Jihad of this age is the Jihad of the pen, to spread literature, and to preach. Thus, it is the task of women to fully partake in tabligh and equip themselves with skills that will enable them to carry out tabligh. They would learn the Quran, gain religious knowledge, and attain knowledge from the books of the Promised Messiahas and the ahadith. And they should also mould their morals according to Islamic teachings – it is then that they will be able to serve Islam. […] Always remember that to attain a high target, sacrifices are needed.”

Huzooraa said Ahmadi women must never get trapped in any kind of complex in terms of their faith. They should be the ones leading the world by example.

In the end, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayer, which were followed by various choral poems, presented by members of Lajna Imaillah.

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